"conditioning"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

laptops, air conditioning.
空調... 考えてみてください 車
The air conditioning stopped.
ただ エアコンが止まったの
This room has air conditioning.
It doesn't have air conditioning.
This air conditioning feels good.
My air conditioning? But I...
What sector's the air conditioning?
My air conditioning is broken.
Does the room have air conditioning?
I install air conditioning, all right?
None of these offices have air conditioning.
ここの事務所には どこにも冷房がない
Would you put on the air conditioning?
Our car is equipped with air conditioning.
I wish you'd have the air conditioning...
There's no air conditioning. So dress light.
署にはエアコンが 無いから軽装でな
Go in through the air conditioning vents.
Tonight we will sabotage her air conditioning.
今晩 部屋のエアコンを 故障させてくれ
Our office is very comfortable with air conditioning.
Very advanced, no air conditioning I love it.
I am telling you my air conditioning started.
The air conditioning in the library is too strong.
I can't survive without air conditioning in the summer.
Turn off your air conditioning, turn on your fans.
別のグループの家庭には 環境に関するメッセージを配り
I'm accustomed to sleeping in a room without air conditioning.
In the past, before air conditioning, we had thick walls.
厚い壁には断熱効果があり 室内を夏季には涼しく
Turn off your air conditioning and turn on your fans.
するとどうでしょう 皆ファンに切り替えました
Rama, and Krishna, Christ, Buddha they could not avoid conditioning.
It's earlier than all conditioning clearer and purer than any quality.
どんな性質よりも 明晰で純粋に そう あなたがこの場所に来たとき なにかしら あなたは 揺さぶられたと感じます
Its sole purpose is the training and conditioning... of professional killers.
その唯一の目的は プロの殺し屋の 条件付けと育成だ
The coffee shop is closed while the air conditioning is under repair.
It was bulletproof, had air conditioning, and mounted a poweroperated gun turret.
防弾で 空調つき 動力で回転する銃座を 備えています
It's called Pavlovian fear conditioning where a tone ends with a brief shock.
音の呈示後に電気ショックをあたえるものでした 痛くはありませんが 少し不快なものでした
We blast the air conditioning the entire way, and we never experience overheating.
オーバーヒートすることはありません 使いたい放題に使えるのです
Miss Michaels, we're checking to see if your air conditioning is still working
マイケルズさん エアコンは ちゃんと効いていますか
He inspected the air conditioning ducts last year, computer relays the preceding year.
去年 空調ダクトをチェックー 前年からコンピュータで引き継いでる
Yesfor the patio, the air conditioning unit... and six inches to the height.
それは 中庭と空調設備と それと高さは6インチ下げるよ
As I'm sensitive to heat, I can't live comfortably without air conditioning in summer.
暑がりの私は 夏はエアコンをつけないと快適に過ごせません
Everything was painted typography over the whole damn thing, including the air conditioning ducts.
空調パイプも含めて ガレージの脇でアパートを塗装する
That temperature is controlled by the air conditioning duct, 30 feet above the floor.
その温度が制御されている 空調ダクトにより 30フィート床上
Large areas would be uninhabitable without heating in the winter or air conditioning in the summer.
冬の暖房 夏の冷房が不可欠だ 郊外の生活には車が必須だ
We talked over Jack's plan to put in air conditioning, but could not come to a decision.
我々はジャックのエアコン装置を取り付ける案を十分検討したが 結論には至らなかった
like this building here environments that have mechanical ventilation systems that include filtering, heating and air conditioning.
機械式の換気装置を備えていて フィルターや暖房 空調といった機能が備わっています
I got rid of air conditioning because I thought there was too much consumption going on there.
なぜならエアコンは過剰に電力を消費すると考えたからです 空調には他の手段を取っています
Comes a point in life when you realize everything you know about yourself, it's all just conditioning.
その出来事があったからこそ 僕は自分をすべて理解した
Remove the seats. The plane still catches fire. Remove the air conditioning system and repeat the whole thing.


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