"血管細胞"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

血管細胞 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

マクロファージという 毛細血管を流れる細胞を
So we set out by looking at how these molecules are put together.
再び細胞で埋めます 最初 患者自身の血管細胞
And we then can re perfuse the liver with cells, preserving the blood vessel tree.
You place the muscle cells on the outside.
And what we do is we, to make a blood vessel, same strategy.
体のどこの細胞でも 近くには血管があります
And in fact, every cell in our body has a little blood vessel that's near by.
皮膚細胞 腸細胞 血球などがその例です
And, there are other frequently dividing cells in your body
Because we'd rather take those cells which already know that those are the cell types you want.
地球を2周する長さです 一番細い血管は毛細血管で
End to end, that would form a line that would circle the earth twice.
真の毛細血管です ここでは 真毛細血管 と呼びましょう
So, all these guys over here, these are the true capillaries.
この血管が形成してしまうと ガン細胞は大きくなり 周囲の細胞もやられてしまいます 腫瘍を大きくさせる同じ血管が
And once those vessels invade the cancer, it can expand, it can invade local tissues, and the same vessels that are feeding tumors allow cancer cells to exit into the circulation as metastases.
Then you start to take a look at adult life.
それで これがつま先の細胞にいく血管だ 細胞を描くよ ついにつま先まできたんだ
Nah, let's draw four, just for fun.
これは 白い血液細胞です
Part of the human immune system.
細胞が生きていくために この近くには血管があります
And you can think about any part of the body that you could be. Let's say a little toe cell. So let's say you're a toe cell and your job, of course, is to live and be happy,and you've got near by, a little blood vessel.
血管が閉じてしまい 下流の細胞に酸素がいきわたらない
When it happens, you are significantly depleting the blood flow going downstream from there.
The walls are covered with villi where nutrient absorption takes place.
To rule out fetal blood cells.
血管は高速道路みたいなものだということです 腫瘍細胞は血管を使って移動できるので
And the first thing that makes me think is that blood vessels are like highways for the tumor cells.
何百もの毛細血管が 酸素と栄養分を ガン細胞に運んでいるのがわかります
And under the microscope, you can see hundreds of these brown stained blood vessels, capillaries that are feeding cancer cells, bringing oxygen and nutrients.
近くにある血管にも血流はありません つま先の細胞が老廃物を排出すると
So, even though there's a blood vessel near by, really, no flow is happening, so I'll just write no flow .
細胞のない 形だけの肝臓です その肝臓を 血管樹を維持したまま
You can hold it like a liver, but it has no cells it's just a skeleton of the liver.
ガン細胞に血管が届かないようにすれば 腫瘍は大きくなれません しかし 血管新生が始まってしまうと
In fact, if you actually block angiogenesis and prevent blood vessels from ever reaching cancer cells, tumors simply can't grow up.
もともと血管新生抑制の作用があり 体の防御システムを高めて ガン細胞を増やす血管をやっつけるものです
What could we be adding to our diet that's naturally antiangiogenic, and that could boost the body's defense system, and beat back those blood vessels that are feeding cancers?
私に多くを与えた贈り物 脳腫瘍です 正確には 血管芽細胞腫でした
It was a rare gem a brain tumor, hemangioblastoma the gift that keeps on giving.
皮膚細胞を採取し それを 肝細胞 心筋細胞 腎細胞 脳細胞のいずれにも
You probably know, if you've been paying attention to some of the science literature that you can now take a skin cell and encourage it to become a liver cell or a heart cell or a kidney cell or a brain cell for any of us.
内視鏡や血管内視鏡も 作ることができるでしょう もちろん 細胞や血液があるので
Or we can build endoscopes that can see deep inside the body around occluders, and also for cardioscopes.
テーマに決めました 毛細血管壁の表面に触れることで そこにある細胞から情報を得て
We worked with a theme, which is, you've got macrophages that are streaming down a capillary, and they're touching the surface of the capillary wall, and they're picking up information from cells that are on the capillary wall, and they are given this information that there's an inflammation somewhere outside, where they can't see and sense.
この辺の細胞が生殖細胞になる 生殖細胞は
So in a male, you have some germ cells, so some of these cells turn into germ cells.
So where is the blood gonna go?
心細胞 筋細胞 脳細胞 細胞は 驚くべき調和と組織的な働きにより
Each one plays a particular role a heart cell, a muscle cell, a brain cell.
気管から細胞を取り除き 彼女から取った幹細胞をその気管に塗布しました こうして自分の気管を再生したあと
So, a Spanish woman who was dying of T.B. had a donor trachea, they took all the cells off the trachea, they spraypainted her stem cells onto that cartilage.
様々な異なる細胞型 例えば 心臓細胞 肝臓細胞
The observation that stem cells, as master cells, could give rise to a whole variety of different cell types heart cells, liver cells, pancreatic islet cells captured the attention of the media and the imagination of the public.
細胞膜 全ての細胞が この細胞膜を持っている
Եկեք դա նշեմ բջջային թաղանթ
They're proteins that are controlling things like ion channel movement.
The smallest blood vessels are called capillaries.
そのため 私達が 真毛細血管 と呼ぶとき
Let me actually just gonna call them that.
And all that systemic means is that I'm refering to the entire body.
幸いだったのは ヘアリー細胞白血病の薬として
I checked myself into a hospital and they told me I had hepatitis C.
No thanks, I'd actually rather store this energy.
成体幹細胞です 成体幹細胞は
Fat derived stem cells are adult stem cells.
細胞に酸素を供給するという点からは 冠状血管は体全体の循環だと言えます
Well if the main job is to serve the needs of cells, then the coronary vessels fall under the systmic flow.
He had many capillaries burst in his legs.
We've got 19 billion of them in our bodies.
患者から取り出して育てられない細胞があります 肝細胞 神経細胞 膵臓細胞
But even now, 2011, there's still certain cells that we just can't grow from the patient.
この細胞も つま先の細胞と同様 酸素や栄養素を必要とし 老廃物も出します ですからそれを供給する血管が必要なのです
I mean remember, the heart is made up of thousands and thousands, actually tens of thousands of cells and those cells, just like our toe cell that we drew, they also need oxygen, nutrients, and have waste.


関連検索 : 血管内皮細胞 - 細管細胞 - 毛細血管内皮細胞 - 管細胞 - 造血細胞 - 尿細管細胞 - 白血病細胞 - 血単核細胞 - 血液細胞レベル - 造血幹細胞 - 白血病細胞 - 造血幹細胞 - 末梢血細胞 - 血液幹細胞