"領収"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

キーワード : Receipt Receipts Brady Penniless Drake

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Sign it, Brady.
And here is your receipt.
You need a receipt!
Does it have a receipt?
I want the receipt.
Check, please?
About your operations account... Not...
Can I get a receipt?
I have all his receipts.
Oh, wait. Here are two of them.
May I have a receipt?
I'd like a receipt, please.
Don't forget the mileage.
新着 請求書 領収書用のタブ
One tab for promotions and offers
Be sure to get a receipt.
We need a signed receipt.
Make sure you save the receipt.
アンジェラに領収書ですよね わかってます
To give Angela the receipt?
I have an ATM receipt from The Bellagio.
じゃ 車を満タンにして 領収書をもらい
Of course.
いい人だ 小切手は領収書になるだろ
Nice man. See, the cheque'll be a receipt.
手帳も住所録もない この領収書だけ
No appointment books. No addresses. Just this receipt.
大統領は ホワイトハウスからの撤収を命じたんだ
The president has ordered us to clear out the White House.
金曜夜の領収書をもって 逃げなかったか?
When the boss got juiced once, didn't you make off with the Friday night receipts?
領収書や請求書や小切手など 全部あるわ
I've got every receipt, invoice, check, bank statement.
このレンタカーの領収書や 宿泊記録 搭乗者名簿は
And all the rest of this the hotel records,the rental car receipts,a flight manifest...
まさか 帰ってきたら 領収書を持って来い
My company will reimburse you.
We need the receipt Mr Smith signed.
We need the receipt signed by Mr. Smith.
We need the receipt that Mr. Smith signed.
でも 彼は使い果たしたわ 領収書があるもの
Uhuh. He did spend that money. I have the receipts.
I took for granted that they would give me a receipt.
ボーイング社の機体の 領収書だ ダミー会社を通して買った
And the purchase order for the old 777 he bought through a shell company.
彼女に領収書を渡すのを 忘れたんです 僕のミスです
I forgot to give her the receipt. It was an honest mistake.
念のため 銀行振込の領収書のコピーを同封いたしました
Enclosed is a copy of the bank transfer receipt.
ノートで七百 と彼は言った ホームズはシートの時に領収書を走り書き
There are three hundred pounds in gold and seven hundred in notes, he said.
これらの書類 領収書 クーポン券等は 実際には何の価値もない...
You need to be aware that those are just papers with some marks on them.
彼女名義で取得した領収書 書類 クレジットカードを 財布に詰め込んだ
Alex and Jess are on their way to confront Mrs Homstein, to demonstrate how shocking this crime really is.
このアイデアやその領域の内容を 18分で収まるようにしたか
And have they found the way to make it accessible?
領収書はドレイクさんに渡してくれ 俺達は今から昼飯に行く
Bring the receipts and give 'em to Miss Drake. We're goin' to lunch now. Hey, everybody.
領収書 書類 写真 電話 数年間お前から集め続けたものさ
Bills, papers, photos. I've been saving them for years.
帆の糸の領収書 日付は1931年よ 彼は帆や艤装を知っていた
Look, a receipt for sailmaker's thread, dated 1931.
そなたを断腸の思いで ローハンから追放し... 全領地は没収とする
You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan and all its domains under pain of death.
情報の断片を 繋ぎ合わせて形にした カードの請求書や 領収書だ
I've managed to piece together a picture using scraps of information credit card bills, receipts.
They substantiated their claim by producing dated receipts.