"諜報"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

They found something called Facebook.
That ain't right. We caught you in one of your training sessions.
諜報員のスミス アメリカCIAだ
I'm Agent Smith... of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
Okay, so, human intelligence entails
Ops field agent?
我々の諜報局はヴァルカン諜報員から 情報を引き出す経験が豊富でね
Our security division has had a great deal of experience extracting information from Vulcan operatives.
最後に 諜報関係です
This is about being up front with these guys and gals.
She always works hard.
これぞ 諜報連絡 だぜ
I hope your friends at the agency don't mind. You see?
今しも 超シリアスな 諜報活動が... ! ?
So this may be over your head, but is there's some serious, serious superspy stuff going on here.
But the intel was false.
諜報機関か 好きな言葉だな
Liaison, I love that word, don't you?
将軍達 僕らの諜報を持ってた
Generals, they had all our intel.
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
サイバー諜報戦の一環で 先進的設計を
High tech manufacturing is occurring on most continents.
諜報員は スケジュール通り には動けんのだ
Agents are not aeroplanes, you know. They don't have schedules.
諜報員との連絡が... 途絶えていて
Well, we lost the communication with our man.
だからか 諜報部が... やったワカった...
We discovered that by altering the encoded chip in the X1 video game, classified information can be transferred undetected.
君は以前 イギリス諜報部の 部員だったね
You were formerly employed by the British Secret Service, were you not?
今 丁度諜報機関からの 情報を受け取ったとこだ
I just received an intelligence report.
諜報要員が発見され 私たちに語った
We had eliminated most shooters enemies in this area.
And then, this time last year,
About a shindig down by the river, and the arrest of eight secret service men from a certain country.
ヨーロッパの諜報機関で有名だな 大博打だな
諜報部は 休戦中に 敵の大作戦がある と
A bro in intelligence says Charlie might try to pull off something big during Tet.
She works for French intelligence.
Enlists exmilitary and intelligence operatives, jobs them out to clients.
私の諜報ソースによれば フィフス カラム と名乗っていると
My intel says they call themselves the Fifth Column.
諜報員に金を与え 作戦を 動かしたというのは
He paid him, christened the operation, personally supervised the case.
諜報よりグリーヴァスのスパイがうちらの 通信を傍受してる
Our intelligence has confirmed that Grievous' spies have been intercepting our transmissions.
リーメックに諜報部の 記録ファイルを 閲覧する許可を 与えた者
Who proposed that Riemeck should be appointed secretary to the Presidium with access to all its secrets?
What do intelligence agencies want to consult a psychatrist about?
私の諜報ソースによれば ビジターにテロ攻撃を仕掛けようと
My intel says they were planning a terrorist attack against the visitors.
それで 全世界の諜報員の 氏名がわかったわけだね
So, you knew the names of British agents all over the world?
そして米国の諜報関係の婦人と紳士よ ありがとう
And a warm thank you to the US intelligence community, ladies and gentlemen.
It's possible that Andorian agents have penetrated the High Command.
諜報部に18年も 仕えたのに 18分で追い出されたんだぞ
I worked for the service for 18 years, then they kicked me out as if it had been 18 minutes.
リーマスは イギリス諜報部を 解雇されてから 堕落の道を たどる演技を
We maintain that Leamas was dismissed from the British Secret Service so that he should exhibit those symptoms of physical and moral decline which would deceive our London agents into thinking he was a potential defector.
諜報機関によって気密室に閉じ込められ 忍耐が切れた事
When he dropped a patient in an air tight room surrounded by secret service agents.
これは 何 The jealous exhusband or the intelligence officer ? 嫉妬の 元夫 又は 諜報職員として ?
The jealous exhusband or the intelligence officer?
彼は上級諜報員だった 何でも知りえる立場だったわけだ
He was a senior operative. He knew everything.
諜報機関は アメリカ人どもが 反撃の準備をしていると言っている
Intelligence suggests the Americans are preparing a counterattack.
NSAなどの諜報機関が集める情報は 作戦が遂行できるか どういう手段が可能かです
Talk a little bit about how the American surveillance state actually functions. Does it target the actions of Americans?
こうした諜報機関などのコミュニティーの システム管理者という優位な立場にいれば
Walk people through that decision making process.