"警護"の翻訳 英語に:
辞書 日本-英語
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
警護に来ました | I'm here to help you,ma'am. |
警護は必要ですよ | We need these people. It's hard enough getting people that we know to help us. |
何を警護するんだい | Thank you. Security of what? |
大統領の警護はどこだ | Where are the president's guards? |
市警の援護も準備しろ | And be prepared to back up metro. |
俺たちは外で警護してた | Left the rest of us outside to guard. |
2人の身辺警護だ 総監は | Protective custody. where's the commissioner? |
いえ 警護車両をかばった | you weren't protecting the van? |
マトボ夫妻を警護しててくれ | I want you to stay with the motobos. Make sure they're safe. |
ウィバーさんを24時間警護する | I'm putting 24hour protection on Ms. Weaver. |
また警護をお願いするわ | Mind my security, I'll manage my private life. |
彼女は警察に保護を求めた | She asked the police for protection. |
元シークレットサービス 警護の腕はお墨付きだ | John is former Secret Service,Patty. He couldn't come with a higher recommendation. |
周辺に異常なし パパ ベア を警護 | Perimeter stable. Got a bead on Papa Bear. All clear. |
警護部隊が来るまではダメです | Not until I get you a security detail. |
警官も弁護士も皆 従順だった | These cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross any of you. |
お前は弁護士じゃない 警官だ I. | You're a cop, not a lawyer. |
私があなたの警護を担当するの | Just the two of you? I'm going to be handling your security. |
ジャーナリストや選挙監視員を 警護しました | journalists, electoral advisers. |
保護者や教師 警察官 牧師 猟師やスポーツマン | This will not happen, unless the American people demand it. |
スタン あんたには 大統領以上の警護が | Stan, you've got more cover on you than the president. |
警報機を忘れず 外出は護衛をつけろ | Keep the scanners on. Don't go anyplace without a bodyguard. |
すぐにロス市警と 空からの援護を頼む | We need L.A.P.D. and air support now! |
身辺警護です ビルの隅々まで捜索します | I want a floorbyfloor search of the entire building. |
それとも残って 警察の保護を頼むかい | Or stay. And volunteer for protective custody. |
誰かに警護されて走るなんて マドンナみたい | It's ridiculous. Run with me. I feel like Madonna. |
自分の共犯者を 警察の保護下に置けと | You You want your criminal associate taken into police custody? |
市民の命より 自警者の保護を優先するか | You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of citizens? |
君は看護兵を傷つけた 警備員 他の患者も | You've injured orderlies. Guards. Other patients. |
武装警護付で防弾も完璧 おまけに 磁気ロックだ | This is an armed caravan, completely bulletproof, magnetic locks. |
秋山 困ってんなら 警察か弁護士にでも 相談しろよ | If you're in trouble, go and tell the police or your lawyer. |
援護 援護 | Let's go let's go let's go! |
彼はエンジニアたちを警護して 水や電子機器を バグダッドの人々に届け | The skills he learned as a soldier were used to protect engineers, bringing water and electricity to the longsuffering people of Baghdad, to protect doctors, surgeons, experts in child nutrition, |
看護師! 看護師! | I'm her assistant. ( coughing continues ) Nurse! |
軍隊は国の敵と戦います 警官は人々に貢献し護る事です | One fights the enemy of the state. The other serves and protects the people. |
首相官邸と警護特務部隊に知らせ 戦術部隊の緊急出動を | I'll alert the prime minister's security detail and scramble a tac team. |
彼等の社会を守る仕事をする人達 弁護士 裁判官 警察官 医者 | Those who've been trained, whose job it is to be the guardians of their society. |
俺達がダッハウの門を通り抜けたとき 警護のナチ親衛隊は降伏した | When we got through the gates of Dachau, the SS guards surrendered. |
援護しろ 援護しろ | Take cover. Take cover. |
看護師 看守 看護人 | The nurses, the guards, the orderlies. |
警察の保護を受けさせる それでも私は政治生命を終えそうだ | You got any idea how Long it'll take me to re order some of these parts? |
彼が悪名高いムカツ刑務所で 大統領警護隊の制服を着てる写真よ | And here he is again in the uniform of the Presidential Guard at the gates of the notorious Mukatu prison. |
警戒は警備 | Forewarned is forearmed. |
弁護士 私のブランドは弁護士 | Is that something? |
はい 警察 警察 | Police! |