Translation of "pediatric nutrition" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Nutrition - translation : Pediatric - translation : Pediatric nutrition - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Pediatric surgeon.
We call them biological nutrition and technical nutrition.
将来 技術的栄養は生物的栄養と 同等の規模となります
It's over nutrition, the condition with too much nutrition.
養分が多すぎる状態になってしまう はい 川口さんの自然農 耕さない 農薬や肥料を持ち込まない
Technical nutrition will be in an order of magnitude of biological nutrition.
生物的栄養が養える人数は 5億人程度です
You got a nutrition flag.
But I'm getting enough nutrition.
The vitamin pill contains abundant nutrition.
We have taught them nutrition, hygiene.
She is careful about her child's nutrition.
Welcome to the Fundamentals of Human Nutrition.
講師を務めることができ 嬉しく思っております 本コースでは 人間栄養学と
The hunter gatherer diet has more nutrition than the American Heart Association diet more nutrition than the American Diabetes Association diet and more nutrition than the USDA food pyramid diet.
アメリカ心臓協会の食事法よりも アメリカ糖尿病学会の食事法よりも アメリカ農務省のフードピラミッド型食事法よりも 栄養豊富な食事法です
Good nutrition is vital for an infant's growth.
Good nutrition is vital for an infant's growth.
栄養をきちんと摂ることは 幼児の発育には極めて重要なことです
Don't let nutrition labels or advertising fool you.
First of all, worse nutrition, maybe shorter life spans.
寿命が短くなります 女性は厳しい目に遭います
They're showing how much nutrition that they could've obtained.
でもこれとは別のことが起こって そこから私は天啓を得ました
Washing, clothes, wastewater, nutrition, crowding, animals, dust, temperature, injury
ちょっと待った 壮大なアイディアには 立派なお題目が付き物
About technique, nutrition and lots and lots of classes.
Kale has the most nutrition per calorie of any plant.
ビタミンB群は脳細胞と ミトコンドリアを保護します
I can hear you, tapping me for a little nutrition.
It's us against them, Jake.
There we go. Okay, no more nutrition to the guy.
ほらこれで 養分は止まった
No 1984. But they have got Discovering Food and Nutrition. ... ironic.
And so, with support from nutrition professionals and chefs in our community,
地域のシェフをも含め 子どもとクッキング が誕生しました
Though environmental factors, like nutrition, can have some effect on your height.
遺伝子はあなたの体重が健康的であるかどうか といったことにも影響があります
I'm the Director of Nutrition Services for the Berkeley Unified School District.
食事栄養科主任です 従業員90人 17カ所で9600人の児童を抱え
So it's dealing with the fact that if you have AlDS, you also need to have nutrition rates, and the idea of nutrition is as important as getting antiretrovirals out there.
栄養価を保つ必要があるので このアイデアは 栄養は 抗レトロウイルスの治療をうけるのと 同じくらい大切だと言うところにあります
Mal or bad, poor improper nutrition can manifest in many ways, and have many causes.
ビタミンおよびミネラルの欠乏 タンパク質の偏り 栄養の毒性
It has a very well equipped pediatric ophthalmic center, which was made possible in part by a gift from the Ronald McDonald charity.
この小児眼科センターは ロナルド マクドナルドの基金の協力もあって 設立されました
So I am a pediatric cancer doctor and stem cell researcher at Stanford University where my clinical focus has been bone marrow transplantation.
スタンフォードで幹細胞の研究もしていますが そこでは主に骨髄移植に携わってきました ジル ボルト テイラーが去年人間の脳を
If the conventional wisdom about nutrition had failed me, was it possible it was failing someone else?
他にも同じような人が いるのではないだろうか こうした疑問をもとに
These are individual cells, kinda hanging out, all doing their job, and they need of course nutrition.
細胞それぞれが自分の仕事をし それにはもちろん栄養が必要です
We'll look primarily at the biochemical concepts of nutrition, but we'll review how malnutrition is related to disease.
主に 生化学的観点からみた栄養について そして栄養失調と疾病の関係も 見ていきます 栄養失調という言葉で まず思いうかぶのは
The head of pediatric psychology from a local hospital comes to consult with faculty and parents on the toughest personal situations in students' home lives.
難しい私的状況にある学生について 学校関係者や両親とコンサルティングをします 指導の先動力により 出席率はあがりました
In that clinic, even today, there are two social workers for 24,000 pediatric patients, which is better than a lot of the clinics out there.
24,000 の小児患者につき ソーシャルワーカーが2人 他の診療所よりもまだましな状況です
And you're going to provide all the nutrition that they could possibly want with no effort on their part.
努力することなく それはバクテリアにとって安楽生活なのです
I see, have the potential to transform the face of hunger and nutrition, malnutrition out on the front lines.
現場から根絶する可能性を 秘めているのです 次に学校給食の話をします
This is a baby blanket by Pendleton that will give your child nutrition instead of Alzheimer's later in life.
子供の体によい素材でできています 自分自身に問うてみましょう 正義とは何か
So she painted this medical facts mural with a nutrition label, something like that, in a diagram of him.
医療記録をこのようにして 彼を描いた絵の横に 描きました
gt gt When it comes to great nutrition and great taste, fresh fruits and vegetables are hard to beat.
食生活には欠かせないものです しかし あらゆる食品には食中毒の
Very little of it left, of course, because all these pipes supply the nutrition to the little prawn eggs.
それらがパイプを通じ 養分として エビ の卵に 供給される
The Prakash Center for Children, which will have a dedicated pediatric hospital, a school for the children we are treating and also a cutting edge research facility.
これは小児科に特化する病院で 治療を受ける子どもたちのための学校で そして 最先端の研究施設でもあります
Just think of the benefits when it comes to jobs, productivity, employment, child nutrition, maternal mortality, literacy and much, much more.
この投資がもたらす仕事 生産性 雇用 養育費 産婦死亡率 識字率
In this course, you'll learn exactly what that means and how nutrition drives growth and development, as well as sustains life.
成長と発達を促す仕組みと 生命維持の仕組みについて学びます
We don't eat animal products for sufficient nutrition, we eat them to have an odd form of malnutrition, and it's killing us.
逆に変な栄養失調になるために食べている これには閉口だ 皆の健康を保つためにアメリカ人達が
And here you see a brain scan of two children one who had adequate nutrition, another, neglected and who was deeply malnourished.
栄養が足りている子供と 育児放棄された ひどい栄養失調の子供です


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