"districts"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Hunger and discontent in the workers' districts.
労働者達は飢えと不満から 抗議運動を起しています
Successfully demonstrated a new product in 7 districts.
地区で新製品のデモンストレーションを行い 成功しました
Attempts to redraw voting districts have hit a wall of opposition.
選挙区の見直しの試みは 反対の壁にぶちあたりました
Naka is one of the 18 administrative districts that compose Yokohama prefecture.
中区は 横浜市を構成する18行政区のうちのひとつである
Most school districts spend two thirds of that on payroll and overhead.
There's these programs called the iPad Pilot Program, and some districts have them.
所々でやっているんですが 幸運にも 僕はこれに 参加できました
The locations of these enlightened districts, I think, will fail to surprise you.
Same thing for Maine, but Maine has 2 congressional districts so 2 of the congressional districts could go either way and then the at large are based on a state wide vote.
メイン州は2選挙区なので この2つの選挙区は 先ほどと同じ方法で決め 残りの2人については 州全体の得票率で決定します
When we design the app and we sell it, it will be free to local districts and other districts that we sell to, all the money from that will go into the local ed foundations.
地元の人は無料で買え 他の地域の人が買った 収益は全て地元の教育基金に 入ることになっています
So what we did is we did a randomized, controlled trial in 134 villages in Udaipur Districts.
ウダイプルの134の村で行いました 青い点は無作為に
Nebraska has 3 congressional districts so in those 3 congressional districts if one of them goes to the democrat and two of them goes republican then they'll have 1 electoral vote for the democrat and 2 for the republican.
これら3つの選挙区のうち 1つが 民主党に行き あとの2つが共和党に行くと
And we went to school districts where now companies are making their way into cash strapped schools all across America.
アメリカ中の財政難の学校に 企業たちは進出しています 驚くのは今までのプロジェクトで反響が多かったり
It has to stand up to the heat and the wear and tear that happens in hospitals in these rural districts.
熱や摩擦や損傷にも 耐えられるようにできています ですからそんなに簡単には壊れません
Not only are we able to use that for our own teachers in our districts, so that they have a central repository they can go to to find all these teacher resources, but now we've been able to allow other school districts to tap into it. gt gt Sarah
アイデアの宝庫として 自分たちでも使えるし 他学区の先生も
Here they park, the new GDR citizens from the FRG. The entering FRG citizens were accommodated in the Berlin districts... Center und Friedrich's Grove .
Today, districts are revamping the way they evaluate teachers, but we still give them almost no feedback that actually helps them improve their practice.
教師の評価法の改革が 進められていますが 教師が実際に上達できるような フィードバックは ほとんど与えられていません
So they don't look at who won each of the districts they just say, look John McCain and Sarah Palin won the entire state.
ジョン マケインとサラ ペイリンが 州全体で勝利したので 12月に州都に行く
Well, to find out, our foundation has been working with 3,000 teachers in districts across the country on a project called Measures of Effective Teaching.
全国の3千人の先生に 協力してもらい 効果的教育の評価 (MET) という プロジェクトを進めています
And we spend 35,000 dollars on average a year keeping a prisoner in prison, and school districts spend 500 dollars a year feeding a child.
刑務所の囚人1人あたりに費やされ 一方で校区では年に500ドルのお金を 子供1人あたりの食事にあてているのです
In this map from Moldova, the green color shows those districts that have low spending on schools but good educational outcomes, and the red color shows the opposite.
教育支出が少なくても 優れた教育効果が出ている地域を示し 赤色はその反対を示しています
There were 56, and when our president wanted to amend the constitution and remove term limits, he had to create 25 new districts, and now there are 81.
憲法を変更し 期間制限をなくそうとした時に 25の新しい地区を作らなければならなくて その結果81あるのです 国会には333人メンバーがいます
When our home minister announces a few weeks ago a war on one third of India, about 200 districts that he mentioned were ungovernable, he missed the point.
こう発表しました インドの三分の一は 内戦状態にあり
We're going to need voices in those areas and those congressional districts where the tradition of gun ownership is strong to speak up and to say this is important.
この措置が重要であると主張することが必要なのです いつもと同じ顔ぶりでは不十分なのです
And what design offers as an educational framework is an antidote to all of the boring, rigid, verbal instruction that so many of these school districts are plagued by.
退屈で硬直した 言葉だけの授業に 苦しんできた多くの学区で 解毒剤のように働きます
I'm a quiet, peaceful sort of chappie who has lived all his life in London, and I can't stand the pace these swift sportsmen from the rural districts set.
設定農村地区からこれらの迅速なスポーツマンのペースに耐えられない 私が言うことを意味するこのですが 私は合理的な楽しさのすべてだなど 私
The distance between 2 service points in the main districts is 200 300 meters and the distance between two service points in the suburbs is about 500 800 meters.
200 300メートルで 郊外では500 800メートルです 最初の一時間は無料で使用でき 1時間を超すと1元
Now, most school districts can't really afford organic food, but we, as a nation, have to start thinking about consuming, growing and feeding our children food that's not chock full of chemicals.
でも国として 考えなきゃいけないのは 化学薬品の詰まっていない食べ物を
Some places are doing this with new eco districts, developing whole new sustainable neighborhoods, which is nice work if you can get it, but most of the time, what we're talking about is, in fact, reweaving the urban fabric that we already have.
また全く新しい環境保全地域として展開しています 遂行できるとしたら これは素晴らしい取り組みです しかし実際の議論の大部分は
Originally scheduled for October 2007, the election was brought forward to break a deadlock between the parliament and the government over the number of electoral districts in the country. Currently, there are 25 constituencies nationwide, but reformers have long argued that a smaller number each with a larger number of voters would be less susceptible to manipulation by the political elite.
本来2007年10月に予定されていた選挙は 国内の選挙区の数をめぐる議会 政府間の膠着を打開するために 繰り上げられた 現在 国内には25の選挙区があるが 改革家は長らく より少数 つまり 各選挙区に より多くの選挙民 の方が 政治エリートによる根回しが効かなくなるだろう と主張してきた