"tumble dryer"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

Dryer - translation : Tumble - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

This, for example, is my tumble dryer.
(乾燥機の音) これはワルツです
Duplex Tumble
(Dryer) It's a waltz.
ワン ツー スリー ワン ツー スリー
Dryer, pins, perm roll...
これは これは ひと財産揃えたのね
Rough and tumble play.
これらの雌ライオンは遠目では 争っているように見えます
They loved our washer dryer.
洗濯機とかも 食いついてたしなあ
Did you bring a hair dryer?
Can I borrow the hair dryer?
Two bedrooms, two baths. Washer, dryer.
寝室と浴室が2つずつ 洗濯機に乾燥
The tumble hurt him badly.
It looks like a hair dryer from Mars.
全く安全で 全く非侵襲性の 静かな装置です
No, why tumble down? It stands alright.
隣のメーレホフ家の人達は どうしてる
The hollow point would tumble through you
He took a little tumble off the cliff.
Climate can get warmer or colder or dryer or wetter.
グリーンランドのヴァイキングの場合 1300年代後半から
The typhoon caused a tree to tumble on my yard.
That way, it's less likely to tumble down on you.
2D game inspired in Bubble Bobble, Snow Bros and Tumble Pop
バブルボブル スノーブラザーズ タンブルポップから発想を得た 2D ゲーム
I saw a girl tumble and ran to her in spite of myself.
女の子が転ぶのを見て 私は思わず駆け寄った
Ow! I hate when that happens! It was a rough and tumble time.
And rough and tumble play is a great learning medium for all of us.
例えば幼稚園児は 跳んだり 殴ったり 口笛を吹いたり
Those people like to tumble and carry on. They like to dance with each other.
It's a house of cards. Once it starts, it's just gonna tumble. All of it.
本当にそう思うか 騙されるな 一旦着手すれば...
Be sure to clear the lint trap before you run the dryer. Otherwise, you might start a fire.
乾燥機を動かす前には フィルターの掃除を確実に行ってください さもないと火災を招く可能性があります
The children seemed to tumble about and amuse themselves like a litter of rough, good natured collie puppies.
気立ての良いコリーの子犬 メアリーは ほとんどの母親とDickonに魅了されました
And its shape is what gives it the function of being able to tumble through air so easily.
この形を見てください 生物は物質に情報を足します
And tell him to let them airdry this time. I don't want him banging the hell out of my dryer.
ドライヤーは使わずに 外に干してと伝えてね
Oh shit. By the way, not all the times, but sometimes this chick's cooch can get dryer than a bucket of sand.
そうだ 時々 あそこが乾いていることがある
They tumble about on th' moor an' play there all day an' mother says th' air of th' moor fattens 'em.
目emを 湿原fattens 彼女は彼らがthの'草を食べると考えているだ
without static friction, the wheels will just spin in place he would slip and tumble, and the scooter wouldn't go anywhere.
同じ場所で滑りもがくだけだ スクーターはどこへも行けなくなる
Suppose now, he should tumble in upon me at midnight how could I tell from what vile hole he had been coming?
穴は 彼が来ていましたか 家主
And the sinners will see the Fire, and will realize that they will tumble into it. They will find no deliverance from it.
犯罪者たちは火獄を見て そこに落とされると知るが それから逃れる術のないことが分るであろう
Thomas gave up his restaurant business so he could dedicate every moment to his son, making him gourmet meals and using a hair dryer to dry him like his mother used to.
おいしい食事を作ったり 髪を乾かしたり 息子が母親にしてもらった事と 同じ事をするのです 息子を公園に連れて行くと
And the director listed the orphanage's most urgent needs as an industrial size washing machine and dryer, four vacuum cleaners, two computers, a video projector, a copy machine, winter shoes and a dentist's drill.
業務用の洗濯機とドライヤー業務用の洗濯機とドライヤー 掃除機4台 コンピュータ2台 プロジェクタ コピー機
You happy people that have a lot of hair on your head, if you take a shower, it takes you two or three hours to dry your hair if you don't use a dryer machine.
シャワーを浴びた後 ドライヤーを使わなければ 髪が乾くのに 2 3時間かかります
Dumb ways to die ie ie so many dumb ways to die invite a psycho killer inside scratch a drug dealer's brand new ride take your helmet off in outer space use a clothes dryer as a hiding place
