"で窒息"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

で窒息 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

It's a mistake.
You're suffocating her!
I feel suffocated.
Suffocation or strangulation?
A drug trade smothering?
My initial diagnosis of asphyxia was incorrect, I'm afraid.
I was running out of oxygen in there!
早く開けろ 窒息するぞ
Quick, unzip it. They may be suffocating.
And suffocating the passengers.
He suffocated, smothered in smoke.
Intense pressure on windpipe resulting in choking
But then I felt suffocated.
It appears that he suffocated from within.
窒息する 気管内挿管が必要よ
He's suffocating. I need to trach him.
で窒息させて 事故死に見せかける
They they smother you with pillows and make it look like an accident.
彼は 私を窒息させようとしてた
He was suffocating me.
窒息するやつに助言できるさ ミラーはどこだ?
Those who can breathe always give easy advice to those who are choking.
こういう出血は 窒息の場合に多い
These little pinpoints of blood. It's often a sign of asphyxia.
そして彼女が来て それはエロイ窒息だ
Yeah, and she comes in and it's erotic asphyxiation.
The baby almost choked on a piece of candy.
静穏な窒息ではなく チャールズ フレックは幻覚を見始めた
Instead of quietly suffocating, Charles Freck began to hallucinate.
藻類は人間と違って 二酸化炭素による窒息死はしませんが 自ら生成する酸素によって窒息するのです
The algae are not going to suffocate because of CO2, as we would.
注射しなさい さもなければ窒息します
or you will suffocate.
But then what was the answer of the regime?
窒息胆嚢 および維持甘い. さらば 私だって
Being vex'd, a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears What is it else? a madness most discreet,
こんなでかい胸してるんだぜ 窒息するかと思った
Her tits almost smothered me.
すぐに お前は窒息死するような感じがする
Soon you'll feel like you're being choked to death.
それか若しくは意図せず 食べ物を詰めて窒息
I don't want to say it's not cardiac arrest but it's either that or an involuntary asphyxiation of a bolus within the...
もし 氷山で閉じられていれば 窒息する場合もあります
It's a hazardous journey.
3日前 窒息死させられ その上 道端に捨てられた
She was suffocated and then stabbed to death and dumped on the side of the road three nights ago.
ビー お前はオートボットなんだから こんなガレージじゃ窒息するだろ
Look, you're an Autobot. You shouldn't be living in my dad's garage. I mean, you're suffocating in here.
衝突が起こる前だというのに 窒息しそうではありませんか
like he could survive anything?
窒息し 心不全に至ります 身体拘束は 人命を救うのか
They strangle, they aspirate their vomit, they suffocate, they have a heart attack.
僕に幸いしたよ 僕を窒息させようと もう少しだった
It was lucky for me you dropped the gun when you tripped over a chair.
黙らせようとするあまり 誤って窒息させてしまった
He tried to keep her quiet and smothered her by mistake.
窒素 1. 25
Nitrogen 1.25 .
私たちが洛陽で勝利の宴を開いた時 彼は饅頭で窒息死しそうだった
When we had our victory party at Luoyang, he was nearly choked to death on flapjacks.
窒素 リン酸 カリ
These granules contain three essential plant nutrients.
藻類は人間と違って 二酸化炭素による窒息死はしませんが
But this is a bit like putting your head in a plastic bag.
これは大したものでしょう Lustlab を見ていると 窒息から ウォータースポーツまで様々あります
Seattle is really gotta be one of the most uptight cities in the country, so that's saying something, right?
Include Nitrogens
折り畳んでくっつけると 二十面体が出来ます 海鳥の窒息の原因にもなる
Now you can just make a little network like this and fold them and stick them together and make an icosahedron.
窒息と笑っていた彼は再びされるまで で ぐったりと無力 横になって義務 椅子
Well, really! he cried, and then he choked and laughed again until he was obliged to lie back, limp and helpless, in the chair.


関連検索 : 窒息 - 窒息 - 窒息 - 窒息 - 窒息 - 窒息 - 窒息 - で窒息死 - オフ窒息 - 窒息感 - オフ窒息 - 窒息死 - 窒息する - 窒息のリスク