"西 北"の翻訳 英語に:

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

That's Why I'm here.
Nord Ouest
McMillan Training Center North Range
North West
Northern Areas
North West Frontier Province
Did they say where exactly?
In the northwest valley.
You see, you've got solar and wind opportunity all across the nation.
Or take the battle in Afghanistan.
緯35. 04 西経116.
At exactly 11 05 a.m. today at 35.04 north and 116.49 west you'll see an arrogant and greedy person punished with death and you will know I am serious. Signed, Joe Q Public.
にはスコットランド 南にイングランド 西にウェールズ そして さらに西にはアイルランド
In the north, there's Scotland in the south, England in the west, Wales and further west, Northern Ireland.
That's the northwest corner of our baby.
Look what happened by 2000 to the average call.
西洋 午前7時13分
North Atlantic, 07 13 AM
場所は西オーストラリアの西部 とても良い所です
I'm going to ask you to live there for a few months, so make sure you've got it right.
西 西 北 北 東 東 東として 100に陥るリスクを取ることなく移動できます
You can convince yourself if you go south, find ourselves eventually in state C3, and then go west, west, north, north, east, east, east.
イギリス西部の ディグルスという村と
She goes on over Skype and she sorts things out.
に崖 東と西に山がある
We got the cliffs to the north, mountains to the east and the west.
東 南は包囲した 西側は
We got perimeters set up on the north, east and south sides. The west side is open.
It was Elrond who sent us hither in haste.
では 緯93 17 4 西緯148 21だ
You may come in at 83174 North 14821West.
ここから西へ200マイル アビレーネの
It's about 200 miles west of here, just north of Abilene.
大至急送ってくれ 西30キロ.
That ship's in contact. 20 miles
Orcs are increasing North and East of Taurdal.
場所はセントジェームズ 広場の西だろう
Located, northwest corner St. James square I think
西 東から選んでください
I wish to know what is the optimal action in the corner set over here, A1, and I give you 4 choices, north, south, west, and east.
私はナミビア西部の 田舎出身です
Namibia has got 2.1 million people, but it is only twice the size of California.
マッピングしたものです アメリカと西欧に
A this is a map of articles in Wikipedia that have been geo coded.
西から入ってきていました スコットランドやウェールズから 都市の西部に入ってきましたので
So much of London's meat was coming from the northwest, from Scotland and Wales.
こちらはニシブッポウソウ インド西部にいるので
And this guy, the roller, a rather beautiful bird.
西 東で4つの行為があります
The cost of motion is 5. The terminal state is worth 100 as indicated.
リチャード キンブルは町の 西地区で姿が見られ
Let's arrange for a news bulletin to be broadcast by the local stations.
We'll enter through the northwest of the building.
緯0度 赤道上を南南西へ進行中
Zero degrees north, heading southsouthwest over the equator.
スペイン西まで800キロ 何千年も続いてる
800 kilometers on the northwestern coast of Spain, for over a thousand years.
特に上手く採集できた西洋地域 海 そして米東海岸のものです
Now what you can see is we've sampled the area in the North Atlantic, in the North Sea in particular, and also the east coast of North America fairly well.
Not at this time of year.
約百万平方キロメートルに及び 現在のパキスタン 西インド
It occupied the area of approximately one million square kilometers, covering what is now Pakistan,
西部の農地の 土地台帳はどこです
Could you tell me where the plat books for the northwest valley are?
夕暮れに 西からの大きなうねりが
Sunset patrol. Epic northeast swell.
Ecuador is a country situated in the northwest part of South America.
ハリケーンのカトリーナの年で 西洋では史上最多の
2005, when I did the Atlantic, was the year of Hurricane Katrina.