"make indication"の翻訳 日本語へ:

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Indication - translation : Make - translation : Make indication - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

It can be an indication.
この間 バークレーの私の同業者
Just give some indication if it's right.
3桁の数字をどうぞ はい
It's the indication that it's the best foie gras.
Hint I gave you an indication right within the story.
There is no indication that this individual was selling drugs.
生徒に売っていた 形跡はありません
There is no indication as to... Let's put something else on.
Did Mr. Fiske give any indication that he was distressed or...?
Because this is the indication that the planet went into the star.
So that's the recursion tree corresponding to an indication of Merge Sort.
And this is a clear indication that this is a valuable resource.
食糧源であることの表れです 貴重な食糧源は特別な方法で
There is no real indication that there is any real thinking going on.
That will be a pretty good indication that you're actually detecting dark matter particles.
And this was an indication of structures that are larger than anything seen before.
どんな物よりも大きな構造のしるしだった 今日ではもちろん もっと高い精度で分かっている これが銀河の濃度の投影図だ
Do the files give any indication of who he might have been working for?
There's no indication that the Vulcans have withdrawn from their consulates in Canberra or Berlin.
ヴァルカン人がキャンベラやベルリンの 領事館から撤退した様子は無いそうです
This is fantastic, this an indication of a field that is finally getting its act together.
そして今では もうこのデータセットはあまり使われていません データとしては 複数の物体が
But perhaps we'll get some sort of indication... as how to bring you to full term.
きっと治療法が見つかるだろう 妊娠を継続させられると思う
His victory at this age in an international competition is a good indication of a bright future.
この若さで国際大会で優勝するなんて まさに前途洋洋ですね
From their reaction to Fukushima, it was an indication that people didn't understand the options around nuclear.
核の周りのオプション 古いインフラストラクチャの更新 大幅に安全基準を増加します
Let me realize that my past failures at follow through are no indication of my future performance.
将来のパフォーマンスの兆候というわけじゃない そんなの俺のケツを温める火ってだけ
There is not really much of an indication in fact that there is a person on board.
Actually, one indication is that little boy on my husband's shoulders has just graduated from high school.
実はつい先日高校を卒業しました 笑
There is some indication that it may buy you some time in the midst of an outbreak.
時間稼ぎになる可能性はあります タミフルを長期間使用すると
But if the last century has been any indication, we humans are extremely good at solving technological challenges.
人類は技術的困難の解決に とても長けているということです だから私は 人類の発明の才には 不安を持っていません
And so now, obviously, with the dye, they've changed, which means there's some definitely some indication of growth.
これは明らかに 成長の証拠です これから地球に戻って
Now notice, he nodded there, he was giving me some indication he was understanding the flow of communication.
コミュニケーションの流れを 理解したのだとわかります 私が突拍子もないことを言ったとすると
The science at work here is very advanced, with every indication that it's been going on for years.
The science at work here is very advanced, with every indication that it's been going on for years.
This is clear indication for mankind, and a guidance and a mercy for a folk whose faith is sure.
この クルアーン は 人びとに対する明証であり 導きであり また信心の堅固な者への慈悲である
XML file did not specify the source of the images, this is a strong indication that the file is corrupted
XML ファイルに画像のソースが指定されていません おそらくファイルが壊れています
This is an indication of how well you behaved with the breaks. It decreases every time you skip a break.
これは あなたがどれくらいきちんと休憩を取ったかを表しています 休憩をスキップするたびにスコアが下がります
It's not that they usually sue, it's not that they would win, but it's an indication of the corrosion of authority.
訴えが通ることなどありませんが 権力が劣化していることも明らかです では法律の制度は政府にはどう働くのでしょうか
And if the last 15 kilometers are any indication, walking the Camino with you is kind of like being alone, so...
残りは15キロくらいだし あなたと歩くのは 一人と同じよ
Make haste! Make haste!
ほら 急いで
Make it. Make what?
やるって 何をやるんだ
Make way, make way.
道を開けろ 道を開けろ
This is an indication that you are moving the edge straight up which will result in an even roof, click to finish.
クリックして終了です SketchUpでは赤 緑 青の軸を目安に 3Dでの描画と移動を
Your honor,it's a clear indication that gregory malina was a functionary in arthur frobisher's conspiracy to defraud his employees and shareholders.
マリーナは明らかに フロビシャーの株価操作に 関与しています 株主と社員をダマしました
Ladies, make way. Make way.
道をあけろ あけるんだ
メーカー camera model
And I thought, well maybe there is Lithium 6 in this star, which is an indication that this star has swallowed a planet.
それはこの恒星が惑星を飲み込んだ 証拠かもしれない と なぜなら リチウム6のような壊れやすい同位元素は
And then where they intersect, that would that would give you that would give you an indication of where the angle bisector is.
その角度の二等分線はどこの指示を与えるでしょう 彼らが交差する場所に その行を描画できませんでした
The first indication of the pandemic came in the spring, when American troops in northern France began complaining of chills, headaches and fever.
第一次大戦中 北フランスに渡った米軍が 寒気や頭痛発熱を 訴えたことから始まります その年の9月には ボストン近郊の米軍兵舎で


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