"rebuilding"の翻訳 日本語へ:
辞書 英語-日本
Rebuilding - translation :
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
Rebuilding glossary cache... | 用語集のキャッシュを再構築中... |
Rebuilding cache... done. | キャッシュを再構築中...完了 |
But today, women are rebuilding Rwanda. | また アパルトヘイトの後 |
Your muscles atrophied. We're rebuilding them. | 萎縮した筋肉を つくりなおす |
So they can profit by rebuilding it. | それから 再開の時に 儲かるはずだ |
We've had over 1,500 volunteers rebuilding, rehabbing homes. | FEMAの規則を勉強し |
So we spent five weeks rebuilding the church. | 教会は3年間だけ 使われる予定でしたが |
The bank helped finance the rebuilding of what was otherwise a dying community. | 経済再建を援助したのです 一般的基準によるとそうした債務者はリスクが高いのですが |
Now, we will block the Persian coastal assault, by rebuilding the great Phocian wall. | 我々はフェキス大城壁を再建し ペルシャによる海岸襲撃を阻止する |
Gentlemen, I have assembled a preliminary budget estimate for the rebuilding of San Francisco. | みなさん サンフランシスコの 再建計画の 予算案です |
Hometown security means rebuilding our natural defenses, putting people to work, restoring our natural systems. | 人々を職に就け 自然を再生することです 外国の富を破壊するのではなく |
Yes, sir. Diplomats in dungarees. Marine engineers lend a helping hand rebuilding Dong Phuc village recently... | 作業服の外交官 工兵隊は ドン フック村を再建設 |
When these three elements come together, we will be able to achieve a self sustaining economy and the rebuilding of Tohoku. we will be able to achieve a self sustaining economy and the rebuilding of Tohoku. | 我々は初めてこれから東北の自立する経済 東北の再生ができるのではないかと思います 私がいつも |
We agreed that we should bring changes to Tohoku and make contributions to rebuilding the region together. | 何か復興していけないかということで まさに後ろにある絆です |
We need to put people back to work rebuilding our roads and our highways and our runways. | 建設業は大いなる波及効果を国中の地域に与えます |
Yeah! Boy, they did a good job rebuilding the balcony. It went up like a Roman candle. | バルコニーなんて 黒焦げだったよ |
It's not rebuilding Europe, it's reversing the divergence for the bottom billion, so that they actually catch up. | 相違をなくし最下層10億が追いつけるようにする より簡単か より難しいか |
And the kind of thing they're doing is demobilizing militias, rebuilding economies, resettling refugees, even liberating child soldiers. | 例えば 市民軍の解体や 経済の再建 難民の定住化 |
Today, with the help of the Obama administration, we are rebuilding our roads and bridges and expanding broadband access. | 道路 橋 広帯域インターネットワークへのアクセスを構築しております 本日 私達は ラムニー氏が残した債務をなくし |
What I believe is most important is to pursue a true rebuilding of Tohoku that centers on local communities. | 一番大事なことはコミュニティ主体による 真の復興を目指したいということなのです 各所でいろいろな住民たちと |
They can make their own sterile drinking water, and start to get on with rebuilding their homes and their lives. | そして家と生活を立て直すことができるのです これを役立てるのに |
Now these are examples of New Orleans rebuilding in this way, but better if others act proactively with these changes in mind. | 皆が気候変動を踏まえて事前の 対策を講じるようになればと願います 例えばこのガルベストンの家は 他の全ての家がハリケーンで |
The politics become easier as the decade progresses if you're building on a foundation of security and economic development the rebuilding of prosperity. | 時間の経過とともに 政治はより容易になります まずは 豊かさを再建するのです |
But now I was about to embark on the most creative project that any of us could ever do that of rebuilding a life. | 取り掛かることになるのです 人生の建て直しです 何をすればいいか 全く見当もつかない中 |
So now you're rebuilding Christchurch without knowing what the smartest people in Christchurch want to do with their own money and their own energy. | 才能あふれる人たちが 自分の金と精力を注いで やろうとしていることが わかっていません そういう人達がやって来て |
NASA supported this work 12 years ago as part of the rebuilding of the Hayden Planetarium so that we would share this with the world. | このプロジェクトを ハイデン プラネタリウムの改築の 一環として世界に向けて |
