Translation of "i was interviewed" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

I was interviewed - translation : Interviewed - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I was interviewed for a job.
But it was only when I interviewed
I interviewed her.
She was interviewed for jobs.
He was the first man I interviewed for the job.
I've interviewed.
スタッズ ターケルを知っている 年代の方はいらっしゃいますか
He was interviewed once, and he said the following.
ヘンリーの法則だけです と言っています
I interviewed a Luke Dempsey this morning.
うん ルーク デンプシーに 今朝 話を聞いたわ
I was being interviewed on TV in Mumbai, and the interviewer's first question to me was,
インタビュアーの最初の質問は 教授 なぜ あなたはまだ 地球が丸いと信じているのですか?
In every single case, the teachers whom I interviewed and I interviewed teachers from elementary school to graduate school.
小学校の先生から大学院の教授まで 立場は様々でしたが
He was interviewed for the job, but couldn't get it.
It was arranged by the news reporter who interviewed me.
Then I interviewed each one of their parents.
子育てに何か特徴があるか 探りました
I don't think there's anything there. Moore was interviewed extensively for the government trial.
その人なら無駄ね 国との裁判で散々調べてる
He interviewed the suspect today.
今日 彼は容疑者に接見した
In fact, the first person I interviewed was George Abbott, who was 97, and Abbott was filled with the life force
ジョージ アボットで 97 歳のときでした アボットは生命力が満ち溢れた人で 私はそう感じました
I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment.
I interviewed Steve Martin. It wasn't all that long ago.
I interviewed a woman who can think herself to orgasm.
So I interviewed her in Oakland, in a sushi restaurant.
寿司屋でインタビューしました そこで 今ここで すぐにできますか と聞いたら
American and French parents were interviewed.
インタビューしました 彼らは 皆
I interviewed these people because they all taught in Buenos Aires.
結果 私は2つのリストを作りました
You are one of the finest applicants I have ever interviewed.
今まで面接した中で 君は一番素晴らしい
I've interviewed countless candidates for 25 years
私は 25 年間 採用を担当し 多くの面接を行ってきたが...
One of the people we interviewed was Frank Jordan, former Mayor of San Francisco.
前サンフランシスコ市長です それ以前は サンフランシスコ市警察本部長でした
So I went and interviewed each one of those teachers and mentors.
I know, because I've interviewed about 1,000 lottery buyers over the years.
1000人位のインタビューをしてきているのでわかります ダンさんがお考えのように宝くじを買う価値は
I interviewed a high powered businesswoman she told me she didn't have time.
ヴァギナを見る時間はないと言いました 彼女曰く ヴァギナを見るのは一日がかり
One of the families I interviewed for this project was the family of Dylan Klebold who was one of the perpetrators of the Columbine massacre.
コロンバイン高校の虐殺犯の一人 ディラン クレボルドの家族がいました 話してくれるよう説得するには 長い時間がかかりましたが
Yes, sir, the moment we've interviewed the other members...
ええ 博士 我々が他のメンバーと面談したとき
Several years ago, in the course of being interviewed for a job, I was introduced to a competitor for the position.
数年前 ある仕事を得るために面接を受けているときに 私はその職を求める競争者に紹介された
I want every hacker in the country who could have done this interviewed now.
ブラックアイ を開けよう 国じゅうのハッカーを調べろ 誰のしわざか割り出せ すぐに
And why I tell you this story is because later, when I was interviewed on SABC Africa, on a pan African broadcast, they asked,
パンアフリカン放送のインタビューを受けた時 尋ねられました 得た教訓 または最も楽しかったことは何ですか
Anita Roddick is another one of these CEOs we interviewed.
化粧品 中でも自然派化粧品の雄である
Talked to him recently, interviewed him for the new book.
一つ間違えた と言うので
I've interviewed more than a thousand people in the past.
Where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers.
どこまでインタビューをする 逮捕役員による
And I got interviewed by over 150 medias including CNN and The Wall Street Journal.
CNNやウォール ストリート ジャーナル もありました 沢山のセレブ達の前でも 披露させて頂きました
And over and over again, as I interviewed them and spent my days with them,
繰り返して 彼らと過ごす日々の中で 人生が変化した話を
The woman whom they interviewed yesterday has been given the job.
If you've been interviewed By agent fornell, You're free to go.
尋問が終わった者は 帰っていい
The world of innovation, these young innovators, every one of them whom I've interviewed, was far more intrinsically motivated.
皆もっと内的なものに 動機付けられていました 彼らは世の中に貢献したいのです
Your mother and I and Dave's parents were interviewed about what we thought of our illustrious son.
そうそう わたし達と デイブのご両親がインタビューされてね 自慢の息子達について語ったよ
I was given a scare by a doctor I interviewed for the TV program who warned me not to rest easy just because I had no allergic symptoms at the moment.
私はテレビ番組のために会った医者にギクリとさせられた 彼は 今アレルギーの症状がないからといって気楽に構えていてはいけないと警告したのだ
I was given a scare by a doctor I interviewed for the TV program who warned me not to rest easy just because I had no allergic symptoms at the moment.
テレビ番組向けにインタビューした医者に 今私にアレルギーがないからと言って安心してはいけないと注意され ギクッとした


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