Translation of "in zurich" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

In zurich - translation : Zurich - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He's in Zurich now?
we love Zurich.
はい いいえ 私たちは チューリッヒが大好きです
The zurich guy?
スイス チューリッヒ相互銀行
This is the picture from Google in Zurich.
He goes to the Federal Polytech in Zurich.
チューリッヒへ急行 チリのパスポートを手配
Just hang on. This is Zurich.
Zurich is the second largest gold market in the world after London.
In 1943, the german physicist Werner Heisenberg delivered a physics lecture to a packed hall in Zurich.
1943年, ドイツの物理学者 ヴェルナー ハイゼンベルグは チューリッヒで満場の聴衆に 物理の講義を行った.
20,000,000 deposited, Omani Bank, Zurich, upon proof of Queen's death.
女王の死の証拠で チューリッヒオマニ銀行に 20億円預け入れ
I'm talking. You've said, like, 10 words since we left Zurich.
あなたは全然 喋ってない
Then we got on the plane, transatlantic, flying to erm... Zurich.
そして飛行に乗って大西洋を 越え チューリッヒに行った
Buried in the hard drive, we found a deleted file with an account number to a bank in Zurich.
ハードドライブを探し 削除されたファイルを見つけた チューリッヒ銀行へ つながる口座番号です
Zurich police are looking for an American carrying a red bank bag.
チューリッヒ警察が 赤い袋の男を探してる
I've got tired of the weather here in France and could you make the plane ready for Zurich.
ロジャーは 私は申し訳ありません 見て
Zurich, it's the middle of the night there, so why don't you guys get some sleep, and, new york, why don't you run the currency fluctuation models in time for zurich when the commission wakes up, okay?
チューリッヒ 夜中だから少し寝たら ニューヨーク 委員会が起きる前に チューリッヒ為替変動モデルを
The education system in India makes you look at Paris and New Delhi and Zurich what are you doing in this village?
パリやニューデリー チューリッヒに行きたがるはずだ お前はこの村で何をしている 話せないようなことがあるのか
Nik Bärtsch who is a Zurich based pianist. He has a group called Ronin,
You've given me nothing but a trail of collateral damage from Zurich to Paris.
君は事態を悪化させてきた チューリヒからパリまで 失態続きだろう
You have to know, and I have to run. The zurich office is online.
知るべきよ でもチューリッヒが待ってるから
Could go through the weekend. I'd like to get it done by friday night, zurich time.
週末までにやり抜く 金曜夜までに終わらせたい
It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston, but only six for the return trip.
チューリッヒからボストンまでは空路で8時間かかるが 復路は6時間しかかからない
This little fellow was developed by a group of 10 undergraduate students at the Autonomous Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich.
チューリッヒ工科大学の 自律システム研の学部学生 10人で開発したものです
Marc Pollefeys, who presently teaches at ETH Zurich, came up with a beautiful solution to the structure from motion problem, here imaging different buildings in his hometown.
動画像解析に関する すばらしい解決法を見つけました 彼の故郷にあるいくつかの建物です このビデオから1つの建物の 複数のスナップショットが見られます
I read in the newspapers that there was to be a presentation by someone in a place that I'd seen in the center of Zurich, and it was about flying saucers that he was going to talk.
講演会をするという新聞記事を見ました 空飛ぶ円盤について話すということでした 私は まぁ映画にも行けないのだから
I'm an archeological geneticist at the Center for Evolutionary Medicine at the University of Zurich, and I study the origins and evolution of human health and disease by conducting genetic research on the skeletal and mummified remains of ancient humans.
私はチューリッヒ大学の 進化医学センターで ヒトの 健康と病気 の 起源と進化 を
So along with colleagues in Zurich, we put 200 men on oxytocin or placebo, had that same trust test with money, and we found that those on oxytocin not only showed more trust, we can more than double the number of people who sent all their money to a stranger all without altering mood or cognition.
200人の被験者にオキシトシン もしくはプラシーボを注入し 同様の実験を行ったところ オキシトシンを吸入した被験者が
He wears three piece suits and he has a very, very small, important mustache and he is domineering and narcissistic and driven and has an extraordinary ego and he works 16 hour days and he has very strong feelings about alternating current and he feels like a suntan is a sign of moral weakness and he drinks lots of coffee and he does his best work sitting in his mother's kitchen in Zurich for hours in complete silence with nothing but a slide rule.
厳めしい小さな口ひげを生やし 傲慢で 自己中心的で
Get in, get in, get in!
入れ 入れ!
Get in, get in, get in.
In... in where?
Let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in.
入れて 入れて 入れて
I've been in India, in China, in Japan, in Australia. Everywhere.
どこへ行っても 未知に立ち向かう
Come in. Come in.
ごめんなさい ピラディスの格好で
In April in Geneva,
ジュネーブで開催された 核不拡散条約 NPT再検討会議準備委員会で提出された
In Kenya, in August,
Fall in! Fall in!
集まれ 集まれ
I'm in! I'm in!
やった やったよ
In guatemala, in coban,
何か気づいたことはある バジリくん
In, Out, In, Out.
Move in, move in.
移動 移動
Move in, move in.
In here? In there.
Come in, come in.


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