Translation of "paying close attention" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Attention - translation : Close - translation : Paying - translation : Paying close attention - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Just paying attention.
ただ 物事に注意を払っているだけです
I wasn't paying attention.
全然 覚えてない
He wasn't paying attention.
Obviously they weren't paying attention.
... paying attention to crowd sourcing.
Morhange, you're not paying attention.
モランジュ 聴いてないだろ
Nobody was paying attention to her.
Nobody was paying attention to her.
So the traditional media companies, of course, are paying very close attention to these online communities.
オンライン コミュニティーにとても関心を持っています 彼らが未来の視聴者であることと知っているのです
And Ghana was not paying enough attention.
実際 サハラ以南のアフリカ全体でそうなのです
No. I haven't been paying any attention.
I do apologize, I wasn't paying attention.
勘違いでした すみません
Lately Tom hasn't been paying me any attention.
Just to make sure that you're paying attention,
Hey, are you paying attention to the road?
お前 運転向いてないンじゃないの
Not paying attention to us. He's a cop.
こっちを見やしねぇから ヤツはおまわりだ
It's quite plain that you haven't been paying attention.
Paying attention in class may lead to high marks.
Most car accidents happen because drivers aren't paying attention.
Someone must not be paying any attention to her husband!
オ看護師 妻としてペク スンジョ先生の 健康管理ちゃんとしてるの
I can tell you, I often wasn't really paying attention.
I know you're not paying attention to me, but ... (Laughter)
気が散っているようですね 笑い 私たちを埋め尽くす微生物
If he's not paying attention to us, he's a cop.
もし そいつが オレ達と目を合わせなかったら そいつは警官さ
Everybody is paying attention and doing everything that they can.
多くの人の関心を呼び みんな 最善を尽くしている
Which player are you paying the most attention to this year?
今年 注目している選手は誰ですか
I don't have to be paying attention to what I hear.
It said, If you're not outraged, you haven't been paying attention.
不正に怒らないのは 気にも留めていないのと同じなのです
So when we say that babies and young children are bad at paying attention, what we really mean is that they're bad at not paying attention.
注意力散漫だという時は 実際はそうではなく たくさんの興味深い物事の中から
You might have them start paying attention to price, paying attention to how much they buy sort of keeping track of their monkey token, as it were.
買えるのかと 猿が関心をもつのかどうか 突き止めるため
You must give close attention to the merest details.
HTML five becomes stable enough that developers start paying attention to it.
開発者が注目し始めたんですね HTMLでアプリを作れるようになり
Is anyone paying attention to some of the things these guys do?
このようなことに注目する人はいないのか いけないはずなのに手口を見つけて
I was paying attention. You should've seen the look on your face.
今さら興味ない顔しても ダメだぜ
He was wrong. Some people were paying attention, but for the wrong reasons.
Then you have to be patient you have to keep on paying attention.
そしてそれに集中し続けること ひとつの問題に忍耐強く 集中し続けることが大切です
If you're not outraged by all of this, you haven't been paying attention.
このことを少し掘り下げて 考えてみましょう
On the other hand, you believe kids are paying attention in your classes.
自分が生徒に 慕われてると思うのも
Oh no! I wasn't paying attention and left my cell phone in the restaurant!
しまった ウッカリして 携帯電話をお店に忘れてきちゃった
It may seem trivial to you, but for me it's worth paying attention to.
あなたには些細な事に思えるかも知れませんが 私にとってそれは注意すべきことなのです
So, I started paying attention to what compassion looks like in a business setting.
思いやりについて注目し始めました 幸いにも私は先のことを考える必要がありませんでした
Harriet's paying attention to her energy use, and she is decidedly not an energy geek.
エネルギーおたくというわけではまったくありません これは 彼女がどうやって 関心を持つに至ったかというお話です
It's actually a place that we probably should be paying attention to at the moment.
私たちが注目すべき場所だと言えるでしょう 私は このように解釈しています
Attention, attention.
Attention, attention.
気を付け ここは立入禁止区域 許可なしの着陸は禁止
Or you'll be able to enrich your life by prioritizing it and paying attention to it.
人生をより豊かにできるかもしれません 私たちはグループで活動します この写真は


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