Translation of "paralysis" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Paralysis - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
You have paralysis. | 可能性を広げるために 金魚鉢を叩き割ってしまったら |
It's a formula for paralysis. | その影響は何か 規律が緩みます |
It's removed some of my paralysis. | (演奏) |
And the next thing is paralysis. | 背中も胸部も麻痺し |
What you're experiencing is sleep paralysis. | あなたは今 睡眠麻痺状態なのよ |
You increase paralysis, and you decrease satisfaction. | みんなが金魚鉢を必要としています |
Paralysis shut down his body partly... his salary completely. | 倒れて半身不随になり 収入が途絶えた... . そして姉 |
Wouldn't take more than one scratch, cause total paralysis. | 傷に着いたら全身麻痺だ |
But, it turns out some component of stroke paralysis is also learned paralysis, and maybe that component can be overcome using mirrors. | その部分は鏡を使って克服できるかもしれません これも臨床試験が行われており |
So paralysis is a consequence of having too many choices. | そして世界をこのようにしてしまう |
Everyone there was struck with dementia, paralysis and eventually died. | 村人は麻痺症状に苦しみ 死亡した |
Nerves, if they are injured, can cause paralysis, can cause pain. | 麻痺や 痛みを引き起こします 前立腺がんを例に取ると |
One effect, paradoxically, is that it produces paralysis, rather than liberation. | これが開放感ではなく 無力感を生むということです あまりにも多くの選択肢を前にすると |
It's just my usual paralysis when I start to like someone. | 人を好きになる時 臆病になるのよ |
Of course, this is Utopia it's a formula for paralysis, not freedom. | 社会が機能停止し そこに自由はありません 完全な社会というのは 法律のルールの基礎ではありません |
Rigor, the rigorous approach, the exact approach has produced paralysis, rigor mortis. | 厳密な解法では 方程式が解けません 厳密解というより死後硬直です |
And in that paralysis, of course, our capacity for compassion is also paralyzed. | 私たちの慈悲に対するキャパシティーは 麻痺しています 恐怖という言葉は |
If you see paralysis, take your child to the doctor or get your child vaccinated. | 親に伝えることではありません 私達の課題は資金供与者の間でのマーケティングです |
Should we be surprised when the whole thing freezes up and descends into paralysis and polarization? | 麻痺と分裂が あたり一面で起こり始めたのです 些細な立法カレンダーの変更 |
And this gets wired into the circuitry of the brain, and we call this learned paralysis, OK? | これを 学習した痺れ と呼びます このヘッブの法則によって 脳は学習します |
They would turn to nerve cells and repair the damage and maybe cure the paralysis for that individual. | 多分その個々 のため まひ状態を治すため それは研究では 巨大なエキサイティングなエリアです あなたができるように |
So in less than a month, we went from one case of paralysis to a targeted vaccination program. | 1件の麻痺症の発見が ターゲットを絞った予防接種プログラムに発展したのです おかげでその地域でのポリオ感染はあと1件だけでした |
This year on August 8th, he felt paralysis and on the 13th, his parents took him to the doctor. | 13日に両親に連れられて医者に行きました 医者は8月14日と15日に便サンプルを採取し |
And then, when you've amputated the arm, this learned paralysis carries over into your body image and into your phantom, OK? | この学習した痺れが 自分の体のイメージ つまり幻の腕に持ち越されるのです ではどうすれば患者を救えるでしょうか |
How do you unlearn the learned paralysis, so you can relieve him of this excruciating, clenching spasm of the phantom arm? | 幻の腕のひどく痛む固まったけいれんを 取り除けるのでしょう 幻の腕に命令を送ってみて その命令に従うという |
It's quite infamous in the region of Turkey, near the Black Sea, for it's ability to induce an apparently mortal paralysis. | 黒海近くのトルコでは 実に悪名高い毒で 一見したところ死んだような 麻痺を引き起こす効果がある |
If you had early signs of paralysis and you were really good at asking personal questions, you might figure out that this paralysis someone has is from syphilis, in which case you could give this nice concoction of mercury and arsenic as long as you didn't overdose them and kill them. | プライベートな質問が 上手にできたとしたら 麻痺の原因が 梅毒だと わかるかもしれません |
