"thermo flask"の翻訳 日本語へ:
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
Round Bottomed Flask | 丸底フラスコ |
Here's an Erlenmeyer flask. | それから 三角フラスコ |
I've got sandwiches, a flask... | いけません |
Kjeldahlstyle recovery flask, 800 milliliters. | 首の長いケルダール式の ナス型フラスコ |
We may see a thermo nuclear war, | 北朝鮮自身そんなことをしでかそうとは |
a round bottom boiling flask. 5,000 milliliters. | 5,000ミリリットルの 丸底フラスコだ |
That's what a boiling flask is for. | フラスコには それぞれの用途がある |
But it doesn't have to be a flask. | 試験管や他のガラス器具でもいいです |
No, that's a... Yeah, that's a boiling flask. | 気をつけろ 蒸留用のフラスコだ |
You wouldn't apply heat to a volumetric flask. | 加熱用ではない |
A volumetric flask is for general mixing and titration. | これは溶液の濃度を 調整するために使う |
I have a flask that has bioluminescent plankton in it. | 発光プランクトンが入っています 今は光っていませんね |
You got your usual paraphernalia Griffin beakers, your Erlenmeyer flask. | ビーカーや三角フラスコなど あとは普通の器具だが |
I presently, or currently, work with smart materials, and a smart thermo bimetal. | スマート サーモ バイメタルです まずこれを スマート 賢い と 称するのは |
one 5,000 milliliter round bottom boiling flask, one Kjeldahlstyle recovery flask, 800 milliliters, two fullface respirators, some sep funnels, a sill head with a thermometer holder... | 5,000ミリリットルの 丸底フラスコ 1本 ケルダール式ナス型フラスコ 800ミリリットル 1本 防毒マスク 2個 |
I'll add in three drops of super strength explosives to the flask | ねぇ プリンセス |
Was it a black fluid in a flask container? Yes, that's it. | 銀の容器に入った 黒い液体だな |
But how can I push this through the column and into the flask? | 最初のステップとして 栓を開けます |
No, this is a volumetric flask. You wouldn't cook in one of these. | これはメスフラスコだから 無理だ |
North Korea's Supreme Commander, Kim Jong Un is threatening thermo nuclear war against the United States. | アメリカに核戦争の脅威をちらつかせている アメリカを断固粉砕せよ |
Galaxies will have their own Thermo velocity due to the potential well of the cluster itself. | 我らは方位角方向の成分は計測していないが |
Adam Grosser So 29 years ago, I had this thermo teacher who talked about absorption and refrigeration. | 片方には放熱器が入っています |
No, Yumi put it in a thermos flask and brought it into the club room. | ううん 由美ちゃんが魔法瓶に入れて 部室に持って来てくれたの |
Mis shapen in the conduct of them both, Like powder in a skilless soldier's flask, | 汝自身の無知によって 火を放ち そして汝は汝自身の防衛でdismember'dている |
(Kitt) A thermo imaging scan of the motel is picking up three heat sources moving amongst the buildings. | モーテル内の熱センサー映像に 建物内を動き回る3人の人物が 映っています どういう意味 |
I'll just scan your head, cast the thermo plastic and you're good to go in less than an hour. | 頭をスキャンして サーモプラスチックを入れます... 1時間もかかりません |
Note that each flask you collect is considered a fraction, and that's how you conduct column chromatography. | これがカラム クロマトグラフィーの扱い方となります 先ほど述べた なるべく水平に詰めていくことですが |
The nations' reunification song. As the regime talks up thermo nuclear war, our other guide sets out the Sinatra doctrine. | 国家が核戦争をぶち上げているとき |
In the cold season when you want to drink something hot I recommend this sort of thermos flask. | 寒い時期にあったかい飲物が欲しい時にはこういった魔法瓶がお薦め |
It's called Bloom, and the surface is made completely out of thermo bimetal, and its intention is to make this canopy that does two things. | サーモバイメタルで作っています それによりこの覆いは 二つの機能を持っています 一つ目は 日傘の機能 |
I'm trying to work on making a thermo bimetal pattern system so that when the sun hits that outside layer and heats that interior cavity, that thermo bimetal will begin to curl, and what actually will happen then is it'll start to block out the sun in certain areas of the building, and totally, if necessary. | サーモバイメタルシステムを 組み込むことに挑戦しています 太陽光が外側のガラスに当たり 内部の空洞を暖めたときに |
So when you see that the blue band is getting really close to the bottom, you'll want to quickly switch out your old flask for a new one so that you've collected in the new flask, it's just this layer of the blue compound, while in your column you still have the yellow layer. | そこで 青い帯域がもう少しで底に届きそうな時は すばやくこれまでのフラスコから新しいフラスコに取り替えて 新しいフラスコ内に回収します |
