"製薬"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

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インターパス 製薬会社の
まず 薬の構造や製薬方法 つまり 薬の開発や製造を考慮する 必要があります 薬の開発後に製造ができれば
But to take baby steps to get there, first of all we want to look at drug design and production, or drug discovery and manufacturing.
This is very, very exciting.
But take the example of heparin.
That still doesn't make sense.
Pharmaceutical research division.
製薬製品の製造は 中国の職人のいる 作業場で始まります
Heparin a blood thinner, a pharmaceutical product starts out in artisanal workshops
We say no. WilPharma must...
マッシブ ダイナミクは 製薬部門を3つ持ち
Massive dynamic has three separate Pharmaceutical divisions.
製薬会社の特許を認めない国もありました 従ってインドの製薬会社は いわゆる一般的な医薬品
There were countries that did not recognize pharmaceutical product patents, such as India, and Indian pharmaceutical companies started to produce so called generic versions,
Not enough for the drug companies to make a profit.
製薬業界はある種の薬は 血圧を上げるんじゃないか
Um, in the 1960s, when contraception was first ah, made available,
And they need to have access to all of the trial data.
それは 製薬会社が大量の薬品を生産しようとするとき
What is this even useful for?
規制薬物法に該当する 薬物の製造は 第二級の重罪となる
Manufacture of a Schedule lI controlled substance is a second degree felony.
My older brother is planning to work at a drug factory.
Pigs are quite like us.
このGlowCapsという製品は 薬を飲むよう促すため
It's something that people don't do very well.
だから仕事を探し 製薬会社に勤めたんです
麻薬精製と販売の阻止は 最優先事項であり
Stopping the manufacture and sale of methamphetamines remains one of our highest priorities.
その犯罪とは 何を指しているのか 製薬会社の 薬効の誇大広告なのか
So before you talk to people about there's too much crime in the world, ask them what they mean by crime.
彼女は世界で始めて 非営利の製薬会社を起こし 最初の製品は 黒熱病 と呼ばれる内臓リーシュマニア症の 治療薬でした
And somebody like Dr. Victoria Hale, who started the world's first nonprofit pharmaceutical company, and whose first drug will be fighting visceral leishmaniasis, also known as black fever.
我々は製薬会社や化粧品会社によって 製品をテストするよう依頼されてます
Well, we're commissioned by pharmaceutal and cosmetic companies to test their products.
ウィルファーマ製薬会社の反対者 カーティス ミラー博士 営業妨害で告発され損害を請求されました ウィルファーマ製薬会社の提案者に対し脅しを懸け
Dr. Curtis Miller, a longtime opponent of the WilPharma research facility was arrested and charged with obstruction of business and issuing threats to proponents of WilPharma's ex...
製薬会社を潤わせる啓発活動です 患者にもっと多くの薬を飲ませる活動です
So what we are doing, raising awareness, so that we can feed the pharmaceutical companies!
もちろんわかります 大きな製薬会社が嫌だからです
Why do we do that? Why do we do that?
実はこれは偽者で 本当の製薬の宣伝ではありません
This is a pharmaceutical ad.
この金属製の座薬が 人類の到達点だなんて勘弁だぜ
I sure hope that a gigantic metallic suppository is not the pinnacle of human achievement.
インドの企業にアウトソーシングし そこから 世界中の市場の 製品を販売しています 例えば製薬業界は
Indian companies to do a major part of their product development work for their global products which are going to be sold to the entire world.
リュボーフィ製薬はRUD 390と呼ばれている 物質のサンプルも手に入れてます
Lubov Pharmaceuticals also procured a sample of a substance called RUD390.
薬よ 薬よ
The medicine is here.
中国人は 製鉄 印刷 火薬といった技術の先駆者だったのです
China was the world's high technology leader.
製薬会社の代表者を集め これを何とかしよう と訴えました
And the Government Research Bureau brought representatives together and told them that this is something that has to be done.
製薬会社ならここから先は どうするだろうかと考えました
So we started to wonder, what would a drug company do at this point?
製薬業界が特許をどう使っているか見ると かなり様相が違ってきます アメリカ食品医薬品局での
What is more, when we see how the pharmaceutical industry uses the patents they have, we see something very different.
工場の購入資金は マラリア治療薬Coartemの 原料確保に熱心な 製薬会社ノバルティスの 寛容な資本も充てられました
They buy it, they dry it and they bring it to this factory, which was purchased in part by, again, patient capital from Novartis, who has a real interest in getting the powder so that they can make Coartem.
環境の保全 想像できないような効能を持つ 新薬や新製品 環境の保全 想像できないような効能を持つ 新薬や新製品 それらが全て失われます
Huge potential sources of scientific information yet to be gathered, much of our environmental stability and new kinds of pharmaceuticals and new products of unimaginable strength and value all thrown away.
私の学生時代から始まりました 実は 学生の頃 私は製薬会社の
And this kind of relationship between designer and scientist started when I was at school.
それと かすかな化学薬品の匂い でも 高価なイタリア製のスーツを着てる
That,uh,faint scent of chemicals but an expensive Italian suit.
つまり 製薬業界は 特許で独占することで 得たお金を使って 新しい治療薬の開発をするのではなく
And more than three quarters of research goes into Me Too patents, which means that the money the pharmaceutical industry gets through the monopoly that we give them with their patents is used not to find new cures, but to develop further monopolies.
お爺さん  お薬 薬
Grandpa! Grandpa!
This product is made in Italy.
製造あるいは生産をすることを排除できます たとえば ARVsなどの高価な医薬品の安価な製品の生産を
When you have a patent, you can exclude anyone else from making, from producing or making
利用可能な形式で全てのデータを 製薬会社から得て この薬が有効かどうかを 判断できるようにしようと
The infectious diseases Cochrane Group, which are based in Italy, has been trying to get the full data in a usable form out of the drug companies so that they can make a full decision about whether this drug is effective or not, and they've not been able to get that information.