おバカな死に方がいっぱいだね 快楽殺人鬼をご招待 麻薬の売人の車をコスっちゃった
Preschool kids, for example, should be allowed to dive, hit, whistle, scream, be chaotic, and develop through that a lot of emotional regulation and a lot of the other social byproducts cognitive, emotional and physical that come as a part of rough and tumble play.
叫んだり 取り乱したり それらを通して学んだ感情の調節や 社会的な副産物 認識 情緒 身体的 を 自由に発達させるべきです
Is he who founds his structure upon piety and acceptance from God better, or he who founds his structure on the brink of a cliff that is about to tumble, so it tumbles with him into the Fire of Hell? God does not guide the unjust people.
アッラーを畏れ かれの御喜びを求めてその家の礎えを定め建てる者と 砕け崩れそうな崖のふちにその家の礎えを定めて建て 地獄の火の中に共に砕け落ちる者と どちらが優れているか アッラーは不義を行う民を導かれない
Is he who founds his building on the fear of Allah and His pleasure, better or he who founds his building on the brink of a crumbling edge so that it will tumble with him into the Fire of Gehenna? Allah does not guide the harmdoers.
アッラーを畏れ かれの御喜びを求めてその家の礎えを定め建てる者と 砕け崩れそうな崖のふちにその家の礎えを定めて建て 地獄の火の中に共に砕け落ちる者と どちらが優れているか アッラーは不義を行う民を導かれない
Thereafter, your hearts turned as hard as rocks or even harder for some rocks give way to the streams to flow. Water comes out of some rocks when they are torn apart and others tumble down in awe before God. God does not ignore what you do.
ところがその後 あなたがたの心は岩のように硬くなった いやそれよりも硬くなった 本当に岩の中には 川がその間から涌き出るものがあり また割れてその中から水がほとばしり出るものもあり またアッラーを畏れて 崩れ落ちるものもある アッラーはあなたがたの行うことを おろそかにされない
when Sebastian stood up and left the foot to walk his body moves forward so that he could start to walk forward. the reason he didn't slip and tumble is because his other foot is gripping the ground, thanks to static friction. so what if there was no static friction?
体を前に動かし 歩き出すことができる 彼が滑って転ばない理由は 静止摩擦力のおかげで もう片方の足が
So they departed until, when they reached the people of a city, they asked the people for food, but they refused to receive them hospitably. There they found a wall about to tumble down, and so he set it up. He said, 'If thou hadst wished, thou couldst have taken a wage for that.'
それから2人は旅を続けて 或る町の住民の所まで来た そこの村人に食物を求めたが かれらは2人を歓待することを拒否した その時2人は 正に倒れんばかりの壁を見付けて かれはそれを直してやった かれ ムーサー は言った もし望んだならば それに対してきっと報酬がとれたでしょう
She was, however, only an untrained Yorkshire rustic who had been brought up in a moorland cottage with a swarm of little brothers and sisters who had never dreamed of doing anything but waiting on themselves and on the younger ones who were either babies in arms or just learning to totter about and tumble over things.
夢にも思わなかったいた小さな兄弟姉妹の群れと湿原のコテージ 何もそれ自体で待機しているの と赤ちゃんどちらかが腕の中でだったか 単に廃品回収業者に学ぶ若い人で
But even after seeing these Signs your hearts hardened and became as hard as rocks nay, even harder than rocks. For there are some rocks out of which springs gush forth, and others which split open, and water issues out of them then there are some which tumble down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you are doing.
ところがその後 あなたがたの心は岩のように硬くなった いやそれよりも硬くなった 本当に岩の中には 川がその間から涌き出るものがあり また割れてその中から水がほとばしり出るものもあり またアッラーを畏れて 崩れ落ちるものもある アッラーはあなたがたの行うことを おろそかにされない
And the sounds you're hearing came from eight microphones attached to obstacles around the park, and it sounds like chaos, but actually all the tricks start with a very distinct slap, but successful tricks end with a pop, whereas unsuccessful tricks more of a scratch and a tumble, and tricks on the rail will ring out like a gong, and voices occupy very unique frequencies in the skate park.
障害物に取り付けた 8つのマイクで録りました 雑音のようですが 実際は どの技も特徴的な音で始まり


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