Translation of "in the tasting" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I'm tasting, uh, dirt. | 泥の... 味がする |
tasting in it neither any coolness nor drink, | そこで涼しさも味わえず どんな 飲物もない |
I was at a wine tasting in napa. | ナパのワインの試飲会にいたわ |
He complained of the dish tasting bad. | 彼は料理がまずいと文句を言った |
And not tasting of prison. | 囚人に見えないように そんなこと |
By tasting the blood of a fierce dragon. | それは大蛇の血の効果だ |
tasting neither coolness nor any drink | そこで涼しさも味わえず どんな 飲物もない |
laugh Um, I enjoy wine tasting. | そしてこの写真がワイングラスを含んでいるのも好きです 要確認 異なる分布の形 ふむ ベルカーブと非正規分布を |
Mr Jones is tasting the soup his wife made. | ジョーンズ氏は奥さんが作ったスープの味見をしている |
Mr. Jones is tasting the soup his wife made. | ジョーンズ氏は奥さんが作ったスープの味見をしている |
Now certainly you shall be tasting the painful chastisement, | あなたがたは 必ず痛ましい懲罰を味わうであろう |
tasting therein neither coolness nor any drink | そこで涼しさも味わえず どんな 飲物もない |
Because we're gonna hit this wine tasting. | 私たちしている つもりこのワインを試飲した |
Look more like he was tasting him to me. | Look more like he was tasting him to me. |
We set up a little tasting booth right near the entrance of the store. | 店の入り口のすぐ近くに設置しました そこで6種類または24種類の |
In my experience, there is something addictive about tasting life at the very edge of what's humanly possible. | この味は知ってしまうと 癖になる これは馬鹿げた エドワード王風の |
Just like we did in lecture 2. So we're going to use the wine tasting example of wine ratings. | 使って行きましょう 前回の講義を覚えているでしょうか |
Seeing and hearing and tasting are how we know anything first. | 哲学者ウィリアム ジェームズによると 新生児にとって世界は |
The Word of our Lord has been realized against us. We are tasting it. | それで主の御言葉が わたしたちに実証された今 わたしたちは 懲罰を 味わわねばならない |
The statement of Our Lord is realized against us, and we are tasting it, | それで主の御言葉が わたしたちに実証された今 わたしたちは 懲罰を 味わわねばならない |
And remember those are the four moments of the mean. Again, we're gonna go wine tasting. | 最初のパートで使ったのと同じデータを使います そこでは30人のワインの専門家が |
So our Lord's Word is realised against us we are tasting it. | それで主の御言葉が わたしたちに実証された今 わたしたちは 懲罰を 味わわねばならない |
So to make this palatable, laugh , we'll go back to wine tasting. | 4つのワインとワインの専門家達を思い出してください |
We gave people this horrible tasting drink that affected their tryptophan levels. | ひどい味のドリンクを 飲ませただけですから しかし トリプトファンは チーズやチョコレートにも |
Take Sean, who prefers blue tasting food, such as milk, oranges, and spinach. | 牛乳やオレンジやほうれん草などだ 遺伝子が前頭葉にある味覚野と |
Because whole grain it's easy with white flour to make a good tasting bread. | おいしいパンを作るのは簡単です |
There is a science in, on ah, wine tasting and they're experts ah, so there are actual studies like this. | 30のワインの専門家が4つの異なる赤ワインの 質を鑑定すると想定します |
We manipulated people's serotonin levels by giving them this really disgusting tasting artificial lemon flavored drink that works by taking away the raw ingredient for serotonin in the brain. | ひどい味の レモン味の飲み物を 飲んでもらいます これには 脳内のセロトニン合成に 必須の原料を 取り除く作用があります |
But over four generations, he and his family have literally transformed this extra hard land into a tasting menu. | 彼は家族と 文字通り この非常に固い土地を一変させて美味しい料理をつくりだしたのです このガチョウの人生を向上させました |
This girl is still in elementary school, yet she has a wine tasting master license. I didn't know one could get qualified without even drinking alcohol. | この女の子 まだ小学生なのに利き酒師の資格を持っているんだってさ お酒が飲めなくても資格が取れるなんて知らなかったよ |
He was known for walking the streets of the cities where he worked tasting the local food, meeting as many people as he could, speaking Arabic and listening with a broad smile. | できるだけ多くの人に会って アラビア語を話し 満面の笑みで話を聞いたそうです クリスは リビア革命の初期に 貨物船で ベンガジに渡りました |
And there are all sorts of possibilities. Ah, I'm just going show you three. And to do that, we're going to go wine tasting. | ワインのテイスティングに行きましょう 笑 私はワインのテイスティングが好きです |
Any one of the wines served at this tasting, if I'd been served it at a dinner party, it would have been, you know, the wine experience of my lifetime, and incredibly memorable. | もしディナーパーティで出されたとすれば どのワインでも生涯忘れられないものになったでしょう しかし三日間にわたって60種のすばらしいワインを飲むと |
Verily those who disbelieve in Our revelations, presently We shall roast them into Fire. So oft as their skins are cooked We shall change them for other skins, so that they may keep on tasting the torment verily Allah is ever Mighty, Wise. | 本当にわが印を信じない者は やがて火獄に投げ込まれよう かれらの皮膚が焼け尽きる度に われは他の皮膚でこれに替え かれらに 飽くまで 懲罰を味わわせるであろう 誠にアッラーは偉力ならびなく英明であられる |
Bipin Desai is a U.C. Riverside theoretical physicist who also happens to be the preeminent organizer of rare wine tastings, and he said, I've got a tasting coming up where we're going to serve the '47 Cheval Blanc. | 希少なワインの試飲会を開くことにも卓越しています 近々 47年のシュヴァル ブランの 試飲会を開きます と言ったのです |
So when you're looking at this thing in the dining room, you have this sensation that this is actually a plate of nachos, and it's not really until you begin tasting it that you realize this is a dessert, and it's just kind of like a mind ripper. | 本物のナチョスが出てきたという 錯覚を起こすでしょう 味わって初めて |
She was rather like one of those innocent tasting American drinks which creep imperceptibly into your system so that, before you know what you're doing, you're starting out to reform the world by force if necessary and pausing on your way to tell the large man in the corner that, if he looks at you like that, you will knock his head off. | 何をやっているかを知る前に いつの間にかあなたのシステムになるように あなたはだ 力によって世界を改革するより始め 必要に応じて 途中で一時停止コーナー もし大規模な男性を伝えるためにif |
It's in the liver, in the breast, in the prostate. | それだけです |
And those who disbelieve Our revelations shall be cast into Hell and when their skin is burnt up and singed, We shall give them a new coat that they may go on tasting the agony of punishment, for God is all mighty and all wise. | 本当にわが印を信じない者は やがて火獄に投げ込まれよう かれらの皮膚が焼け尽きる度に われは他の皮膚でこれに替え かれらに 飽くまで 懲罰を味わわせるであろう 誠にアッラーは偉力ならびなく英明であられる |
In the allatoms in the universe. | 宇宙の全原子についてね |
In the safe! In the safe! | 安全な所へ |
In the tsunami, in the victims. In the depth of things. | 存在の内 不在の内 単純と複雑の内 |
In the city of Kinshasa in Zaire in the 1990s, | ABCニュースの仕事で |
Two in the chest, in the face? | どこに撃ち込む 頭か胸か |
The sugars in the dough caramelize in the crust. | これがパンにきれいな茶色の皮を与えます |
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