"hairs"の翻訳 日本語へ:
辞書 英語-日本
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
Don't split hairs. | 細かいことにこだわるな |
No fibers, flakes, hairs? | 服の繊維 髪の毛はあるか? |
Dirty underwear with little hairs | チョロ毛つき |
It's called the cross hairs. | クロスヘアーって言うの |
And I'm getting the hairs on my I don't know if you can see the hairs on my arms. | 見えないかもしれないけど 腕の毛が逆立っています その理由はこれからお見せします |
And if you blow that up, and zoom in 900 times, you see there are hairs there, tiny hairs. | 900倍では細かい毛が見られ よく見ると毛にも筋があります さらに30,000倍に拡大すると |
That child's constant screaming gives me gray hairs. | あの子がずっとぎゃあぎゃあ泣くのにはいらいらする |
So to our blueprint, we split some hairs. | うれしいことに自己洗浄機能を持つ乾式接着剤の |
How many hairs are there in a cat's tail? | 猫のしっぽには何本毛があるか |
Skin flakes off, hairs grow, nails, that kind of stuff. | 体中のすべての細胞はいつか入れ替われる |
You can see the individual hairs on Ron Swanson's mustache. | Ron Swansonのヒゲの毛 一本一本はっきり見えます ここに既に購入した映画や テレビのエピソードへのアクセスや |
She has a few white hairs, but she touches them up. | 見える... |
Because tiny variations, the orientation of the hairs on your hands... | 違う方向へ流れる |
Then, at breakfast, the pig that I followed, the hairs off the pig or proteins from the hairs off the pig were used as an improver of dough. | ブタの毛から取れるタンパク質が パン生地の改良剤として使われています (笑) |
Today we can manufacture structures that mimic the hairs of a gecko's foot. | ヤモリの足の裏には 1平方ミリあたり 1万4千本の毛状の 構造があって |
Today we can manufacture structures that mimic the hairs of a gecko's foot. | 毛に似た構造を作ることができます 出来上がった |
I spend 15 minutes taking these long, bushy hairs out of my brush. | ブラシに絡んだ君の髪の毛の 掃除に15分は掛かるんだ |
And bakes the elf locks in foul sluttish hairs, Which, once untangled, much misfortune bodes | これはメイドが自分の背中 それを押すとそれらの上にあるとき 老婆であり そしてそれらが負担する最初の学習 |
Fiber optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs. | 光ファイバーケーブルは人間の髪の毛ほどの細さの小さなガラスでできている |
If you look at their feet, they have leaf like structures called linalae with millions of hairs. | 毛だらけです 毛先をみるとすごい枝毛になっています |
Mark Cutkosky, at Stanford he made much larger hairs than the gecko, but used the same general principles. | 同じ原理を使い ヤモリの毛よりももっと太いバージョンを作りました これが最初のテストです |
This is the foot of an ant. You see the hairs and the claws and this thing here. | これは足が空中にある時です |
These tuned structures allow the spines, friction pads and ultimately the adhesive hairs to grab onto very challenging, difficult surfaces. | 凹凸のある難しい表面につかまることができています 20倍速の実験映像はこうなりました |
What we're doing is, we're taking that inspiration of the hairs, and with another colleague at Berkeley, we're manufacturing them. | バークレーの同僚と共に開発しています ごく最近 研究が飛躍的に進み |
And then in paintbrushes, hairs are used because, apparently, they're very suitable for making paintbrushes because of their hard wearing nature. | ブタの毛が使われていますが 丈夫なので 刷毛を作るのにぴったりなんです 肉はお見せしないつもりでした |
We took some hairs from a molting gecko put three rolls of them on here, and then made this Band Aid. | 3牧くっつけてみました これは大学生のボランティアです |
Skin flakes off, hairs grow, nails, that kind of stuff but every cell in your body is replaced at some point. | すべての細胞は ある時点に必ず置き換えられます 味蕾は10日ごと |
And what we found was that they have leaf like structures on their toes, with millions of tiny hairs that look like a rug, and each of those hairs has the worst case of split ends possible about 100 to 1000 split ends that are nano size. | 何百万の微細毛がついていることでした 1本1本の毛先は史上最悪な枝毛のようで ナノサイズで約100 1000の枝毛になっています |
Dust sticks to the moisture on our skin when we sweat and the tiny hairs on our skin when we are dry. | 乾いているときには 皮膚の細かい毛にくっついたりするんだ だから たとえきみが透明でも |
But this chickenwire carbon, called a carbon nanotube, is a hundred thousand times smaller than the width of one of your hairs. | カーボンナノチューブと呼ばれ 皆さんの髪の毛一本の 十万分の一の太さです |
