Translation of "cognition" to Japanese language:

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Cognition - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

It really impairs cognition.
They have totally different effects on different aspects of cognition, perception and attention.
This results in declines in memory in cognition, and in postural ability and agility.
認知 姿勢 機敏さの能力が低下します ところがそういった個人の脳は訓練でき
His name is Mike, and he is uniformly impaired on cognition, vision, walking, sensation.
一様に悪化しました これらは多発性硬化症の患者間でも 個人差があります
Ok, now, rotating wrists, this is important, everyone of our joints, helps create healthy cognition.
私たちの関節はみな 健康的な認識を助けます 素晴らしい
The interesting thing about studying cognition has been that we've been limited, in a way.
興味深いのは 我々は常に 限定されていたことです 最近まで 交流する人の脳を 同時に見る術はありませんでした
It's been shown to promote pre frontal cortex development where a lot of cognition is happening.
前頭前皮質の発育も促進されます 結果としてどうなるでしょう?
In addition to accurate language training it also fixes memory and cognition speech fluency and speech production.
記憶や認知能力 流暢さや構成力も訓練されます そして言語に依存している重要な技能も訓練できます
But we've been much more reticent, much slower at recognizing this continuity in cognition, in emotion, in consciousness in other animals.
意識といったものの連続性の認識は かなり遅れています 人間以外の動物も意識を持ち
This is an area in the prefrontal cortex, a region where we can use cognition to try to overcome aversive emotional states.
嫌感情を認知で克服しようとする時に活動する脳部位です 動物は音を聴き そこで光の照射を受けます
We did an extensive review of the literature in related fields, like cognitive psychology, spatial cognition, gender studies, play theory, sociology, primatology.
プレイセオリー 社会学 霊長類学 認知心理学の関連分野などについての 幅広い多くの文献を調べました
Just like in reconstruction you have an, there's an external world, which you're constructing in your head or recognition is re cognition.
また認識(recogition)は再認知(re cognition)です だから 領域分割やグループ化する と言うのではなく
Cognition is about understanding the world, emotion is about interpreting it saying good, bad, safe, dangerous, and getting us ready to act, which is why the muscles tense or relax.
安全だとか 危険だとか解釈します そして行為に備えます 筋肉が緊張 弛緩するのはそのためです 他の人の感情がわかるのもそのためです
The solution is that these constructions, despite initial appearance, are not synonymous, that when you crank up the microscope on human cognition, you see that there's a subtle difference in meaning between them.
文の最初は同じでも 同義ではないことにあります 顕微鏡で人間の認知機能を見たら 2つの構文の間に
Especially when chimpanzees, and other animals with large brains, are studied in captivity, modern technology is helping us to search for the upper levels of cognition in some of these non human animals.
高次認知機能を 飼育して研究する際には特に 現代の技術が役立っています
Well, if you think that the rustle in the grass is a dangerous predator and it turns out it's just the wind, you've made an error in cognition, made a Type I error, false positive.
実際はただの風だったら 認識は間違っていて タイプⅠの偽陽性になります
So, if you think about early developmental activities, we really develop our sense of who we are in the world and our relative safety in the world, before we have cognition, before we have rational thought.
私たちが誰で 何が相対的に安全かに関する感覚を 認知や理性的な思考を獲得する前に 作り上げていることが分かります
Now, about a hundred thousand patients in the world have received deep brain stimulation, and I'm going to show you some examples of using deep brain stimulation to treat disorders of movement, disorders of mood and disorders of cognition.
脳深部刺激療法を受けています 症例をお見せしましょう 脳深部刺激療法を用いて 運動障害や
In fact what it does, is it shots off cognition because the body, the system of the body understands that if we get our brains in the way of that critical moment that we are not likely to be a good steward of the activity.
なぜなら危険な状況で 脳に判断をさせることは 行動にとって良くないということを 体が知っているからです
And as we assemble these tools, from a design point of view, I get terribly excited about it, because these are things, as we've already said, they're arriving at the brain, it would seem, before cognition, before we can manipulate them electrochemical party tricks.
デザインの観点から 私は非常に興奮します なぜなら既に述べたように これらは認知や処理に先立って
In a sense, it actually makes you feel that when you're in the safe zone of studying behavior or cognition, something you can observe, that in a way feels more simplistic and reductionistic than trying to engage this very complex, mysterious organ that we're beginning to try to understand.
実際に観察のできる 行動や認知など 安全な領域の研究をしている それは 今我々が探り始めた
In a sense it actually makes you feel that when you are in a safe zone studying behavior and cognition, something you can observe, that in a way feels more simplistic and reductionistic than trying to engage this very complex and mysterious organ that we are beginning to try to understand.
見て分かる行動や認識を 安全圏内で研究することは 今やっと分かり始めた
We can study the way that one person interacts with another person, turn the numbers up, and start to gain new insights into the boundaries of normal cognition, but more importantly, we can put people with classically defined mental illnesses, or brain damage, into these social interactions, and use these as probes of that.
被験者で調べ 認知能力に関する 新しい知見が得られ始めています もっと重要な実験として 精神疾患や
So along with colleagues in Zurich, we put 200 men on oxytocin or placebo, had that same trust test with money, and we found that those on oxytocin not only showed more trust, we can more than double the number of people who sent all their money to a stranger all without altering mood or cognition.
200人の被験者にオキシトシン もしくはプラシーボを注入し 同様の実験を行ったところ オキシトシンを吸入した被験者が


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