Translation of "boast" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Boast - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Don't boast, Draco.
自慢するな ドラコ
They boast of their bridge.
I have nothing to boast about.
Don't boast too much about that.
He is the boast of his parents.
If not a lie, close to a boast.
嘘ではないにしろ ホラに近い
He was apt to boast of his knowledge.
We used to boast about fast social progress.
It's not a thing one can well boast of.
London air was not much to boast of at best.
He likes to boast about his father's successful automobile business.
His boast that he is the best pitcher is true.
The new school building is the boast of the village.
The London air was, at best, not much to boast about.
The chemist's shop in Bramblehurst could not boast half so many.
I'm a snob and want to boast about having an original.
and, on returning to their people, boast about what they had done.
家族の許へ帰る時 笑い草にしたものである
Our intimacy at Rosings is a blessing of which few could boast!
令夫人に 親しくして頂いてる事も
It is his constant boast that he has a good memory for names.
We put people on humanitarian aid and we boast about it because we've spent three billion.
30億ドル出した と自慢するが 大事なのは
The friends of truth are those who seek it, not those who boast about having found it.
真実の友となるのはそれを求める者であり 見つけたことを自慢する者ではない
I'm not trying to boast, but I feel a great sense of pride in what we do.
自慢するつもりはない でも 使命と誇りを感じてる
That punishment is because you used to boast unduly on the earth and because you used to strut.
それもあなたがたが地上で 正しくない歓楽を追求し また横柄であったためである
Well, that is, it's not something I can boast of, in fact it's not something I can talk unashamedly about in public.
まあその 自慢できる事でもないんだけど というか 臆面もなく吹聴できる話でもない
Not wanting to boast but I've never got better than a 3 on my report card for home economics. Out of 10 that is.
自慢じゃないが僕は通知表の家庭科で3以上を取ったことがない 10段階評価で
so that you may not grieve for what escapes you, nor boast for what comes your way, and Allah does not like any swaggering braggart.
それはあなたがたが失ったために悲しまず 与えられたために 慢心しないためである 本当にアッラーは 自惚れの強い高慢な者を御好みになられない
Our life holds few distinctions, Mrs Bennet, but I think we may safely boast that here sit two of the silliest girls in the country.
うちには英国一の バカ娘が2人いるのか 立派自慢できるな
Our life holds few distinctions, Mrs. Bennet, but I think we may safely boast that here sit two of the silliest girls in the country.
うちには英国一の バカ娘が2人いるのか 立派自慢できるな
You, the people in managing positions, may boast you haven't put any financial pressure on the company because you didn't get overtime pay however late you worked.
そんなあなたを見て あなたの部下は みんな管理職になりたがらなくなった
Sending students who are smart to college isn't special enough to boast about the happiness lies when a student on the bottom gets admitted to Parang University.
地面を這う学生を パラン大へやる喜び その やり甲斐を 先生は知ってます
When We let people taste Our mercy, they boast about it but should an ill visit them because of what their hands have sent ahead, behold, they become despondent!
われが人間に慈悲を味わせると かれらはそれに狂喜する だが自分の行いのために災厄が下ると たちまち かれらは絶望する
But the most luxuriously housed has little to boast of in this respect, nor need we trouble ourselves to speculate how the human race may be at last destroyed.
人類が最後に破壊される可能性がありますどのように推測する私達自身を苦しめる それはより少しシャープな爆発とのスレッドがいつでもカットするのは簡単です
But what really causes an effect is you tell people, Look, you could resell it, you could boast about it, but before it gets to you, it's thoroughly washed.
売ってもいいし 自慢してもいいけれど 配送される前にセーターは しっかりと洗濯されます で
How many habitations that had come to boast of their resources have We destroyed? These their dwellings were never inhabited except rarely after them and they came back to Us.
われは如何に多くの 安楽で裕福な 生活に有頂天になった町を 滅ぼしたことであろうか それ以来 かれらの居所には 至極 僅かな人びとを除き住む者もない 結局 われが それらの相続者である
Allah expands the provision for whomever He wishes, and tightens it. They boast of the life of this world, but compared with the Hereafter the life of this world is but a trifling enjoyment.
アッラーは御心に適う者に豊かに糧を与え また乏しくも授けられる かれらは 現世の生活を楽しむ だが現世の生活は 来世では はかない 享楽に過ぎない
Those who spend in the way of God, and having spent do not boast or give pain (by word or deed), will get their reward from their Lord, and will neither have fear nor regret.
アッラーの道のために 自分の財産を施し その後かれらの施した相手に負担侮辱の念を起こさせず また損わない者 これらの者に対する報奨は 主の御許にある かれらには 恐れもなく憂いもないであろう
I may be a chump, but it's my boast that I don't owe a penny to a single soul not counting tradesmen, of course. I was about to suggest, sir, that you might lend Mr. Bickersteth this flat.
もちろん商人を 数える 私はあなたのこと 先生を示唆しようとしていました 氏ビッカーステス このフラットを貸すかもしれない 氏ビッカーステスは彼の恵み彼がそれの所有者であるという印象を与えることができる
I was taught to never boast about what you didn't earn just because you were born smart, doesn't give you the right to look down on other people nobody is putting anyone down, those people just put themselves down
生まれた時から頭がいい人は こうしてバカにしてもいいの バカにしてるんじゃなくて 自らバカにされるようにしてるんだろ そんなのを 自激之心 って 言うの知ってるだろ
Have you not seen those who boast of their righteousness, even though it is Allah Who grants righteousness to whomsoever He wills? They are not wronged even as much as the husk of a date stone (if they do not receive righteousness).
あなたは あの自ら清浄だとする者を知らないのか いや アッラーは御心に適う者を清め かれは少しも不当に扱われない
Then those who believed and earned good deeds will be given their recompense in full, and even more out of grace. But those who disdain and who boast will receive a painful punishment. They will find none except God to help them or save them.
だが信仰して善い行いに励む者には かれは十分の報奨を与え なおその恩恵を増して下される だが軽んじて高慢な者には かれは懲罰を科され アッラーの外にはどんな守護も援助も見いだすことは出来ない
Korah indeed belonged to the people of Moses, but he bullied them. We had given him so much treasures that their chests indeed proved heavy for a band of stalwarts. When his people said to him, Do not boast! Indeed Allah does not like the boasters.
さてカールーンは ムーサーの民の一人であったが かれらに対し横柄な態度をとるようになった われは 夥しい 財宝をかれに与えたが その 宝庫の 鍵は 数人の力の強い男たちにとっても重かった 皆の者は かれに言った 有頂天になってはなりません 本当にアッラーは思い上がっている者を御好みになられません


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