Translation of "conceive" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Conceive - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

You cannot conceive more than that.
We cannot conceive science without a hypothesis.
I can't conceive of living without him.
I can't conceive of her deceiving me.
I don't conceive of it that way.
この経済がオープンだということを 理解することが大切です
It's hard to conceive, and begs more questions.
神は 宇宙の別名にすぎず
His morals are the worst you can conceive.
よ り に よ っ て 総司令官に と は
What could make you conceive what hell fire is?
地獄の火が何であるかを あなたに理解させるものは何か
But it's hard for us to conceive of eternity.
I cannot conceive why she has done such a thing.
MERCUTlO The slip, sir, the slip can you not conceive?
ロメオの恩赦 良いマーキューシオ 私のビジネスは素晴らしかった とそのように
I can't conceive how I could have made such a mistake.
This is where we conceive of rape and casualties as inevitabilities.
必然とも捉えられています 世界中にいる難民の8割は
And the problem with this is the way we conceive healthcare.
私達の医療の認識にあります 今のシステムは危機に対する反応で成り立っています
Imagination, because again the ability to sort of conceive of something,
So nasty that your little mind can barely conceive of it.
君のささやかな頭じゃ 想像も及ばん
So the proposal is that we conceive of something called a charter city.
特区都市 と呼ばれるコンセプトです まずは 特区の基本法をどうするかから始めます
And sometimes, they cannot even conceive and become pregnant because of the fibroid.
できないこともあります これはフランシスです
I can feel more than you could ever conceive, Adama, but I won't die.
あんた等が想像できる 以上に感じるさ アダマ だが 俺は死なん
You will conceive and give birth to a Son and you will call His name, Jesus.
その子の名を イエスとつけなさい そんなことが 私は処女です
Isaiah prophesied that, The virgin will conceive a child and will give birth to a son.
男の子を産む と預言した そして事実 何世紀かのち イエスは預言どおりに
We take them for granted, but they're not something that necessarily other species can conceive of.
他の動物の頭には 浮かばないものなんです 飼い犬は動物病院へ行ったことを 覚えていますよね
We recreate the past that people cannot conceive because the baseline has shifted and is extremely low.
想像もできないような 過去を再構築するのです これは
Whatever you conceive about your situation is an extrapolation from the environment in which you grew up.
生きてきた環境から推測されます それ以外は知覚できません
They had one great limitation and one great freedom as they tried to conceive of a global network.
1 つ大きな制限と 1 つ大きな自由がありました 制限は 彼らにはお金が全然なかったということです
I think everything is a remix, and I think this is a better way to conceive of creativity.
リミックスにより独創性が発揮できます 1964年の話に戻ります
He will ask you to indulge in evil, indecency, and to speak lies of God you cannot even conceive.
かれは 唯罪悪と醜事をあなたがたに命じ アッラーに就いて あなたがたの知らないことをロ走らせる
Or, The meeting went from three to four, in which we conceive of time as stretched along a line.
時間を一つの線上に伸びているものと考えています 同様に force を行わせる を使用するときでも
A virgin would conceive a child who was to be called, in a spiritual sense, the Son of God.
神の子 と呼ばれる 赤子を生むことを預言している また預言者ミカは 救い主がベツレヘムに
So, the building affords artistic directors the freedom to conceive of almost any kind of activity underneath this floating object.
ありとあらゆる活動を 自由に考え出せるようになりました それだけでなく 例えば マクベス の最終幕で
The enemy could not conceive that anyone would be so foolhardy as to go on fighting with four unprotected guns.
捨て身の砲撃を続け 撤退を援護していた
It evokes the container metaphor of communication, in which we conceive of ideas as objects, sentences as containers, and communication as a kind of sending.
文を容器として コミュニケーションを送信の一種として捉える 格納メタファー を想像させます
So, Prada New York we were asked by Rem Koolhaas and OMA to help us conceive the technology that's in their retail store in New York.
ニューヨークのショップのために 新しい技術を考案するよう依頼されました 求められたのは新しいタイプの店 ー その新しさとは
If we are so good at our craft shouldn't we be able to conceive of an architectural manifestation that slides seamlessly through the project's and the client's constraints?
プロジェクトやクライアントの制約を 難なく切り抜けられる 意匠図を作成することが
Second conclusion is that the ability to conceive of a given event in two different ways, such as cause something to go to someone and causing someone to have something,
もの が 人 に渡るようにさせる と 人 に もの を持たせる のように 起こった出来事を2通りの方法で解釈できる能力は
Whatever it is, whatever this new economy is, what we need the economy to do, in fact, is to put investment back into the heart of the model, to re conceive investment.
この新しい経済が何であれ 経済に望む大事なことは 投資が
So what we conceive as a meaning is always not there it's on the other side, even when we say dark, light, good, bad, tall, short all meaning it doesn't exist in reality.
そこには存在しません それは反対側にあるのです 闇と光 善と悪
If we do nothing else this week, we must conceive at least one terrorist act that will show all the world that the United States, the great Satan, is but a paper tiger a weak nation,
この一週間で何も決めなくても せめて全世界に大魔王のアメリカ合衆国が ただの紙虎だと見せる一つのテロ行為を
The design that I durst not call by name, the design I did not conceive of but only felt, the design I fought for, battled for, strove for, the design I upheld in defiance of its author,
私がその考えを口にしてはならない それは 私は考えてはいなかったが 感じてはいた 私が戦い 苦闘したのも その考え の為だった
I don't think it is possible in the way we usually conceive it in science fiction where people travel to the past, but I do think that we can receive messages from the future, through the power of our imagination.
過去に戻ることは無理でしょうが 未来からのメッセージを 受け取ることはできる 想像の力を使えばいい と思うんです
And so the speed of the adoption of things is just going to become that much more rapid, in a way that we just totally cannot conceive, when you get it to 6.3 billion and the growth in the world's population.
そして世界規模の人口に成長したのなら これらを受け付けるスピードも 全体で想像もできないほど
One of the things that is just I almost can't conceive it is the idea that the national news media hasn't picked this up at all, and this is the devastation of one of the most important ecosystems in North America.
全国ニュースでこの事実が全く取り上げられないことです 北アメリカで最も重要な生態系のひとつが破壊されているというのに セコイアを通して人間について学べることは何でしょう
It might be that some massive network of communications, or some shield against asteroidal impact, or some huge astro engineering project that we can't even begin to conceive of, could generate signals at radio or optical frequencies that a determined program of searching might detect.
小惑星の衝突を避けるためのシールドみたいなものかもしれません 私たちの理解を超えた巨大な宇宙工学プロジェクトかもしれません それが発する電波や光の周波数帯の信号を
Because it represents human creativity, the creativity that allowed us, that we were required to have to conceive and build and launch the space shuttle, springs from the same source as the imagination and analysis it took to carve a Bundu statue, or the ingenuity it took to design, choreograph, and stage Cry.
スペースシャトルを構想して実現し 打ち上げるために求められる創造性 それを可能にした創造性
It is God who created you from dust, then from a sperm, then formed you into pairs. Neither does a female conceive nor gives birth without His knowledge nor do the old grow older or become younger in years but in accordance with the law (of nature). Indeed the law of God works inevitably.
アッラーは 土からあなたがたを創り さらに一精滴から創り 次いであなたがたを一組 の男女 になされた かれが知らずに 宿しまた分娩する女はない 長命な者も 短命な者も 書冊の中に載せられないものはない 本当にそれは アッラーにおいては容易なことである


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