Translation of "choked with" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Choked - translation : Choked with - translation : With - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He choked with rage.
She choked her utterance with sobs.
The store is choked with customers.
People were choked with the gas.
She choked him.
She choked him.
She choked him.
She was choked with tears and was unable to speak.
I was choked by smoke.
It's like it just... choked.
まるで... 過負荷にされたんだ
And the thorns grew up with the plants, and choked them.
I choked! I should have come up with a proper plan first.
失敗した もっと 余裕をもって計画たてるべきだった
I nearly choked on a fishbone.
I choked in there so bad.
Aigoo! You must have choked on your food.
He would've choked for sure. He may have.
Just choked the life right out of her.
Bruising around the neck. Our guy was choked.
叩きつけた後 首を絞められてる
And so I starting thinking, not only am I not happy with the past, now I'm getting choked with,
不幸な過去を背負ってるだけじゃ駄目 でもそれ以上に 胸を締め付けるのは 私の人生は あと22年しかない という思いです
The baby almost choked on a piece of candy.
Tom grabbed Mary by the throat and choked her.
トムはメアリーの喉元をつかみ 絞め殺した
I couldn't even speak I was so choked up.
どう答えていいのかさえ わかりませんでした
One choked his little self and then were nine.
Hey, guys, he's a bit choked up in there.
なあ 兄さんや アイツが少し感極まってしまってね
Soon you'll feel like you're being choked to death.
すぐに お前は窒息死するような感じがする
Fleet Street was choked with red headed folk, and Pope's Court looked like a coster's orange barrow.
コスターのオレンジバロー 私が持って来られたように 全国でこれほど多くあったと考えてはいけない
The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, and began, in a voice sometimes choked with sobs, to sing this
これを歌う 'ので 豊かな 緑の美しいスープは ホット蓋付きの深皿で待っている
All choked up about her son the poor lost runaway.
家出同然に出て行った息子を思う母心 胸 締めつけられるじゃねーかよ なァ オイ
He choked on a pile of hash that was their answer
それが彼らの答えでした こいつは犯罪者だ
WOMAN 2 She screamed his name when she was being choked.
リチャード リチャード と
And then she said Oh! in that choked kind of way.
と女性が ああ というときにそのように それは彼女が言ってみたいすべての悪い言葉を意味する
He turned away from them and said, Alas for Joseph! His eyes had turned white with grief, and he choked with suppressed agony.
かれはかれらから離れて言った ああ わたしはユースフのことを思うと 悲しくてならない かれ 父 の両目は悲嘆の余り自くなり 物思いに沈んだ
I got all choked up when I heard Ryo's voice on the telephone.
From whales being entangled, dolphins, turtles, etc., being choked and drowned to albatross
窒息して溺れ死ぬイルカやカメ アホウドリに至るまで様々です これはハワイ諸島の端にある クレ環礁の写真です
so he choked down a pound of C4... and knocked on Ovie's door?
彼はC4を飲み込んで オビの部屋をノックしたと言うのか
Combo's people, his ma, grandma, cousins, everyone was all choked up and shit.
コンボの家族もいて 必死に涙をこらえてた
Two nights ago, a sophomore choked the network from a laptop at Kirkland.
二回生の奴がネットワークを パンクさせたんだと
I'll probably get choked up, because I tend to when I talk about this.
恐らく喉を詰まらせると思います この話をするときはそうなりがちなのです それで この女性は 彼女の名前はエマといい 彼女は我々の TypePad という
I got all choked up when I heard the voice of Ryo over the telephone.
So wait with patience for the judgement of your Lord, and do not be like (onah) of the fish who called (to his Lord) when he was choked with anger.
だから忍耐して あなたの主の命令を待て 魚の友のようであってはならない 苦しさの余り かれが 叫んだ時 のように
When we had our victory party at Luoyang, he was nearly choked to death on flapjacks.
私たちが洛陽で勝利の宴を開いた時 彼は饅頭で窒息死しそうだった
Then he turned his back to them, and said O my grief for Joseph! His eyes whitened with grief and he was choked up with sorrow trying to suppress his grief.
かれはかれらから離れて言った ああ わたしはユースフのことを思うと 悲しくてならない かれ 父 の両目は悲嘆の余り自くなり 物思いに沈んだ
So submit patiently to the judgement of your Lord, and do not be like the Man of the Fish who called out as he choked with grief.
だから忍耐して あなたの主の命令を待て 魚の友のようであってはならない 苦しさの余り かれが 叫んだ時 のように
He looked at Alice, and tried to speak, but for a minute or two sobs choked his voice.
彼は彼の喉に骨を持っていたかのように同じ グリフォンは言った それは動作するように設定


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