"重症化しやすい人"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

重症化しやすい人 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

無症状のアテローム硬化症 つまり動脈硬化症は
We also refer to subclinical conditions.
お話した通り 自閉症は 学習の道筋から 逸れていくことで 重症化すると 判明しています
Those are individuals who did not benefit from early treatment, because now we know that autism creates itself as individuals diverge in that pathway of learning that I mentioned to you.
And your friend is glaucoma?
病気として表面化します 燃え尽き症候群や
And I think for many people, that wake up call takes the form of an illness.
Can't you knock?
ニックは自閉症を患っています しかも重度の自閉症です
And as a care worker I started looking after a young guy called Nick.
癌 アテローム性動脈硬化症 アルツハイマー症
And as I say, most of them really die very horribly, 80 is very bad for you. now that means, that is really bizarre that one should ask the question why should we defy aging.
発症する目の感染症で 多重感染してしまうと
Trachoma is an infection of the eye due to dirt getting into your eye.
ポイントに弱体化 多くの人々 人が感染症に苦しむし
AlDS is the syndrome you get once your immune system is weakened to the point.
We also found that the more people change, the better they got.
重症だ 妄想だ
Another example. A serious delusion.
Two of them serious.
What should we do?
はい 多発性硬化症で
Yes. She had multiple sclerosis.
In his state of mind, he
It's just too bloody morbid.
かなり重症だ マクサンス
It's pretty bad, Maxence.
That you need a great deal of attention.
I'm worse than her?
The fact is, I went there to recuperate from a coronary attack.
救急 重症心臓外傷
Medevac, urgent. Severe chest trauma.
重症急性呼吸器症候群 SARSを発症していたのです 913号室にチェックインしてから 24時間以内に
Unknown to him, he was harboring a new animal origin virus called SARS, short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
重症化を防ぐと期待して 出費しているのです これまでのデータによればこの薬は
And they spend that money on the promise that this is a drug which will reduce the rate of complications with flu.
君のためにやったんだ 二酸化リチウム 症状を緩和する
What did we just do for you. That's lithium dioxide.
直立猿人やハイデルベルク人やフローレス人やネアンデルタール人や ホモサピエンスが互いに重複します ヒト科の異なった種が重複していて 1種独占でないほうが
And that's the reason why, as you look at the hominid fossil record, erectus, and heidelbergensis, and floresiensis, and Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens, all overlap.
発症する疾患であっても 一方の性の人が他方よりも 症状が重かったり
And even in the case when a disease occurs in both men and women, that disorder can be much more severe or have more severe consequences in one sex than the other.
We're talking a Sunday drive into some serious dementia.
Well, you're worse off than I thought.
重症なら 町に医者がいるよ
Look, I told you I'm not a doctor. I'm...
This morning he fell. All he did was scrape his arm.
一様に悪化しました これらは多発性硬化症の患者間でも 個人差があります
His name is Mike, and he is uniformly impaired on cognition, vision, walking, sensation.
重症の合併症で死亡することもあります そんなループスに苦しんでいる男性1人に対し 6人の女性が同じ疾患で苦しんでいます
Lupus a long term, autoimmune disorder with devastating consequences that can result in death, for every man who is suffering from Lupus, there are 6 women who is suffering from this disorder.
発展するわけではないので 2歳になるまでが重要なのです 自閉症は自己強化します
And in fact, we are very interested in those first two years of life, because those liabilities don't necessarily convert into autism.
いろいろ試してみたが 症状は悪化するばかり
And I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
風邪や中耳炎 感染症や花粉症の
Now that's not just deaf children.
統合失調症という 障害 を例にとってみます 統合失調症は 脳の障害 だと考える重要性を 示しやすいのです
As we think about this, probably it's better to actually go a little deeper into one particular disorder, and that would be schizophrenia, because I think that's a good case for helping to understand why thinking of this as a brain disorder matters.
軽い症状は出るかもしれませんが 重症になることは防げます 人にも効果があるなら これは
So far, animal tests indicate that such a vaccine could prevent severe disease, although you might get a mild case.
It just is what it is.
引き金引くぞ 重症だな
I'm sick of hearing it.
彼らは貪欲病だ 重症の
They are consumed with passions ...carnal.
クルーの何人かは重症なんだ 外科医の治療を必要としている
Some of my crew are in serious condition. They need attention from our physicians.
多重人格や人格分裂とは異なります 統合失調症は 心が分裂するのでなく 粉々になるのです
Contrary to what many people think, schizophrenia is not the same as multiple personality disorder or split personality.
心臓弁の感染症 脳や脊椎の感染症 心臓や血液の感染症などです
They die of HlV, they die of hepatitis C, they die of infections of their heart valves, they die of infections of their brains, of their spines, of their hearts, of their bloodstream.
未来は物が重いらしい 重力変化かな
Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravity?
結合双生児 二人の体が結合している人たちや 小人症の人たち
So some of what I've worked on, for example, is people who are conjoined twins two people within one body.


関連検索 : 重症 - 親しみやすい人 - 劣化しやすいです - 消化しやすいです - 変化しやすいです - 消化しやすいです - やや悪化し - 症状重症度 - 重症敗血症 - 重症度 - 重症度 - 重症度 - 重症型 - 重症度