"municipal sewage"の翻訳 日本語へ:
辞書 英語-日本
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
Sewage. | 汚水だし |
Sewage treatment facility. | 生活排水処理施設だよ |
No luck on municipal cameras. | スピードカメラはだめだわ |
The sewage pipe is obstructed. | 下水管がつまっている |
Goo JungMool (sewage)? Or flies? | あ そうだ ジュンピョ |
State County Municipal Offender Data System. | 州犯罪者データ照会システム |
Are you familiar with taxfree municipal...? | 市の免税について詳しいですか |
Often what jams us up is sewage. | 国立公園や州立公園の入り口で こんな看板を |
Goo JoongPyo, you are Goo JoongMool (sewage)! | F4! このハエ野郎ー!! |
Maybe tomorrow, we could visit the municipal museum. | 明日は地方の博物館を観たいわね |
Literally, the raw sewage runs through the camp. | ここの人々は忘れ去られていたので |
By sabotaging key dams and sewage processing plants, | ダムや下水処理施設が 妨害されれば |
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues. | 市議会は具体的な問題にもっと焦点をあてるべきだ |
Our enthusiasm and collaboration have influenced the municipal government. | と言うことになりました |
We've got some runoff from a sewage plant farm. | これも入れよう |
We have the traffic police and municipal corporation helping us. | 子どもたちでいっぱいです |
The municipal council all but ignored the gravity of the pollution. | 市議会はその汚染の重大さをほとんど無視した |
I'mafraid the sewage workers found his body just this morning, sir | 残念ながら下水作業員が 今朝彼の死体を見つけました |
The municipal government is at their wits' end concerning the garbage problem. | 自治体はゴミ処理問題に頭を抱えている |
Closed because human sewage is so far over this park that you can't use it ? | 公園中に溢れているため 立ち入り禁止 滅多にありませんよね |
You're allowed to have an elected government, collect taxes, provide municipal services, and that's exactly what they do. | 公共サービスの提供ができます 実際にこういったことは起きています つまり彼らは未来の市町村長なんです |
We read that each year, the Vancouver municipal government monitors phthalate concentration levels in rivers to assess their safety. | 河川でのフタル酸エステル類の 汚染レベルを監視し 安全性を評価しています それで思いました フレーザー川沿いで |
We wouldn't tolerate our parks being swamped by human sewage, but beaches are closed a lot in our country. | 耐えられないのに 海岸は頻繁に閉鎖されます 同じ事が世界中で起っている |
In brains full of long sewage pipes of school wall, tarmac and welfare papers the buzzing of insects must enter. | 例えば排水溝のことや 学校の壁やアスファルト 奉仕活動に忙しい人や 虫の声にも耳を貸そう |
And if we jam nutrients, sewage, fertilizer in the base of that food pyramid, it can back up all through it. | ピラミッドの底に詰め込むと 頂点まで逆流します 何が起るかはご存知の通り |
If you flush a toilet, your feces will go to the sewage treatment plants, which are sold as assets, not liabilities. | 不要物でなく 資源として売られます 天然ガスを作る肥料工場など 誰が欲しがるでしょう |
Imagine a restaurant that serves Michelin starred food, but actually where the restaurant smells of sewage and there's human feces on the floor. | 下水の臭いが充満していて 人間の排泄物が落ちているとしましょう そこで価値を高めるためにまずやるべきことは |
I just thought that I've been really privileged to go to over 2,000 schools in my country village schools, government schools, municipal schools, Ivy League schools | 名門校など 2000 校以上の 学校を回れたことをとても 光栄に思っていました |
And I asked the real estate guy what it was as we were walking by, and he goes, It's something to do with the sewage system. | 下水関係の何かだ って言うんで 気にせずにいたんです 下水関係の何かだ って言うんで 気にせずにいたんです |
Gas and sewage systems along with police, fire, and medical facilities Are functioning on emergency generators but pump failure has left taller buildings without water service. | ラジオの音 水道 都市ガス などのライフライン 警察 消防 病院といった 公共施設は 非常電源で機能しているようですが |
And when we were walking through the narrow alleys, it was literally impossible not to step in the raw sewage and the garbage alongside the little homes. | 文字通り足の踏み場がないくらい 小さな家々に沿って 未処理の下水やゴミがありました しかし 同時に |
A4 size paper you could be in a municipal school, you could be in a government school a paper, a scale and a pencil no glue, no scissors. | 地域の学校でも国立学校でも 紙と鉛筆と物差しがあれば ノリやハサミは不要で 三分で組み立てることができます |
