Translation of "advancing" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Advancing - translation :
Keywords : 前進 進出 部隊

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The droids are advancing.
It's Lincoln here, advancing them.
Technology is advancing every second.
Advancing from Taganrog, Tikhoretskaya, Voronezh.
Its business is advancing quite well.
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
昨年12月につくられたばかりですが 一つのゴールです
And advancing retes became cultural emblems.
Sir, the enemy is advancing again.
Master Yoda, all forward positions are advancing.
マスター ヨーダ すべての前線で優勢です
The army was advancing in the wrong direction.
Who is advancing it? Who is pioneering it?
Juma's troops are advancing on a refugee camp.
ジュマの部隊は 難民キャンプに侵攻しようとしています
The Republic is advancing faster than I expected.
Enables automatic advancing of pages given a time period.
When I count three, start advancing towards each other.
Two more are advancing from the south toward Washington.
2分隊以上が南からワシントンに 向かって進んでいます
I am afraid we are advancing in the wrong direction.
So, you know, we are advancing the frontiers of science.
レミヤ ジョセが開発したのは
My years are not advancing as fast as you think.
The desert was advancing by a mile or two a year.
The enemy's advancing toward the prison level. We're on our way.
敵が監房レベルへ進んでる 今行く
We've got orders to write a paper explaining why we're not advancing.
The machines are advancing even faster than I told you they would.
機械は私の想像より もっと早く成長している
But he's perhaps best known for his controversial views on advancing computer technology.
しかし おそらくもっとも 知られているのは 物議を呼んでいる 先鋭的なコンピュータ技術の見解でしょう
And we have to be, of course, mindful and responsible of how the technology is developed and ultimately used, but we can't simply close our eyes and pretend that it isn't advancing it's advancing.
不安にならないとしたら 私達は仕事していないことになります それが私達の仕事の本質なのです
And we have to be, of course, mindful and responsible of how the technology is developed and ultimately used, but we can't simply close our eyes and pretend that it isn't advancing it's advancing.
最終的にどう使われるのかを心に留め 責任を持つべきなのはもちろんですが 目をつぶって技術が進歩しないフリを
The fun thing about this job is that the technology is continually advancing so it continues to be stimulating.
この仕事の面白みは 常に技術が進化しているので 刺激を受け続けられることですね
People who haven't had access to sophisticated tools for communicating and advancing their agenda now have pretty amazing access
いまや コミュニケーションや議論を前進させる 素晴らしいツールがあります インターネットや携帯電話により
I like to see a man of advancing years throw caution to the wind. It's inspiring, in a way.
年を考えすに そんなに食べてもいいの
Advancing towards Goliath and his army, they prayed to God for patience, steadfastness in battle, and for victory over the unbelievers.
それからかれらは進んで ジャールートとその軍勢に見えんとする時 祈って 言った 主よ わたしたちに不屈の精神を注ぎ込んで下さい わたしたちの足場を固めて 不信心の民に対し わたしたちを御助け下さい
O you who have faith! When you encounter the faithless advancing for battle , do not turn your backs to flee from them.
信仰する者よ あなたがたが不信者の進撃に会う時は 決してかれらに背を向けてはならない
Well, George Church, in his book, Regenesis, has mentioned many of the techniques that are rapidly advancing to work with fragmented DNA.
断片的なDNAを分析する 多くの技術が急速に進歩していると 言っています 私たちは DNAを生き返らせて
O you who have believed, when you meet those who disbelieve advancing for battle , do not turn to them your backs in flight .
信仰する者よ あなたがたが不信者の進撃に会う時は 決してかれらに背を向けてはならない
On May 9, 1969, a mile from the northern border of Laos, the 101st US Army Infantry division was advancing on hill 937.
1969年5月9日 ラオスの国境から2キロのところで アメリカの101部隊が 937頂点 のところに向かっていた
I end up looking at the mammal radiation, and it seems as though everything is quick time, just like technology, advancing by an order of magnitude.
新生代は全ての動きが速いです 技術進歩のように何桁も速いです 恐竜の進化はゆったりとしたペースで進みました
Had the drum of ethnic, religious or racial conflicts not been beaten, and if differences had not been used for the purpose of advancing political agendas
あらゆる人種間の 違いが 政治指針の促進の目的に使われなければ 人々が 独裁 政治指導や 世界のシオニズム運動を批評出来たならば
So, you're on vacation at a nice beach, and word comes through that there's been a massive earthquake and that there is a tsunami advancing on the beach.
巨大地震が起こり 津波がビーチへと 押し寄せていると耳にします ビーチの一方の端には ナイジェリア人の5人家族が住む家があります
We allowed them and their fathers time to enjoy till the very end of their lives. Do they not see Us advancing into the land, reducing its frontiers? Would they still prevail?
それなのに われはこれらの者やその祖先たちを享楽させ その期限まで永らえさせた われがこの 不信心者の 地に来て その隅々から征服しているのを見ないのか それでもかれらは勝利者なのか
When they saw it as a cloud advancing toward their valleys, they said, This cloud brings us rain. No, it is what you sought to hasten a hurricane carrying a painful punishment,
その時 黒雲がそれぞれの谷に押し寄せて来るのを見て人々は言った この雲では 一雨来るぞ すると 声があった いや それはあなたがたが催促するもの それに伴う風こそは痛ましい懲罰で
(Observing their followers advancing to Hell they will say, among themselves This is a troop rushing in to you. There is no welcome for them. They are destined to roast in the Fire.
これはあなたがたと一緒に むやみに突き進む一群である かれらには歓迎の言葉もない 火獄で焼かれるだけである
All right, well I must say, if this conference led in some way to advancing that idea, that's a huge idea, and if you carry that forward, that is really awesome, so thank you.
そういう壮大なアイディアの実現に つながればいいし 是非 実現にまい進していただきたい ありがとうございました
Do they not see Us advancing from all sides into their land and reducing its frontiers? It is for God to judge and there is none to reverse His judgement. He is swift at reckoning.
かれらは われがこの地に来て 端々からそれを切り崩しているのを見ないのか アッラーの御裁き ある時 それを妨げるものはない かれは清算に迅速であられる
Do they not see that We are advancing in the land, diminishing it by its borders on all sides? Allah judges, and no one has the power to reverse His judgement. He is swift in reckoning.
かれらは われがこの地に来て 端々からそれを切り崩しているのを見ないのか アッラーの御裁き ある時 それを妨げるものはない かれは清算に迅速であられる
Nay, We generously provided them and their fathers, and they enjoyed Our provision for long. Do they not see that We are now advancing into their territory, diminishing it from different sides? Is it they, then, who will triumph?
それなのに われはこれらの者やその祖先たちを享楽させ その期限まで永らえさせた われがこの 不信心者の 地に来て その隅々から征服しているのを見ないのか それでもかれらは勝利者なのか
So when they saw it as a cloud advancing towards their valleys, they said This is just a passing cloud that will bring us rain. No. It is what you were trying to hasten The wind which carries the grievous punishment!
その時 黒雲がそれぞれの谷に押し寄せて来るのを見て人々は言った この雲では 一雨来るぞ すると 声があった いや それはあなたがたが催促するもの それに伴う風こそは痛ましい懲罰で


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