"通告"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Ultimatum Notice Warning Eviction

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

As previously stated.
How simple it is, isn't it?
You'll know you're fired.
This will settle you until Friday.
警告 通常スピードを仮定
Warning Assuming normal speed.
Used for warning notifications
Sir, we have to serve you an eviction notice.
We require your scrawl on this eviction notification.
You know, you've got a great routine, Enid.
Just got her summons to court.
We are here to serve you an eviction notice.
MNUだ 立ち退きの通告
We are here to serve eviction notices. What is eviction?
Just a routine checkup from the ship.
We've got to warn those fighters.
エイリアンに I 27通告書への署名を
Today, you will serve these notices getting the aliens to sign I27 form.
普通の二週間前通告でないけど 普通の解雇でもないわ
This will settle you until Friday.
I wanted to live a life that I could be proud of.
For people to experience who you are.
私には 最後通告に聞こえたよ
I'd say it sounded like an ultimatum.
原告側に 内通者でもいるのか
Don't tell me you've been talking to someone on the inside.
And i have an urgent note from the president.
He skimmed through the report.
警察の報告書は フロビシャーの証言通りだ
But the official police report backed frobisher's story that the girl was driving.
Please advise me of the date for the next meeting.
There was no advance notice, sir.
As requested, we are submitting our final report.
I've been looking over your report.
こいつらを通して 警告を送信しよう
What? Maybe they can help us get a signal.
立ち退き通告だ 上に名前があるだろ
Put your scrawl on the bottom. See? There's your name at the top.
通告だ 郵便で通告を受けると みんながここへ集まって 全く知らない人間の 有罪 無罪を決める
That we are notified by mail to come down to this place to decide on the guilt or innocence of a man we... we have never heard of before.
Nothing of concern in terms of traffic.
即時通告 彼はドアハンドルを握ったその時は 妊娠
In fact, his two friends immediately joined in with their opinions, We also give immediate notice.
上司の報告では 時間通りに出勤してる
Her supervisor's kitchen report says she was right on time.
通信障害だと思いました 報告不要かと
We thought it was a communications problem. I didn't want to disturb you.
I'm looking over his report.
I'm getting the idea you're up against a deadline.
グループ ミーティングをやって これを最後通告と決定した
We've had a group meeting, and it has been decided that this must be your final warning.
ここでは何も飲み食いしないよう 通告
Put word out not to eat or_BAR_drink anything down here.
The cause of the traffic accident was reported by the police.
通信 転送装置が 回復次第 艦隊に状況報告を
Once we have transport capability and communication back up you'll contact Starfleet and report what the hell's going on here.
それから私が偽の 通貨取引報告を手配する
There you have it. I'll generate false Currency Transaction Reports out the wazoo as well as the necessary W2Gs.
通告 ゴンドラということになり がちです 要するに
Angered by human arrogance, the gods tricked foolish Pandora... ...into opening a box containing all the evils of the world.
パキストンの最後通告が 引き金になったのは明らかだ
It's obvious Paxton's ultimatum is part of a coordinated plan.
我々は 報告書に全て目を通し 頭に叩き込んだ
We've done a briefing book, so read up.
She said good bye to me and went through the ticket gate.