Translation of "comfortably" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Comfortably - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
He lives comfortably. | 彼は快適に過ごしている |
We were sitting comfortably. | 私たちはゆったりと腰を下ろしていた |
I have lived comfortably. | もう自分でやってみたいと思ったんだ |
I slept comfortably last night. | 私は昨夜快く眠った |
It's set to eat comfortably. | 一度召し上がってください |
No temperature change, resting comfortably. | 有難う あとで下りていくよ |
I completed the university course comfortably. | しっかりと大学の課程を終えました |
When we're together, please speak comfortably. | いいえ 今 あなたは 社長代理はですから |
This airplane accommodates 400 passengers quite comfortably. | この飛行機は楽に400人運ぶことができる |
People often live comfortably in the suburbs. | 郊外での生活は快適であることが多い |
Make sure our guests remain here, comfortably. | お客さん達がここに快適に いられるようにしてくれ |
We are comfortably established in our new home. | 我々は快適な新居に落ち着いた |
Now that you're sitting comfortably, I shall begin. | 楽にしていてくれ 僕が始める |
I want to live comfortably when I become old. | 老後は楽に暮らしたい |
I met my parents well (saying) so I've lived comfortably. | そうだな お前と俺は |
I want to make sure that you'll all live comfortably | 私は確信していることを確認したい あなたはすべてが快適に生活します |
Eat and drink comfortably for that which you used to do. | 心の底から満足して食べ且つ飲め あなたがた の善い 行いをしたことに対して とわれは言おう |
No matter how cold it is outside, the rooms are comfortably heated. | たとえ外はどんなに寒くとも 室内は気持ちよく暖められている |
A rest rises up to meet their chest so they're comfortably carried. | 牛に安らぎが増して 穏やかに運ばれる |
As I'm sensitive to heat, I can't live comfortably without air conditioning in summer. | 暑がりの私は 夏はエアコンをつけないと快適に過ごせません |
They will be comfortably seated reclining, they will call for abundant fruit and drink | その中でかれらは 安楽に寝床に 寄りかかり 沢山の果実や飲み物が 望み放題である |
You could probably hold a common cold virus in your hand.... quite comfortably now. | かんたんにつかめる大きさだ かぜウィルスの大きさは 30ナノメートル |
We turn to technology to help us feel connected in ways we can comfortably control. | つながると感じられるような 技術に向かってしまう しかし本当は居心地よくない |
They get along together comfortably and live together in an atmosphere of peace and amity. | 彼らはみな 正義 純粋さと愛の起因に命を捧げているのです |
And other research has shown that older people seem to engage with sadness more comfortably. | 高齢者は もっと楽に 悲しみと 向き合っているようだと示しています 若者より多く悲しみを受け入れているのです |
The idea is it allows the surgeon to operate comfortably in his own coordinate frame. | いつものように作業をしながら 手術に専念できるようにすることです 手術には縫合作業のように |
Rest your head there and stay comfortable because we deserve to change the world very comfortably. | 居心地よく世界を変えなければいけませんよね 今から三まで数えます |
Callouses on my knees that let me kneel comfortably. Leathery chest pads that beat the heat. | 胸のパッドが熱から守る |
This should allow you to fine tune your stylesheet until you have something that you can comfortably read. | これにより あなたのスタイルシートを あなたにとって読みやすいようになるまで 調整することができます |
So, you know, how would you go figure out a way to go wear something like this comfortably? | どうすれば 見出せるでしょう 答えは 基本的な素材を使うということです ルール 3 思考スピードで試せる素材を使う |
Guy who shot him, the one that's left, he's up there, got the painkillers going on, resting comfortably. | 痛み止めを飲んで ベッドに寝てる |
Fresh air, and digging, and skipping rope had made her feel so comfortably tired that she fell asleep. gt | 彼女は眠りに落ちた gt CHAPTER X DICKON |
little girl found herself seated in a comfortably cushioned corner, but she was not inclined to go to sleep again. | 再びスリープ状態に入るように傾斜ではない 彼女は上の道路の何かを見るために好奇心 座って 窓から外を見た |
We change scale very often we change resolution of screens, and we're not really fazed by it, we do it very comfortably. | 例えば 画面の解像度を 変えるように 私たちは日常的に 尺度を変えています この展覧会でも |
And so some people knit together the networks around them, creating a kind of dense web of ties in which they're comfortably embedded. | 沢山の繋がりを張りめぐらせ そこに快適に腰を据える人もいます そして最後に |
An essential condition for a helpful interview is a quiet room in which doctor and parents can sit comfortably and in private without being interrupted. | 役に立つ面会の最も大切な条件は 医師と親がくつろいで 他人に邪魔されずに当事者だけで座ることのできる静かな部屋だ |
So now we have prototypes that can show that four people can actually sleep securely and much more comfortably than a tent could ever provide. | ずっと安全で快適に寝ることができる 試作品ができて テキサス州から 送られました |
You'll notice if you try to do the same thing with your left hand, you can't match up all 3 axes, at least not comfortably. | 少なくとも楽にはできないでしょう これは左手座標系だからです |
The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its | 取得に体はそので 彼女の腕の下に 快適に十分な 隠れ 同じように 一般的にぶら下がっていますが 足 |
And I just hope that someday you and I could be sitting somewhere, comfortably and look back on this as the great, big adventure that it is. | 出来れば いつの日か2人で どこかに座って 寛ぎながら 凄い冒険をしたと |
Things went on so comfortably and peacefully for a couple of weeks that I give you my word that I'd almost forgotten such a person as Motty existed. | あなたに私はほとんどMotty存在していたような人を忘れていたという私の言葉を与える 物事のスキームにおける唯一の欠点は アスクジーブスがまだ苦しそうなと遠いということだった |
What we need to do now, develop things that can scale to those 300 million Chinese people that would like to live in the city, and very comfortably. | 3億人に上る中国人に提供可能な 方法を開発することです 先ほどの技術を使えば 小さなアパートを |
So once you breathe in and you have held your breath for as long as comfortably possible, you want to create the sound T H H O H H | T H H O H H の音を出します T H H O H H ですね |
He sat in the corner with his back to the window blind and spoke now, having eaten and drunk and being comfortably warmed through, with less aggressive brevity than before. | と酔っと快適よりも積極的な簡潔さで 通過暖めている 前 火災の反射は 彼の大きな眼鏡に赤いアニメーションの種類を貸して 彼ら |
It comfortably accommodates one teenager and it's shorter than a traffic cone, and it's almost as efficient as a bicycle, as long as you drive it at 15 miles per hour. | 道路工事用円錐標識より低く 自転車とほぼ同じ効率ですが 時速15マイルで移動することが前提です |
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