"negatively"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

Negatively - translation :
キーワード : ちゃ 減圧 マイナス 捉え

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Or are they negatively correlated?
この地図上では 緑色が正の相関性を示し
These proteins are very negatively charged.
But that's putting it too negatively.
to be negatively charged 'exotic matter'.
That may negatively impact that person's life.
どうやっても結局 お互いの生活や経験を
That is the age slope. Got steeper, negatively.
アクティブ年数の傾きも急になった 正
Hobnob was positively skewed. Foreplay, was, negatively skewed.
そしてあなたは 密度プロット 要確認 か スムース化したヒストグラムで見る事が出来ます
They both display a negatively sloping somewhat linear relationship.
1つ目の散布図は このような正の線形関係で
Don't ask any questions that would portray us negatively.
私達の不利益となる様な 質問は避けて下さい
The positively skewed for HobNob. The negatively skewed for FourPlay.
このような記述統計量が生成されるはずです もう一度 これらは第二回の講義から来ています
But they can often reveal themselves negatively, in the form of jealousy.
テレビに出たい っていう歌を知ってる? どうしてテレビに出たいのかな?
In the case of positively or negatively curved ones, there is a crtuch.
ここで思い出して欲しい オメガ曲率 いわゆる曲率の密度は
but if there's anything biological in there, the room should be negatively pressured.
ウィルスを保管してるなら 減圧状態のはずですが
On this map, green will mean they're positively correlated and red means they're negatively correlated.
赤色が負の相関性を示しています ご覧のように圧倒的に緑色が占めています
Small errors in the leveling sequence can negatively influence the B and C home positions
And so it's not surprising that we have a negatively skewed distribution with respect to SAT scores.
負の側にskewしている 歪んでいる のは驚くにあたりません そしてワーキングメモリのスコア SAT程ひどくもありませんが
Don't tighten any further than 10 degrees as this will negatively affect the geometry of the machine
マシンのジオメトリとしてこの悪影響を及ぼすだろう 慎重に静止した平準化のネジを保持している間ロック ナットを締めます
We were really negatively surprised, because 10 out of 14 baby trollers have got a unsucessfull(5) rating.
a unsucessfull(5) rating. Impressive was in addition, that beside the bad rated products
like leafy vegetables, whole grains, avoiding cigarettes, cocaine, stress all of which have been shown experimentally to impact our epigenomes negatively.
タバコ コカイン ストレスを 避けることを始めても 充分 間に合います あなたの行動は
I make sure that the cyclicity of the world doesn't really affect negatively the estimated error I've enclosed in the boundary.
境界線で囲った推定される誤差に 悪影響を及ぼさないことを確かめます コンピュータモデルの演算にworld sizeを加えて
So first of all, decide on a goal to get to know one person from a group you may have negatively stereotyped.
今迄ステレオタイプ的に 敬遠してきた人の一人とお近づきになるのです それから実際に会う前に
And the conclusion was it was tasks that included social evaluative threat threats to self esteem or social status in which others can negatively judge your performance.
社会的評価を脅かすような作業でした 他人にマイナス評価される可能性がある 自尊心や社会的地位を脅かすものでした
Remember that DNA has a negatively charged backbone because of all the phosphate groups, so what you'll actually observe is that they'll travel towards the positive end.
そのため サンプルは電場の正の方向に移動していくのが観測されます そのため ちょっと時間が経つと このように見えます
Because what the data shows, above all else, is one thing, which is that success and likeability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women.
出世と好感度というのは 男性の場合正の相関があり 女性の場合負の相関があるのです
Um, so, it was negatively skewed. I can show that, show those distributions instead of me awkwardly drawing with the stylus, I, I promise to get better.
お見せ出来ます もっと良くなるとお約束出来ます あなたはRでこれが出来ます
They're able to attract the negatively charged electrons in the bond, just like a strong individual is able to overpower a weaker individual in a tug of war.
結合中の電荷をもった 電子を引きつけます それは綱引きで力の強い人が 力の弱い人を圧倒するようにです
You see, if you have, over time, reacted negatively to past events and people, neural pathways are laid down by chemical and electrical signals that are sent through the brain.
過去の出来事や人に否定的な対応をしていると 脳からの化学的 電気的な信号により 否定的な考えの神経経路が形成されます
The best line fit will go something like this and r might be as small as 0.2, but it is negative, the reason being that the line down here goes down negatively.
And what we'd like to say with Yes is More is basically trying to question this idea that the architectural avant garde is almost always negatively defined, as who or what we are against.
建築におけるアバンギャルドが 常に自らが反対するものへの否定形で定義づけられることに対し 疑問を投げかけることです
So the next time that you're about to turn your assumptions into an action that might negatively impact someone else's life, gossiping about someone, deciding to put someone down, choosing to not be someone's friend.
皆さんが思い込みを行動に移して 誰かのゴシップを言ったり 誰かを見下したり
So if you draw acts of causation, you find sickness causes death, and sickness causes you to go to the hospital, and if anything at all, once you knew you were sick, being in the hospital negatively correlated with you dying that is, being in a hospital made it less likely for you to pass away given that you were sick.
病気があなたの死を招き 病気があなたを病院へ行くことを促します そしてもし自分が病人で 病院にいることと死ぬことに相関関係があっても 病院にいることで死ぬ確率が減っているのです
I'm really hoping that the U.S. government will figure out a way to create more jobs in a way where it doesn't impact negatively other countries and . . ah . . and another important issue for me is our educational systems because I feel like they're failing and our children are our future generations and we really need to invest in our educational systems which includes sports, ah . .
なるべく他国にマイナスな影響を及ぼさないように そして もう一つ大事な問題は 教育システム そのシステムの整合性が衰えている様で これからの年代の 子供達を考えなければならないので 焦点を教育システムにも当てる必要がある スポーツを含めて


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