"fitted with"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

Fitted - translation : Fitted with - translation : With - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Recompense fitted!
かれらのため 相応しい報奨である
She fitted me out with the money.
It was fitted with pegs, no screws.
木釘を使い キズもつけず 何日も磨いた
Never fitted me either.
He fitted his schedule to mine.
We fitted ourselves out for skiing.
Have you fitted your winter tyres?
冬用タイヤつけた. . .?
Also, they have specially fitted shoes.
However, they were fitted with sirens to frighten the enemy during an attack.
Tom is fitted to become a businessman.
Let's get you fitted up then, eh?
あなたに合わせましょう どう?
She fitted in in that world, didn't she?
It's fitted with solid electrodes and an electrolyte that's a solution of salt and water.
できています ホール エルーの電解炉セルは
You'd better be, 'cause Aslan's already fitted out your army.
そのとおり アスランは君たちの軍隊の 編成を終えている
You should get the job for which you are best fitted.
When my home had an extension built I only had this room fitted with soundproofing and an internal lock.
自宅を改築する際に この部屋にだけ防音設備と内鍵を付けたんだ
It is an ordinary plumber's smoke rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self lighting.
どちらかの端にキャップを取り付け それを作成する 自己照明 あなたの仕事はそれに限定されている
It is an ordinary plumber's smoke rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self lighting.
自己照明 あなたの仕事はそれに限定されます
In many commercial applications the models themselves are fitted based on data.
データに基づくモデルが設定されています 例えばグーグルでは検索クエリに回答する方法を
little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!
アリスはドアを開け それが小さな通路に導いたことを発見 よりもはるかに大きくならない
Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear.
We have the peg legs there, that are all handmade and fitted to you.
When he was fitted, over his extremely myopic eyes, he suddenly looked up and said,
すぐに顔を上げて こう言いました Mama, veo el mundo.
I already new it had drums on it. verything else just fitted into place really.
Lady Catherine de Bourgh herself was kind enough to suggest that these shelves be fitted.
令夫人ご自身が 棚をつけるべきだと おっしゃいました
He said, The explorers of 2012, if there is anything left to explore, will no doubt carry pocket wireless telephones fitted with wireless telescopes.
もし探検する場所が残されているのならば 間違いなく無線の望遠鏡がついたワイヤレスの 小型電話を持っていくだろう と言いました
A state of the art, top of the line, must be fitted to your face mask?
顔にぴったりあうマスクです または 違う種類のマスクで 代用できるでしょうか
They're not going to be retro fitted they're going to be the salvage yards of the future.
将来のための保留地になるだろう しかし いくつかは治すことになる
I feel that I've fitted in, in many ways, to some of the things that I've heard.
共感が持てる話がありました エクアドルの熱帯雨林の奥地から
These two (believers and unbelievers) are disputants, who contend about their Lord. But they who disbelieve will be fitted out with garments of flames. Boiling water will be poured down over their heads
これら両者は かれらの主に就いて論争する敵手である それで 主を 拒否する者のために仕立てられるのは 炎の衣装であろう かれらに頭上から熱湯が注がれて
And yet the large blocks of stone are fitted together so closely that you cannot put in the point of a knife between them.
しかもなお 石の大きいブロックが非常にぴったりと合わさっているので ブロックの間にナイフの先を差し込むことができない
It's amazing now, because he's so much bigger than me, but when Derek was born, he could have fitted on the palm of your hand.
彼が生まれた時は 手のひらに収まるぐらいでした 3ヶ月半も早く生まれてきたのです
He was the first one in his family, in fact, to go to college, where he lived on campus and drove a specially fitted car that accommodated his unusual body.
キャンパスに住み 彼の特別な体に合わせた 特別装備の車を運転しました 彼の母がこんな話をしてくれました ある日の帰宅途中のこと
She fitted into my biggest arm chair as if it had been built round her by someone who knew they were wearing arm chairs tight about the hips that season.
彼らは腰そのシーズン約アームチェアは タイトな着ていた知っていた 彼女は明るく 膨らんだ目と黄色のたくさんの毛を持っていた と彼女は話したとき 彼女は示した
It was the lock of the door which had been closed ten years and she put her hand in her pocket, drew out the key and found it fitted the keyhole.
彼女のポケットには キーを描き それが鍵穴を装備発見 彼女はにキーを入れて それを回した
She was, unlike her daughter, of small stature and her body was fat on the sides. It was as if a human head had been fitted unto the body of a pig.
からだは その娘とは違って 丈が低く 横にでぶでぶ太って 豚の体に人の首がついているようだ
The Arabs of the desert are the worst in Unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger But Allah is All knowing, All Wise.
遊牧の アラビア人の不信心と偽善はもっと甚だしく かれらはアッラーが使徒に下された掟に就いては まったく無知である だがアッラーは全知にして英明であられる
Beware of the man with... with... with... with...
気をつけな... 男に... 男...
With loving kindness, with patience, with openness?
これは それらの偉大な瞑想家が行っていることです
With joy, with gratitude, and with love,
Ä é Å   é Æ ð ³Ž µ Ä ½ Æ Å B Í A
With strength! With power!
Because we connect with her, with here, with the heart not with here, with the brain.
心が 繋がるから 敏感になって そして繋がりましょう
We were experimenting with type, with illustration, with photos.
イラストや写真でも とても楽しかった それらはすぐに結果をもたらし始めました
Stay with me. Victor, stay with me! Stay with...
So, this is the capery where you get fitted for your cape, and then you walk up these three steel graded steps and then we turn on three hydraulic fans from every side and then you can see the cape in action.
格子の階段を3段昇って 3基の水力ファンの電源を入れると 周りからの風でマントが


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