"醒ま"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Wake Dissuade Delusion Wake

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Dry up, Lister.
Let's talk about how you're going to feel, Glenn.
Hunding has awakened
What's in it?
I didn't know you never wake up from some dreams.
He's coming around. Good.
覚醒剤 ダイエット薬を売買していました
Speed,diet pills.
Julia has come round.
And you see that Z.Q. there was 80 odd.
もう酔ってるのか 一眠りして酔いを醒ま
あなたの覚醒状態 うーんインチ うん...
That state is just a clue for you in your waking state, hmm.
サイロン工作員が 覚醒しはじめてるのか
Is a Cylon agent about to be activated?
脳には塑性能力があり 手当を受けながら覚醒と意識レベルの 手当を受けながら覚醒と意識レベルの
Unlike the smashed glass of my car, plasticity of the brain means that there was always a possibility, with treatment, to train the brain so that you can regain and raise your level of awareness and consciousness.
I feel skinny, but I'm not.
飲むよとんだ話で すっかり酔いが醒めた
Yes, for we seem to be too sober for this talk.
いい所よ ほとんどが農場で 覚醒剤の工場も
Nice place, mostly family farms, a few meth labs.
何時間覚醒しているかに関係しています 二つ目は脳内時計です これは睡眠の時間を計り そして我々が覚醒しているとか
One of them is related to how many hours that we've slept and how long we've been awake, and the second is an internal clock in the brain that times sleep and times our tendency to feel alert and our tendency to feel sleepy.
スタンバイモードにして節電するの, 動かされるか 覚醒刺激を受けるまでは.
He powered down to standby mode until he's moved or triggered awake.
99 と1  異なる人々が 異った方法での覚醒です
This shift of consciousness that inspires such things is universal it's everybody.
Until then, rely on kindness and compassion as your guides.
このような思考パターンは 覚醒状態と 同様のものです
These thought patterns are consistent with a waking experience.
初めて催眠に入る人の場合 とても浅い催眠状態から 覚醒してもらって 催眠状態と普通に覚醒した状態とを比べてもらうことがよくあります
When people are being put into a hypnotic state for the first time I often, after placing them in a very light hypnotic state, wake them and ask them to compare their wakening state to that when hypnotised.
覚醒剤でぶっ飛んだら モノの見方ってもんが変ったよ
Tripping on acid changed our whole perspective on shit.
覚醒した星の文明 に生きるのはどんな感じでしょう
I don't know motivates quests and adventures.
右脳は持続した 広い範囲の 用心深い 覚醒した状態を担う
Its true that, in humans, too, that this kind of attention is one of the big differences.
油断のない静けさと 集中し しかし覚醒して 全てがこの瞬間にありました
I had it already in my singing the calm, but alertness, the focus, but awareness, and being totally in the moment.
スリーパー工作員かもね 人間を完全に演じるようにプログラムされている 覚醒するまでは
They could be sleeper agents programmed to perfectly impersonate human beings until activation.
And then the other areas become less and less positive.
リード 明るい煙の羽 冷たい火災 病気健康 それが何であるかではない まだ覚醒睡眠
O heavy lightness! serious vanity! Mis shapen chaos of well seeming forms!
コンシャスネス レイジング 意識覚醒 です しかしわたしたちは 直接的な政治的影響力も持っています
Feminist blogging is basically the 21st century version of consciousness raising.
そのサービスが提供するのは 覚醒 です 全ての物語が何かを売り込む必要はありません
On a higher plane, the press is a service industry, and the service it provides is awareness.
不意に 前触れも無く 過覚醒とフラッシュバックにより 衝撃的な出来事による恐怖が
Traumatized people also easily lose control symptoms are hyper arousal and memory flashbacks so people are in a constant fear that those horrible feelings of that traumatic event might come back unexpectedly, suddenly, and they cannot control it.
いや 君は僕の潜在意識の具象だ 覚醒状態の間も現れてるにすぎない
No, I've decided you're an expression of my subconscious mind playing itself out during my waking states.
いや 間違いなく 君は潜在意識の具象で... 覚醒状態でも現れてるだけだ
No, I've decided you're an expression of my subconscious mind playing itself out in my waking states.
おそらく自分には半覚醒の時間があり そのため1日を短く感じている
It's quite possible that there are times I am half awake, and thus the day feels shorter.
どのような忌まわしい匂いと 可惜 可惜は それは 私 だから早期覚醒こと好きじゃないです
Lies festering in his shroud where, as they say, At some hours in the night spirits resort
それらは我々がいかに特定の時間に 覚醒しているかに影響します 一つ目は我々が何時間寝て
And we have two major regulatory processes that affect how alert we are at any given moment.
真の最高潮に達します そしてこの強い アアー という信号を送る この脳内時計が我々の覚醒を保ち
And this reaches a real apex near the end of our waking day, and we just have this internal clock sending out this strong ahhh signal to keep us awake, and that's when we get this second wind near the evening part of our day.
それ以前から存在しましたが 人は特に気にせず テクノロジー という言葉は まるでその眠った力の 覚醒となったのです
And obviously, technology had existed before then, but we weren't aware of it, and so it was sort of an awakening of this force in our life.
時間がたつにつれ 覚醒の方向にどんどん強く駆り立てます それは起きている時間が長くなるほど
And paradoxically, that internal clock in the brain sends out a stronger and stronger drive for waking as the day wears on and it opposes what would, otherwise, be an increasing drive for sleep, the longer that we're awake.
とここへは 彼が来るもの と彼と私はあなたの覚醒は見るだろう と非常に夜のこと
In the mean time, against thou shalt awake, Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift
起て飢えたる者よ 今ぞ日は近い 醒めよ我が同胞暁は来ぬ 暴虐の鎖 断つ日 旗は血に燃えて
d Stand up, damned of the Earth d Stand up, prisoners of starvation d Reason thunders in its volcano d This is the eruption of the end.
夜に生じるように設定されています それによって我々全員が 毎日経験している 日中16時間の覚醒マラソン のために我々は
As I mentioned, this second wind is lined up to occur late in the evening, to allow us to stay awake for this marathon of 16 hour wakefulness that we all experience each day.
技術をもう少し高めることで かなり容易にフローに入ることができます 覚醒の領域からはほとんどの人が学べるでしょう
Your skills are not quite as high as they should be, but you can move into flow fairly easily by just developing a little more skill.