Translation of "of incorporation" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Incorporation - translation : Of incorporation - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We both signed the incorporation papers.
アレックス パットン夫妻でね
Incorporation papers for Facebook, an LLC registered in Florida.
Facebook. LLCは フロリダ登記
The articles of incorporation have finally been completed for our Digital Groove Club.
And ask the respondent to stipulate that the articles of incorporation state the ownership as follows
次に この会社の 株主構成を見ます
Checking into it, whose name do you suppose we discovered on the incorporation papers?
誰の名が見つかったと思う そこが何をした? 個人の企業に 反対する新法を作るか?
When the articles of incorporation are complete it is essential to go to the notary public's office to undertake certification of the articles drawn up.
定款が完成したら公証役場に行って 作成した定款の認証を受ける必要があります
Darwin's 200th birthday, the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, the 50th anniversary of SETI as a science, the 25th anniversary of the incorporation of the SETI Institute as a non profit, and of course, the 25th anniversary of TED.
ダーウィンの 種の起源 出版から150周年 SETIが科学として認知されてから50周年 SETIが非営利法人となって25周年
I am the perceiver of thoughts, of emotion, of time, of actions, of reactions, of interactions, of change, of hope.
行動 反応 相互作用 変化や希望を知覚する
I am the perceiver of thoughts, of emotion, of time, of actions, of reactions, of interactions, of change, of hope.
行動 反応 相互作用 変化や希望を知覚する 私は信念すらも知覚する
Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future.
欲求や努力 将来への希望から できていました 自我は暴力的な過去に
City of Future, City of of Tomorrow?
未来 いや明日か...
Traps are of many kinds of wood, of steel, of words.
木製 鋼鉄製 言葉 だが今回 罠は都市だ
look like pictures of humans, of insects, of fishes, of birds.
魚や鳥の絵のようです 古代文字の多くは
They die of suicide, of overdose, of violence, of accidental deaths.
彼らの姿を見たら エジプトの偉大な作家
Of all of you.
Of what? Of what?
Of course, of course.
勿論 いくさ
It's tens of thousands of pairs of shoes.
私の友人レッド マクスウェルは この10年間
But vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, of love, of belonging, of creativity, of faith.
創造性や信頼が 生まれる場所でもあります ですから文化として 心のもろさを許容できなくなってしまうと
They die of HlV, they die of hepatitis C, they die of infections of their heart valves, they die of infections of their brains, of their spines, of their hearts, of their bloodstream.
心臓弁の感染症 脳や脊椎の感染症 心臓や血液の感染症などです
It's thousands of processors, a terabyte of memory, trillions of bytes of memory.
数兆バイトのメモリ 温度管理された サーバールームを通りました
Lot of holes, lot of cracks, lot of crags
Two of Spades. Jack of Diamonds. Jack of Clubs!
2のスペード 11のダイヤ 11のクラブ
Lots of towns lots of songs lots of women.
たくさんの街... たくさんの歌... 大勢の女たち
of Pharaoh and of Thamood?
フィルアウンとサムード の民の
Law of Conservation of Mass
lack of freedom of speech,
Of course. Of course. ( dials )
Scion of Elendil of Númenor!
Well of course, of course.
早く言え 何が言いたい?
Yes, of course. Of course.
Voice of God, of nature.
Scion of Elendil of Númenor!
of one of my patients.
Cup of tea, of course.
I'm a copy, of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy....
そのコピーのコピー そのコピーのコピー でコピーのコピーのコピー ローマに戻り 教皇グレゴリー2世は聖像破壊運動を禁止し それを異端と非難したのだ
Amen! the source of all understanding, of all wisdom, of faith, of love.
全ての知恵 信仰 愛の源に 聴衆 アーメン
Many of the hundreds of thousands of revelers were unaware of the tragedy unfolding.
この惨劇に気付くことも ありませんでした
It's a story of nations, of ideologies, of territories, and of conflicts among them.
イデオロギーの物語があり 領土の物語があり それらの間の衝突の物語があります
Protector of the Liberties of the People of the United States of America Washington.
You were speaking of the meaning of our life, of the unselfishness of art.
さっき あなた方はー 芸術の無欲性について お話でしたね 例えば音楽です
With the leader of the sect of worshippers of Belzeebub
もちろんです 我々の志が同じなのは明白です
And each of them contains hundreds of billions of stars
This is one of them, part of one of them.
ビデオ 役者 COALergyでは 気候変化が
Yet I am afraid of privilege, of ease, of entitlement.
安心や権利という恩恵の上に あぐらをかくことを恐れています 何が得られる保証もない


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