Translation of "fermented dairy" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Dairy - translation : Fermented - translation : Fermented dairy - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

For dairy men.
こんばんは クララ
large dairy farm.
I really hate dairy products.
I seldom eat dairy products.
The smell of fermented soybeans sickens him.
A dairy cow is a useful animal.
乳牛というのは 役に立つ動物です
Narrator Fresh Watch, from Inventables Dairy Farms.
牛乳が古くなると パッケージの色が変わります
Man We fashioned from fermented clay dried tingling hard,
本当にわれは人類を 泥で形作って陶土から創った
The fire, it's at the dairy farm. Mitchell's?
酪農場で火事よ ミッチェルのところ
I didn't hear the code. That's the old dairy farm.
あの酪農場だ ひどいらしい
He created man of fermented clay dried tinkling hard like earthen ware,
かれは 陶工のように泥から人間を創られ
The other pre dough that we make is fermented our pre ferment.
発酵させます それはサワー種のパン生地や biga と呼ばれるもの
To my knowledge, those were the Jewish families among the dairy farmers.
私の知る限りでは... ...この地区のユダヤ人農夫はその四家族でしたね
And once you get this process going, you can actually recycle your previous fermented liquid.
前回使用した発酵液を 再利用できます 培養には最適温度を保つ必要があるので
This is TED this is Technology, Entertainment, Design, and there's a dairy cow.
Population growth meat consumption dairy consumption energy costs bioenergy production stress on natural resources.
全陸地の40 以上は農業のために開拓されている
This being a dairy farm, one would be safe in assuming you have milk?
こちらは牧場ですから すばらしい ミルクが期待出来そうですが...
And what's happened in the past year alone is the dairy industry where this card's used for milk and yogurt and eggs and hummus the dairy industry has gone up 30 percent.
このカードで購入する ミルクやヨーグルトや卵などを 提供した酪農家では
How could I bow, said he, before a mortal whom You created from fermented clay dried tingling hard?
かれは申し上げた わたしにはあなたが泥で形作り 陶土から御創りになった人間にサジダするようなことは 出来ません
We, after it's fermented and it's developed, started to develop flavor and character, we divide it into smaller units.
おいしさや個性が顕われてきます 私たちはそれを小さく分け 分けた かたまりの形を整えます
And it's also estimated that there is going to be twice as much meat and dairy consumed.
消費する肉や乳製品も2倍になると考えられます 肉の消費と都市生活は 表裏一体のものとして増加しています
Now, before the occupation, there were four Jewish families in this area, all dairy farmers like yourself.
さて... ...我が軍のフランス占領前 この地区には ユダヤ人が四家族いましたよね みんな あなたと同じ農夫で...
We were told, we were assured, that the more meat and dairy and poultry we ate, the healthier we'd be.
もっと鳥獣肉類と乳製品を食べると より健康的になるよ という事だった これは違う ジャンクフードはもちろん 動物性食品を食べ過ぎというのも
But when your Lord said to the angels I am verily going to create a human being from fermented clay dried tingling hard
あなたの主が 天使たちに向かって仰せられた時を思え 本当にわれは人間を泥で形作って 陶土から創ろうとするのである
So ask them if they are more difficult to create, or the rest We have created? Indeed (man) We created from fermented clay.
かれら マッカの多神教徒 に問え かれらとわれの創った者 天使 のどちらが強く創られているか われはもともと 粘りのある泥でかれらを創ったのである
They are difficult to diagnose and in particular, sensivity to gluten, the protein in wheat, rye and barley, and to dairy, the protein, the casein protein in dairy, is associated with a wide variety of health problems, including, but not limited to eczema, asthma, allergies, infertility, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, chronic headache, neurological problems and behavior problems.
グルテンとは 小麦 ライ麦 大麦中のたんぱく質です そして乳のタンパク質 乳中のカゼインタンパク質は 様々な健康上の問題とつながっています
After working on a dairy farm in week eight, waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning, heading up to the barn, milking the cows, shoveling the manure,
朝の5時に起き 牛舎へ向かい 牛の乳を絞り 肥料をシャベルですくう毎日でした こんな仕事を誰が楽しめるものかと 思っていましたが
Bringing the cattle in in the winter for beef farming or dairy farming is just part and parcel of what we do in this country because of our climate.
この国の気候では重要なことです 放牧したままにすれば
And it's made it can be a sourdough starter, or what we call a biga or any other kind of pre fermented dough with a little yeast in it, and that starts to develop flavor also.
あるいは 他のイーストを少し含んだパン生地で これも次第に風味が増します そして次の日 2つのパン生地を合わせます
Unfortunately, our beasts are inefficient animals, and they turn two thirds of that into feces and heat, so we've lost those two, and we've only kept this one in meat and dairy products.
食べた食料の3分の2のエネルギーは 糞になったり熱として消費されたりします なので2枚は家畜が消費し 手元には肉や乳製品の形で 1枚だけ残ります
Matt Froind, a dairy farmer in New Canaan, Connecticut, who woke up one day and realized the crap from his cows was worth more than their milk, if he could use it to make these biodegradable flower pots.
彼はある日 牛の排泄物が 牛乳よりも価値のある 環境に優しい肥料になるということに気付いた
Our demand for meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates the world consumes one billion cans or bottles of Coke a day our demand for these things, not our need, our want, drives us to consume way more calories than are good for us.
一日に世界の皆がコカコーラの10億缶か瓶を飲んでいる これは必要とされていないよ 我々の欲望に操られて 高カロリーの物を摂取している私達
Most Americans can't imagine eating 9 cups, 3 plate fulls of vegetables and berries every day, but... if you'll commit to having 9 cups of these incredibly healthy, wonderful for you, vegetables and berries every day, before you have grain, potatoes, dairy, you will have dramaticly increased the vitamin mineral content of your diet.
毎日食べることを想像できません でも... もしも あなたが9カップの 非常に健康的な食べ物を 食べることにしたなら 素晴らしいことです
If you include not just the food that ends up in shops and restaurants, but also the food that people feed to livestock, the maize, the soy, the wheat, that humans could eat but choose to fatten livestock instead to produce increasing amounts of meat and dairy products, what you find is that most rich countries have between three and four times the amount of food that their population needs to feed itself.
家畜に与える食料 つまり トウモロコシや大豆 小麦など 人間が食べることもできるけれど


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