But for your understanding right now, you dont have to differentiate them, you don't have to split hairs between any of these definitions. | これらの定義を区別する必要はありません この定義について考えてみましょう i のいろいろな累乗について見てみましょう |
New sensing elements on the body you can grow hairs on your nails, and therefore grab some of the particles from another person. | 爪の上の細かい毛が 他人の細胞のかけらを つかみます 相手について |
Oh. Ma'am, do you know what you do when you walk into a bad bar and the hairs behind your neck stick up? | 酒場で いいがかりを つけられて |
He had this amazing series of hairs growing out of a mole on the left side of his face, which I'm told is very good luck. | とても縁起がいいものであると聞かされました 面白い顔をするには あまりにも恥ずかしがり屋でした |
And if you look carefully, those tiny hairs have striations. And if you zoom in on those 30,000 times, you'll see each hair has split ends. | 枝毛になっているのが見えます |
No,I'm looking at the nightstand, and all I see are a few stray hairs and this sports blooper dvd you thought would cheer me up. | ランプなら見てるわよ でもココにあるのは 抜け毛数本と あなたが元気付けにくれた スポーツNG集DVDだけ |
They were so large that a patch of hairs about this size the gecko's foot could support the weight of a small child, about 40 pounds, easily. | ヤモリの足は小さな子どもくらいの重量 20kgほどを簡単に支えられるのです その仕組みは |
Allah creates you weak after weakness He gives you strength and after strength weakness and gray hairs. He creates whatever He will. He is the Knower, the Capable. | アッラーは あなたがたを弱い者に創られ それから弱い者を後で 強壮にされ 強壮な者を弱い白髪になされる かれは御自分の望みのままに創られる かれは全知にして全能であられる |
The smallest branch of the hairs looks like spatulae, and an animal like that has one billion of these nano size split ends, to get very close to the surface. | このナノサイズの枝毛を ヤモリは10億本持っていて 物の表面につくことができます 人の毛の直径はこれだけですがー |
God is He that created you of weakness, then He appointed after weakness strength, then after strength He appointed weakness and grey hairs He creates what He will, and He is the All knowing, the All powerful. | アッラーは あなたがたを弱い者に創られ それから弱い者を後で 強壮にされ 強壮な者を弱い白髪になされる かれは御自分の望みのままに創られる かれは全知にして全能であられる |
Now if we look at animals, though, to be really maneuverable in all surfaces, the animals use hybrid mechanisms that include claws, and spines, and hairs, and pads, and glue, and capillary adhesion and a whole bunch of other things. | 工夫をしています 爪 トゲ 髪 肉球 糊 毛細現象による接着など いろいろな要素を組み合わせて使います |
The Philips Bodygroom has a sleek, ergonomic design for a safe and easy way to trim those scruffy underarm hairs, the untidy curls on and around your bleep , as well as the hard to reach locks on the underside of your bleep and bleep . | だらしない脇の下のムダ毛 乱雑に曲がりくねる ピー 周りの除毛も簡単 それと大変ですよね そう下の方は ピー と ピー の このボディグルームを使えば世界が変わります |
God is the One who has created you in a state of weakness then He has granted you strength following your weakness later on He has given you infirmity and grey hairs in place of strength. He creates whatever He wishes He is the All Knowing and All Powerful. | アッラーは あなたがたを弱い者に創られ それから弱い者を後で 強壮にされ 強壮な者を弱い白髪になされる かれは御自分の望みのままに創られる かれは全知にして全能であられる |
So that's just the eye of the bee with a microscope and now, all of a sudden, you can see that the bee has thousands of individual eyes called ommatidia and they actually have sensory hairs in their eyes so they know when they're right up close to something, because they can't see in stereo. | 突如として ハチが何千もの 個眼 を持っているとわかります 目の中に生えている毛に 物が触れることで 何かがすぐ近くにあることを 感じます |
So that's just the eye of the bee with a microscope, and now all of a sudden you can see that the bee has thousands of individual eyes called ommatidia, and they actually have sensory hairs in their eyes so they know when they're right up close to something, because they can't see in stereo. | こうなってはじめて ミツバチは 複眼という無数の眼を持っていると判ります しかも その眼には感覚毛が生えており |