Translation of "congressional" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Congressional - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Well, I'm on four Congressional subcommittees.
The Congressional Buildings Act of 1910
I am the chairman of a Congressional subcommittee.
他のみんな同様あなたのために 働いているの
Nobel Prize. He's got the Congressional Medal of
彼の偉業は これら全てに値します
A member of the joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee...
あなたなら誰が 彼によると アルビンワインバーグに語った ので 原子力エネルギーの安全性を懸念し
Why don't you put me in for... a Congressional Medal of Honor?
推薦してくれよ 勲章のな
We get 15 years just for conducting an unauthorized operation without congressional approval.
議会の承認を受けずに未認可の 任務を指揮すれば最低でも15年
By all accounts, he's solely responsible for a guns blazing congressional lobbying campaign
調査ではインターパスの 議論のある研究開発を進めるために
But she's right. The most important changes we can make, depend on congressional action.
議会はこの提案書の投票を実現し アメリカ国民は確実に 投票しなくてはならない
Joker we're gonna have to put you up for the Congressional Medal of Ugly.
ジョーカー これで勲章もらえるぜ 悪逆非道勲章
Same thing for Maine, but Maine has 2 congressional districts so 2 of the congressional districts could go either way and then the at large are based on a state wide vote.
メイン州は2選挙区なので この2つの選挙区は 先ほどと同じ方法で決め 残りの2人については 州全体の得票率で決定します
The poorest congressional district in America, the most migratory community in America, we can do this.
アメリカで最も移民が多い この土地でそれができるんだ ビッセル ガーデンじゃ かつてない量の食物を作っていて
In fact, I want all the members of Operation Kino to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
私だけでなく 映画大作戦の参加者全員に... ...名誉勲章を授けて頂けますね
Nebraska has 3 congressional districts so in those 3 congressional districts if one of them goes to the democrat and two of them goes republican then they'll have 1 electoral vote for the democrat and 2 for the republican.
これら3つの選挙区のうち 1つが 民主党に行き あとの2つが共和党に行くと
Nebraska and Maine, and in Nebraska and Maine when you go vote it really is by congressional district
この両州では 下院選挙区の投票所に行くと ネブラスカ州には 下院選挙区が3つありますから
For this so called battle, 20 Congressional Medals of Honor for Valor were given to the 7th Cavalry.
武勇を称える20個の議会名誉勲章が 第七騎兵隊に与えられました これは今日に至るまで
And they poured money into crucial election in Massachusetts, which gave the Republicans the power to block any congressional legislations.
共和党はあらゆる法案を 止められる力を得ました これ自体面白い話ではあります
Because these are treaties, not laws, they can be negotiated in secret, with no public input and no congressional approval.
秘密交渉が可能だ 国民に知らせたり 議会の承認も不要 2011年オバマ大統領は ACTAに署名した
Senator Homer Ferguson will spearhead a congressional probe to find out exactly what happened to the 26 million Tucker raised.
委員長のファーガソン議員はー 議会による調査の指揮をとり タッカーの集めた2600万の 使途を追及します
This time, he was in the middle of a congressional hearing about bribes that's the kind of man he is
今回だって贈収賄事件の 尋問の最中だぞ そういう人間だよ
I want to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for my invaluable assistance in the toppling of the Third Reich.
それから 第三帝国崩壊への とてつもない貢献に対して... 名誉勲章 (米軍最高位の勲章) をお願いしたい
Subpoenaed me for a congressional investigation which either I show up for, in person, or he's going to send me to jail.
議会の査問委員会に 召還だ そこへ俺が出頭しなければー 投獄されるんだ
Does any of this sound familiar? And he was making enough of a stink about this that there was a congressional leader named Chet Holifield...
This is data from the Congressional Budget Office showing its most realistic forecast of what would happen if current situations and expectations and trends are extended.
現在の状況と期待と傾向が続いた場合の 最も現実的な予測値を示しています さてお気づきになったでしょうか
Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property because the congressional aides who name these things have a lot of time on their hands.
インターネットにおける経済的創造性への現実の脅威ならびに知的財産窃盗の予防 の略になっています こういったものの名前を考える議員補佐官は
We're going to need voices in those areas and those congressional districts where the tradition of gun ownership is strong to speak up and to say this is important.
この措置が重要であると主張することが必要なのです いつもと同じ顔ぶりでは不十分なのです
The list of accomplishments is long, impressive and barely told even more so when you consider that congressional Republicans have made obstruction itself the centerpiece of their governing strategy.
共和党の国会議員が オバマの政策を抑制する事に大集中 戦略化した事を考慮すると 特に 業績は 話題にすら出ません
All I can tell you is that in my congressional office in Colorado and my office in Washington, we're getting hundreds and hundreds of calls about the endangered ape and gorilla population in Rwanda, but nobody is calling about the people.
大勢が電話をくれます けれど内容は 絶滅寸前のゴリラの事で 虐殺される人間の事は
And my kids, from the poorest congressional district in America, became the first to install a green wall, designed by a computer, with real live learning tools, 21 stories up if you're going to go visit it, it's on top of the John Hancock building.
コンピュータでデザインされた緑の壁を そこに初めて設置したんだよ そこっていうのはジョン ハンコックビルの21階さ
But this, I show you, when kids from the poorest congressional district in America can build a 30 foot by 15 foot wall, design it, plant it and install it in the heart of New York City, that's a true sí se puede moment.
縦5m横10mもの壁を デザインして 植え付けして ニューヨークのど真ん中に飾るなんて これこそまさに 為せば成る ってことさ
From my experience, and from what I've heard from Congressional insiders, most of the people going to Congress are good, hard working, intelligent people who really want to solve problems, but once they get there, they find that they are forced to play a game that rewards hyper partisanship and that punishes independent thinking.
ほとんどの議員は真面目な良い人で 頭も切れて 本気で問題に 取り組もうという志を持っています しかし いったん議員になると
So all of these electors are the ones that are going to go to the state capital in December and decide who they want to plege their vote for so even if Obama won just the second congressional district that's not how it's thought about in the electoral college, it's just a state wide election.
すべての選挙人は 投票を約束した候補に 投票するわけです
The light blue dotted line represents the Congressional Budget Office's best guess of what will happen if Congress really doesn't do anything, and as you can see, sometime around 2027, we reach Greek levels of debt, somewhere around 130 percent of GDP, which tells you that some time in the next 20 years, if Congress does absolutely nothing, we're going to hit a moment where the world's investors, the world's bond buyers, are going to say,
水色の点線は 議会が何の対策もしなかった場合の試算です 水色の点線は 議会が何の対策もしなかった場合の試算です ご覧の通り 2027年あたりで アメリカの債務額はギリシャ並みになり
listen this is suing they apologized that's it they won't happen again no big deal if this happened in the us we have lawsuits we got conservative groups saying that children have been corrupted we've had congressional hearings on who switch the tapes whether hillary clinton had requested more funding for preventing accidental porn displays we'll be asking who switch the talking points for susan rice when she went on meet the press to discuss porn gate it would be crazy but let's not
これは 彼らがそれは彼らが再び大した場合に起こるんではないでしょうということ謝っ訴えている これはusで起こっ 私たちは子どもたちがされているという保守的なグループを持って訴訟を持っている


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