And so far what you've been collecting in your flask is mostly all just solvent, but how do we actually collect whatever's in the blue band? | しかし どうやったらこの青い帯域の物質を集めることができるでしょうか それに 何の化合物が入っているか分からないでしょう |
And so you see here some early studies of blocks, where those holes are actually coming through, and this is before the thermo bimetal is applied, and this is after the bimetal is applied. | それぞれの孔は貫通しており こちらがバイメタルを施したもの こちらはバイメタルを 使用していないものです |
On the left, it's when it's cold and the thermo bimetal is flat so it will constrict air from passing through the blocks, and on the right, the thermo bimetal curls and allows that air to pass through, so those are two different components that I'm working on, and again, it's a completely different thing, because you can imagine that air could potentially be coming through the walls instead of opening windows. | ブロック内の 空気の通過を遮断しています 右側の サーモバイメタルは湾曲し 空気が通過するようになっています |
You see, I accidentally cracked the flask that had contained our third enrichment culture, and as a result, we had to wipe down the incubator room with bleach and ethanol twice. | 3つ目の集積培養物が入っていました それで 培養室を隅々まで拭くはめに 漂白とエタノールで2回も |
A round bottomed flask is used for many reactions. Some can be connected to other items, as the frosting on the neck shows. With cork rings they can be placed on a table. | 丸底フラスコは多くの化学反応に使われます 他の器具とつないで管部に霜を発生させられるものもあります コルクリングを使えばテーブルに置けます |
First, we need to pack this column full of some kind of filtration material, but we also want to make sure that that stuff doesn't just run through and spill into the flask. | しかし 詰めるものが動いたり フラスコの中にこぼれ落ちたりしないように気をつけます そこでまず 小さな綿の球をカラムの一番底に敷きます |
So what we're trying to do is do reactions not in one flask, but in tens of flasks, and connect them together, as you can see with this flow system, all these pipes. | 数十個のフラスコがつながる 循環システムの中で 反応を起こそうとしています |
What you're looking at on this slide is just a person from my lab holding a flask of a liquid culture of a bacterium, a harmless beautiful bacterium that comes from the ocean, named Vibrio fischeri. | 細菌の入った液体培地フラスコを持っているところで 細菌は海洋由来のビブリオ フィシェリという 美しく 無害な種です |
It's still with that glass box because we still want that visual access, but now it's sheathed with this thermo bimetal layer, it's a screen that goes around it, and that layer can actually open and close as that sun moves around on that surface. | これをサーモバイメタルで包み込みました 家全体を覆うスクリーンで 太陽の動きに合わせて開閉するのです |
It has an opening at the top where you can pour things in a stopcock at the bottom, which I currently have shown in the closed position and also a flask at the bottom to collect whatever it is you're using. | 栓がその底にあり 閉じた場所にあります そしてフラスコがそこについていて 使用した液体を集めます ただ フラスコでなくても構いません |
A reflux condenser subjects fluid to a process where a gas produced by heating is collected on the reflux condenser. The fluid is cooled until it condenses and runs back into the original fluid. Usually it is put on a round bottomed flask or several neck flasks. | 還流冷却器は 加熱によって生じた気体を冷却器に集める過程を担います 試料液は凝縮するまで冷やされ 元の試料液に流れ戻ります 試料液は通常 丸底フラスコや三つ口フラスコなどに入れます |
When you're tired of opening and closing those blinds day after day, when you're on vacation and there's no one there on the weekends to be turning off and on the controls, or when there's a power outage, and you have no electricity to rely on, these thermo bimetals will still be working tirelessly, efficiently and endlessly. | 休暇中や週末に 空調を制御する人が居ないとき または大規模停電で電力がなくなっても |
Burets are used to titrate liquids. A buret is filled with a specific volume of a liquid, and placed beneath it is a container such as an Erlenmeyer flask. By opening the valve on the buret, the liquid in the container will then be titrated. High quality burets have a venting mechanism with which they can be very easily refilled with the exact volume for which the buret is calibrated. | ビュレットは液体の滴定に使います ビュレットは特定の量の液体で満たされます ビュレットの下には三角フラスコのような容器を置きます 弁を開くことで容器内の液体が滴下されます 高品質のビュレットは通気機構を持ち 測定のための正確な量の補給が簡単に行えます |
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