Translation of "correspondence between" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Between - translation : Correspondence - translation : Correspondence between - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I saw a correspondence between riding the subway and reading.
本を読むことを対比させました 時間に間に合うよう旅行することと 時間旅行をすること という意味です
But in the correspondence step instead of making a hard correspondence we make a soft correspondence.
ソフトクラスタリングで行います 事後尤度に従って各データ点と
That's called the correspondence problem.
There's something called a correspondence problem.
It is just that this correspondence over here is much stronger than the correspondence over here.
I have some correspondence to deal with.
In K means the correspondence is hard.
We do this by establishing correspondence, which means we take measurements a time step earlier and measurements a time step later, see which has the most likely correspondence between these two measurements and then see if there's a motion vector in between.
2つの観測間で最も似ている部分を探し その間に動作ベクトルが存在するか判断します 時にはノイズであると見なせますが
We have carried on a correspondence for years.
We will now talk about correspondence in stereo.
走査線に沿って関連性を解決する 動的計画法を使う手法を覚えていますか
Which means there is not a 0, 1 correspondence.
She'll be seeing to your correspondence while Miss Cobb's away.
This pair of lovers were carrying on an ardent correspondence.
I'd like to talk a little bit more about correspondence.
スキャンラインに沿って探索するのが 対応点探索であると学びました
This segment is my explanation of correspondence in stereo vision.
He's been talking to somebody. You'll have copies of the correspondence.
全員に通信のコピーを 渡している
There ended up being kind of a nice correspondence between several different kinds of graphs, several different kinds of recurrence relations, and several different growth rates.
各種類の成長率はそれぞれうまく対応しています 成長率はグラフの動きを理解する際に重要ですが
Given now we have a correspondence between the data points and cluster centers, find the optimal cluster center that corresponds to the points associated with the cluster center.
They vary between cultures, between nations, between individuals, between social classes, between education levels.
個人差や 社会階層の差や 教育レベルの差によって違いがあります 問題は それが偏向性をもたらすということです
So I could use the constant names A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3, but I don't have to have a one to one correspondence between constants and objects.
しかしこの定数と対象の間には 必ずしも1対1の対応がある必要はありません 同じ対象を参照するのに 2つの異なる定数があってもよいでしょう
And this has to do with the soft versus hard nature of the correspondence.
k means法では対応はハードです
You might remember our dynamic programming approach for resolving correspondence along an entire scan line.
別の走査線があります 左側は赤 赤 青 青 青 赤とします
She, it turns out, has a non accredited correspondence course Ph.D. from somewhere in America.
博士号を取得したことが判明しています アメリカ栄養コンサルタント協会の公認
They are somewhat similar, and they're not without problems, but both are being used to estimate correspondence.
I'd like to say a few words on the issue of correspondence, often also called data association.
これはよくデータ統合とも呼ばれます ここに示すように カメラの像が2つあるとしましょう
Cystic fibrosis is an example of a disease where you just have a bad ingredient and you have a disease, and we can actually make a direct correspondence between the ingredient and the disease.
遺伝子に問題がある病気なので 実際に材料である遺伝子と 病気を直接結びつけることができます
If you do the same again, and wonder about the diagram between these two final points, you will find that no correspondence changes, and the C1 and C2 cluster centers won't move any more.
変化しないことが分かりますね C1とC2のクラスタの中心はこれ以上動きません C2はここでC1はこちらになります
is between
Search between
Between objects
between tag
Between Copies
Between states.
Between men.
Between those
化け物と 放射能だ ここじゃ皆死ぬ
Fade between virtual desktops when switching between them
Notice how the different occlusion costs give different results for the correspondence program in this dynamic programming question.
遮蔽物のコストが違えば 結果も違うということに気をつけてください
We jump around a lot between jobs, between majors, between relationships, between visions of who we are meant to be.
自分はこうあるべきという理想の間を あちこち飛び回っています 自己の内側ではなく 外界を見る目ばかり常に養い
They circulate between it and between a seething bath.
かれらはその 業火 と 煮え立つ湯の間をさ迷う
I'm really glad to say recently, we've been in correspondence with Ryan that this story had a happy ending.
この話がハッピーエンド になったと聞いて とても喜んでいます 赤ちゃんのシャノンは 左の子ですが
And they already are between therapy and enhancement, between treatment and prevention, between need and desire.
治療と予防の間 必要と欲望の間です 特に最後は問題の核だと私は考えます
Or Between Tags


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