They have over a billion people in this country, but they have 35,000 local doctors who report paralysis, and clinicians, a huge reporting system in chemists. | でも麻痺症の報告をする 地域の医師が3万5000人いて 臨床医や薬局からの大規模な報告システムがあります |
And in experimental feedings to rodents and ferrets, we found that the animals exhibit symptoms never seen with flu seizures, central nervous system disorders, partial paralysis. | 動物はこれまでのインフルエンザで 見られなかった症状を呈し けいれん発作 中枢神経系障害 部分麻痺などが認められました つまり ありふれたインフルエンザではないのです |
Maybe, after a period of practice, you can dispense with the mirror, unlearn the paralysis, and start moving your paralyzed arm, and then, relieve yourself of pain. | 鏡は要らなくなるかもしれません 痺れを忘れて 痺れた腕を動かせるようになります そうすれば痛みから解放されますよ |
However, the change that came through foreign intervention created even worse circumstances for the people and deepened the sense of paralysis and inferiority in that part of the world. | 内政干渉によってもたらされた変化は 人々の状況を悪化させ 感覚の麻痺や地域での |
So in that green component of the brain stem, if you damage it, and often it happens, what you get is complete paralysis, but your conscious mind is maintained. | しばしば起きることですが損傷すると 完全な麻痺状態に陥っても 意識は維持されます |
One of the earliest carnivores, we now know Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. | ディロフォサウルスは肉食で毒を持ってます 毒液を吹きつけて 相手の目をつぶし 全身に毒が回るのを待ちます |
Indeed, Saudi Arabia seems trapped in a state of suspended animation, its body politic sick and infirm. The country is caught between two choices progressive reform or continuing paralysis and decay. | 事実 サウジアラビアも人事不省の状態にあり その根幹である政治も病み 衰弱しているように見える 国は革新的な改革か 停滞と衰退の持続かという 2 つの選択肢に迫られている |
And that regime that we got rid of was actually a dictatorship, an authoritarian regime, that for decades created a great sense of paralysis within the nation, within the people themselves. | 政府の本質は 独裁的で 権威主義的で |
In some cases, and in fact in most cases in one year, this flu was caused by a new virus to us, or newly identified by us, called Israeli Acute Paralysis virus. | このインフルエンザの病原菌は 私たちが新たに特定した 急性イスラエル麻痺ウイルス という新種のウイルスです イスラエルの人が発見したので そう名づけられました |
So, I said, OK, this proves my theory about learned paralysis and the critical role of visual input, but I'm not going to get a Nobel Prize for getting somebody to move his phantom limb. | 視覚のインプットの重大な役割も でも彼の幻の腕を動かすことでは ノーベル賞はもらえません |
But then I started realizing, maybe other kinds of paralysis that you see in neurology, like stroke, focal dystonias there may be a learned component to this, which you can overcome with the simple device of using a mirror. | 他の痺れ 脳卒中とか 限局性筋失調症とかも 学習された部分があって 鏡を使った簡単な装置で克服できるかもしれないと |
The second effect is that even if we manage to overcome the paralysis and make a choice, we end up less satisfied with the result of the choice than we would be if we had fewer options to choose from. | 選択肢が少なかった時と比べて 決断の結果に対して 得られる満足度は低いということです これにはいくつかの理由があります |
Now, by the time we get out here to, let's say, acute bee paralysis virus probably a bad one to have if you're a bee this virus shares almost no similarity to coxsackievirus, but I can guarantee you that the sequences that are most conserved among these viruses on the right hand of the screen are in identical regions right up here. | ミツバチ麻痺ウイルスには ミツバチなら避けたいウイルスですが コクサッキーウイルスとの共通点は ほとんど ありません |
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