Translation of "basin" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Basin - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Civil Basin
Hellas Basin.
Civil Final Settling Basin
This district forms a basin.
We'll put a basin under.
She poured water into the basin.
Our species are ocean basin wide.
The water in the basin has frozen solid.
The basin of a river usually has rich farmland.
The Seine flows through central part of Paris Basin.
Here's Hellas Basin, a very very different place, geologically.
地質学的に非常に異なる場所です メタンがあるのは
It's a basin, and rivers flow down from the highlands into the basin, carrying sediment, preserving the bones of animals that lived there.
ここに住んでいた動物の骨が 沈殿物と一緒に保存されています もしあなたが化石になりたかったら 骨がすぐに埋まってくれる場所で死ぬことです
A student was run over by a car on Basin Street.
Back room in the studio's got a basin and a cot.
What are you basin' it on? Stories this guy made up?
That's because the northern hemisphere is the region of the ancient ocean basin.
古代の海盆であった 地域だからです クレーターはあまり多くありません
And third is that we need to look at ocean basin wide management.
And in order to do that, you also need ocean basin management regimes.
海盆規模での管理体制が必要です 排他的経済水域内における地域ごとの
Water is running regularly so that the basin is always protected from grime.
自分自身が汚れないように プロテクトしてくれてるんですよね それから シャワーノズルにも セルフクリーニング機構が搭載されておりますし
The merit of that step forward is that the toilet basin stays clean.
でも これもエンジニアリングされてます
We need to work locally, but we also need to work ocean basin wide.
海盆規模での活動も必要なのです 現代はツールもテクノロジーも充分で
Many of the deep sea communities have genetic distribution that goes ocean basin wide.
海盆規模で 遺伝的繋がりがあります 私たちにはより深い理解が必要ですが
And that's because the water protected the basin from being impacted by asteroids and meteorites.
海盆を守ったからです では南半球を見てください
Chirk, chirk, chirk, it went, the sound of a spoon being rapidly whisked round a basin.
盆地 あの少女は と彼女は言った
And a good land in Chao Praya Basin will be covered with concrete more and more.
コンクリートでもっともっと覆われるでしょう もっと破壊します
It turns out in a lot of controls there is something called the basin of attraction.
コントローラを数学的に見ると 成功が保証されるケースは
We have the tools and technologies now to enable us to take a broader ocean basin wide initiative.
活動範囲を広げた 海盆規模でのイニシアティブも可能です 太平洋における捕食者のタギング プロジェクトは
Fossil sites run up and down both lengths of that lake basin, which represents some 20,000 square miles.
地域の面積は 約5万平方キロあります 発掘するには広大な土地です
led us to Eastern Nevada, to America's newest and oldest national park, which is called Great Basin National Park.
かつ一番古い国立公園を紹介してくれました グレートベースン国立公園です ネバダ東側の州境にある 標高3千メートルを超える
It's provided us data like this, of tiny, little sooty shearwaters that make the entire ocean basin their home.
小さな灰色のミズナギドリは 海盆全体をねぐらとしています 1年足らずで実に6万5千キロを
So, let's go to Lake Turkana, which is one such lake basin in the very north of our country, Kenya.
トゥルカナ湖に行ってみましょう ケニア最北部に位置する盆地にある湖です 湖には北から流れ込む大きな川があります
This is part of the Amazon Basin, a place called Rondônia in the south center part of the Brazilian Amazon.
これはブラジルアマゾンの中南部にある ロンドニア州です 右上のあたりを よく見てください
I mean, I got me all five starters, and half the bench of the Basin City Blues keeping me company.
ベイシン シティ ブルースの 人たちを呼んだの
But yes, a blown tire will very quickly leverage the PlD controller out of the basin of attraction for stable control.
PID制御は作用しなくなります 結果的に本当に車が ひっくり返るようなことが起こり得ます
This red dot marks the Great Basin of North America, and I'm involved with an alpine biodiversity project there with some collaborators.
グレートベースン国立公園です そこで高山地帯の生命多様性を 共同研究者と研究しています
And this has led in Congo basin, and other parts of the world, to what is known as the bush meat trade.
引き金にもなりました 何百年から何千年と
The reason it's here is because, on the right hand side, you see two little rivers kind of coming down through the sand, feeding this basin with water.
2本の川が砂漠から流れ込んで 湖を満たしているのです 川の水は 遥か東にある山脈の雪解け水で
When you design the controller practically and theoretically it's useful to guarantee to yourself or convince yourself that you're within this basin of attraction where the controller actually works.
コントローラが実際に機能する 吸引流域内にいることを 保証することが有用です この実験をあなたが行っているのはうれしいです
Something like 20 billion tons per day of water vapor is sucked up by the northeastern trade winds, and eventually precipitates in the form of rain across the La Plata Basin.
北東貿易風は吸収します それらは凝縮されラ プラタ流域に 雨をもたらします
This would put a pipeline to take natural gas from the Beaufort Sea through the heart of the third largest watershed basin in the world, and the only one which is 95 percent intact.
ボーフォート海から天然ガスを得て 世界で三番目に大きい 水嶺の盆地の中心を通過します そこは95 手付かずの唯一の場所です
And then finally, we're going to try to develop and pioneer a new perspective on high seas governance that's rooted in ocean basin wide conservation, but framed in an arena of global norms of precaution and respect.
作り出し発展させつつある 新たな観点について考えて行きます それは海盆規模での保護の観点に基づきつつも
If you were to analyze our controller, which happens to be a nice stable controller so you can actually do this, you'll probably find that the set point 2 off is outside the basin of attraction, specifically if we have an integral term.
目標を動かすと 設定点が吸引流域の外部に出ます 特に積分項がある場合はそうなります これは非常に悪い状態です 経路から外す方法は他にもあります
And it's not sustainable, and the huge logging camps in the forest are now demanding meat, so the Pygmy hunters in the Congo basin who've lived there with their wonderful way of living for so many hundreds of years are now corrupted.
コンゴ盆地に住むピグミー族の 何百年もの歴史ある生活は 壊されてしまいました
In northern India, we started mapping the cases using satellite imaging like this, so that we could guide our investments and vaccinator shelters, so we could get to the millions of children on the Koshi River basin where there are no other health services.
感染発生地の地図を作成しました これを使って 投資先を決め また ワクチン接種スタッフの滞在先を探しました
At the end of its breeding cycle, the Great Basin Spadefoot toad digs itself down about a meter under the hard panned desert soil of the American West, where it can stay for many seasons until conditions are just right for it to emerge again.
グレートベースンスキアシガエルは アメリカ西部の固い砂漠の土に 約1メートルの穴を掘り


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