"administrative"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

Administrative - translation :
キーワード : 管理 休職 行政 事務 退屈

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Administrative boundary
GnuPG Administrative Console
GnuPG 管理コンソール
General and Administrative expenses.
The Prime Minister proposed administrative reforms.
Build run a special administrative zone.
It's called the bureaucratic administrative machine.
I had marketing, sales, general and administrative.
これを払うと 100 万残ります
Administrative leave with pay is not acceptable.
Not to know would be an administrative impossibility.
知らないのだから 任務を与えられない
Mr Zuckerberg, this is an Administrative Board hearing.
ではザッカーバーグ君 理事会審問を始めます
You weren't called in front of the Administrative Board?
Please forward the document to the administrative office for review.
G amp A just stands for general and administrative expenses.
G amp Aは 一般管理費です
SG amp A that mean selling, general and administrative expenses.
販売と一般管理費の 合計です
Her husband was fired with me in the administrative reduction.
業績見通しとなった 山田研 切れ目となる
I made it so only root could access the administrative screen.
Naka is one of the 18 administrative districts that compose Yokohama prefecture.
中区は 横浜市を構成する18行政区のうちのひとつである
I will demand acrosstheboard wage increases for custodians, teachers and all administrative personnel.
守衛さんや先生をはじめ 学校で働く人たちの給料を 上げるよう要求します
So if you could point us towards the administrative offices, or just uh...
So if you could point us towards the administrative offices, or just uh...
Depending on the results both companies may be put under administrative guidance from February.
結果次第では 両社に対して2月以来の行政指導が行われる
The new government is expected to bring about a good number of administrative reforms.
So sometimes the only way you can do it is by building an administrative interface.
The schools would produce the people who would then become parts of the bureaucratic administrative machine.
歯車になるような人間を 生産してきました 歯車になるような人間を 生産してきました 全員まったく同型の歯車に ならなければなりません
In all of these cases, the introduction of the basic income would only mean an administrative alteration.
その簿記の方法が 変わるだけなのです 個人経済の領域では 基本金の為のお金は
But on the other hand, it might force you to build some more administrative kind of features that if you can fix things easily with some duct tape, you end up kind of not really building a good administrative interface.
優れたインターフェースを作らないまま 終ってしまうかもしれません 自分で管理用インターフェースを 作成するのが唯一の方法です
It could be that this is due to the administrative management of this institution by the judge's former office.
判事の元のオフィスによる 一方 行方不明になっている すべての文書の複製が
The purchaser would send the administrative officer some dollars digitally, and the vendor would sell the stolen credit card details.
いくらかのお金を電子送金します 売り手は盗難クレジットカード情報を売ります 幹事はその盗難クレジットカード情報が
And all this administrative data can be pulled together and processed to understand human behavior in a way we never could before.
人々の行動を 以前はできなかった方法で理解できます トラックの運転手による燃料購入を例にします
Then in the 19th century, we layer on the concept of bureaucracy and the administrative state to help us govern complex and large societies.
統治するために官僚制度と 行政組織とが 社会に根づきました しかし 私たちは官僚制度を中央集権化し
And then the general and administrative, that's just all the stuff that the corporate office does, and all the people who are at that level.
一般管理費は オフィスに関連するー すべての人費や経費です
And the example of PlSA shows that data can be more powerful than administrative control of financial subsidy through which we usually run education systems.
データの力は 教育向けの補助金を 管理する行政の力より 大きいのです 教育行政の変革を
In some cases this will involve a delegation of responsibility, a delegation of control from one country to another to take over certain kinds of administrative responsibilities.
ある国から別の国に対する 一定の行政権の委譲が必要となるでしょう さて 私がそう言いますと
There is a zone there, around Guantanamo Bay, where a treaty gives the United States administrative responsibility for a piece of land that's about twice the size of Manhattan.
ここはある条約によって 米国が その行政権を有しています マンハッタンの2倍ほどの区域です
I have all of this overhead expense and often times, on a regular income statement, it will be called selling, general and administrative, or overhead costs, or operating costs or something like that.
販売管理費とか 間接費 操業費と呼ばれます これは経費なので赤色にします
The widespread application of administrative guidance is considered to be a uniquely Japanese practice in which bureaucrats exert authority, without any legal backing, telling the private sector what to do and what not to do.
行政指導が広範囲に用いられることは 日本特有のやり方だと考えられている これにより 官僚は民間に対して ああしろ こうしろ ああするな こうするな という強い権限を法律の裏づけなしに行使することができる
Some actual information that Hong Kong is a special administrative region in China, was controlled by the UK until 1997, and then down here, just the output we had hoped to get for this puzzle.
And by this August nearly 13 million of you will receive a rebate from your insurance company because it spent too much on things like administrative costs and CEO bonuses, and not enough on your healthcare.
保険会社から払い戻しを受け取るでしょう なぜなら 保険会社は 貴方の健康管理には不十分に しかし あまりにも過度に 事務費用や 会社の重役のボーナスにお金を使い果たしたからです
It ought to be able to provide everybody in America with opportunity, but an administrative culture that focuses on standardized testing does us no good at all because there is a difference between knowledge and understanding.
チャンスを与えるべきものだと思いますが 標準化された試験を重視する 管理的なやり方は 全く利するところがありません
I made 2 million just from actual widget sales, but then when you take out all of the overhead of the company, the marketing, the sales, the general and administrative expenses, I'm only left with 1 million.
これから 販売や 経営者のサラリーを引くと 1百万ドル残ります
High performers have moved on from professional or from administrative forms of accountability and control sort of, how do you check whether people do what they're supposed to do in education to professional forms of work organization.
必要なことが行われているか 確認する作業を 一部の専門職や管理職に 任せるのではなく 組織全体で行おうとしています
As a result of this film which was screened in around 25 villages around 700 people took a rally out and went to their local administrative office and filed complaints that they were not being distributed land
700人がデモ行進に参加しました 地方自治体に足を運び 訴えたのです どうして自分たちの土地がないのだ とね
Internet pieces are beginning to sneak into it in terms of some of the control and administrative functions, and it's so tempting to use these same building blocks because they work so well, they're cheap, they're repeated, and so on.
浸透しはじめています インターネットと同じ原理の利用は魅力的です 実績があり 安価であり
It is not covered by any insurance, and neither are you for the health and social damages it causes it enjoys a near legal impunity it enjoys a near legal impunity and high administrative tolerance for crimes that would send anyone else in prison.
保健でも健康や社会的損害のカバーは不可能です それは恰も法的処罰を受けるように それは恰も法的処罰を受けるように
Most of them aren't based on the Internet yet, but they're starting to use the Internet for service functions, for administrative functions, and so if you take something like the cell phone system, which is still relatively independent of the Internet for the most part,
徐々にサービス機能や 業務管理のために インターネットが利用されつつあります たとえば携帯電話のシステムは
And it's legitimate monopoly of means of violence, administrative control, management of public finances, investment in human capital, provision of citizenship rights, provision of infrastructure, management of the tangible and intangible assets of the state through regulation, creation of the market, international agreements, including public borrowing, and then, most importantly, rule of law.
行政管理 財政管理 人的資本への投資 市民の権利の確保 インフラストラクチャーの供給


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