I proposed a big rebuilding, a temporary music hall, because L'Aquila is very famous for music and all the concert halls were destroyed, so musicians were moving out. | ラクイラは 音楽でとても有名な街なのですが 音楽ホールが全て壊れて 音楽家たちが街を離れ始めていたからです そこで市長に |
I proposed a big rebuilding, a temporary music hall, because L'Aquila is very famous for music and all the concert halls were destroyed, so musicians were moving out. | ラクイラは 音楽でとても有名な街なのですが 音楽ホールが全て壊れて 音楽家たちが 街を離れ始めていたからです |
longest life expectancy, one of the lowest rates of infant mortality, had managed to achieve universal coverage at a time when Japan was still rebuilding itself, after World War Il. | 新生児の死亡率が最も低い国の一つです 第二次世界大戦後 国の再建中であっても 国民皆保険制度を |
They said, this is our design, because it's not only about engaging a community it's about empowering a community, and about getting them to be a part of the rebuilding process. | 地域社会に関わりあうだけでなく 地域を活気づけます それに 彼らを再建のプロセスに巻き込みます |
So far, Fatah s senior leaders have declared that they will be a loyal opposition in Parliament, leaving governmental responsibility to Hamas. Instead, they will have to focus on rebuilding and reenergizing Fatah. | これまでのところ ファタハの幹部たちは ハマスに政府責任を残し 政府の公式野党となることを宣言した 代わりに ファタハは自党の再建と再興に集中しなければならない |
And again, the rebuilding of the city to me, it was sad to see that they didn't really grab a lot of, I guess, what we know here, in terms of urban planning. | いわゆる都市計画が あまりなされなかったことです 公園もないし 緑もありません |
To be sure, emerging markets have been on an unusual savings spree, rebuilding reserves and improving balance sheets, but nobody expects this to go on forever. Even US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan ordinarily the Oracle of Delphi on interest rate matters, has declared the current situation a conundrum. | 他に説得力のある説明は見あたらない 確かに 新興市場は異常な盛り上がりをみせ 利益準備金の建て直しとバランスシートの改良を果たしたが しかし誰もこれが永遠に続くとは思っていない 連邦準備制度理事会議長のアラン グリーンスパンでさえ 金利問題については 長期金利が現在の状況下でこれだけ低いのは 謎だ と発言した |
Troubleshooting the IMAP Cache If you have problems with synchronizing an IMAP folder, you should first try rebuilding the index file. This will take some time to rebuild, but will not cause any problems. If that is not enough, you can try refreshing the IMAP cache. If you do this, you will lose all your local changes for this folder and all its subfolders. | IMAP キャッシュのトラブルシューティング IMAP フォルダの同期に問題があるなら 最初にインデックスファイルを再構築してみてください 再構築には時間がかかりますが 何も問題は起こしません それでも解決しなければ IMAP キャッシュを更新してみてください ただし そのフォルダやサブフォルダに加えたローカルな変更はすべて失われます |
And he also created a magical atmosphere of trust between us by confessing his secret, which was that, as a very young boy starting at age four, he had been savagely and repeatedly physically abused by his stepfather, and the abuse had gotten so bad that he had had to drop out of school in eighth grade, even though he was very smart, and he'd spent almost 20 years rebuilding his life. | 信用 を築き上げました 秘密とは 4歳頃から 義理の父親から継続的でひどい 暴力をふるわれていたのです |
(Audience cheers) And while my opponent would spend more money on military hardware that our Joint Chiefs don't even want, I would use the money that we're no longer spending on war to pay down our debt and put more people back to work rebuilding roads and bridges, and schools and runways because after two wars that have cost us thousands of lives and over a trillion dollars, it's time to do some nation building right here at home. | 兵器ハードウェアに多量の資金を使用させる代わりに 私はその資金を 戦争費につぎ込まず 債務を返済し 人々を仕事に戻し |
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