There are problems of sewage overflow and contamination, but I would also argue that almost every city has this exact condition, and it's a condition that we're all facing. | 汚染です しかし重要なことは ほとんどすべての都市が そして私達全員が |
The Workshop will connect people with passion in the community with organizations and people with assets that can accommodate renewable generation projects municipal buildings, hospitals, brownfield sites, used landfills, quarries, business rooftops. | 資産をもつ人や組織を 結びつけます 両者が自然エネルギープロジェクトを創り出します |
We walked into the offices of the municipal corporation, the police, the press, businesses, and basically said, When are you going to wake up and recognize the potential that resides in every child? | 訪問しました こんな訴えをしました いつになったら 子どもの秘めた可能性に目覚めて気づいてもらえるでしょう? |
Overall, that s 60 of the seats in Parliament, won in nearly every district in the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas entered electoral politics only recently, but its massive victory was preceded by wide success in municipal elections. | ハマスはパレスチナ立法評議会の132席中76席を獲得し 4人の無所属議員からの支持を受ける 全体としてみれば 政府の60 を占め ガザ 西岸ほぼ全ての地区での勝利を意味する ハマスが選挙に参入したのはごく最近のことであるが 今回の圧倒的勝利に先立って地方評議会選挙で大きな成功を収めている ハマス政治の時が来たのである |
When she came into my life, we were fighting against a huge waste facility planned for the East River waterfront despite the fact that our small part of New York City already handled more than 40 percent of the entire city's commercial waste a sewage treatment pelletizing plant, a sewage sludge plant, four power plants, the world's largest food distribution center, as well as other industries that bring more than 60,000 diesel truck trips to the area each week. | 巨大なゴミ処理施設に反対して戦っていました ニューヨーク市の 私たちのちっぽけな地区は すでに市の商業廃棄物の40 を扱っていたのです 下水処理ペレット化工場 下水ヘドロ工場 4つの発電所 |
People started to drop less litter in the streets, for example, started to pay taxes, started to feel something they had forgotten, and beauty was acting as a guardsman where municipal police, or the state itself, were missing. | 税金を 払うようになりました 忘れていた感情を 人々は取り戻し 警官や州そのものが 見失っていた |
His administration narrowed key municipal thoroughfares from five lanes to three, outlawed parking on those streets, expanded pedestrian walkways and bike lanes, created public plazas, created one of the most efficient bus mass transit systems in the entire world. | これらの道路での駐車を法律違反にし 遊歩道と 自転車の散歩道を拡張し 公共広場を作りました 世界中でもっとも効率的な バス大量輸送システムを作りました |
Their new leader, King Abdullah, appears to have legitimacy because of his seniority in the family. The reformers talk about partial municipal elections, national dialogue, and the rights of women, who they hint may one day even be allowed to drive cars! | 改革派の権力は (保守派に比べて) 弱いが 国際社会にとって独裁制のサウジの受け入れやすい一面である 新王 Abdullah は一族の中でも年長であり 妥当性があるように思われる 改革派は部分的な地方自治体選挙 首脳会談 女性の権利 (いつか車の運転を認められる可能性もあるらしい!) などについて議論している |
Now, all these photos had been damaged by water, submerged in salt water, covered in bacteria, in sewage, sometimes even in oil, all of which over time is going to continue to damage them, so hand cleaning them was a huge part of the project. | 細菌に覆われたり ドブに浸かったり さらには油で汚れています それらが全て写真を劣化させるので |
San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment, as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater, causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria that are needed to treat the waste. | 水没してしまうと 工場からの 排水ができなくなる上に 廃棄物を処理するバクテリアに 影響がでてしまうので 4000万ドルを捻出して 上下水道システムの |
That's why we're starting to see more disclosure laws come out, so for example, on the environment, there's the Aarhus Convention, which is a European directive that gives people a very strong right to know, so if your water company is dumping water into your river, sewage water into your river, you have a right to know about it. | 環境について言えば 欧州議会のオーフス条約がありますね かなり強い 知る権利 を |
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