Translation of "penitentiary" to Japanese language:

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Penitentiary - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Neo penitentiary modern.
不完全なコレクションのための 不完全な記念碑と不完全なモール
In a local penitentiary.
一時的に マネージャを して手伝っていた
Locked up in some penitentiary.
Last night, within the Tokyo West Penitentiary,
昨夜 東京都西刑務の所内で
The exact penitentiary where they are been held is under disclosed.
どの刑務に収監されたか 公開されてません
when inside the penitentiary the offices of that institution have final authority.
精神障害者刑務内においては 管轄責任者に最終的な権限があります
That's going to get you quite a few years in the federal penitentiary.
連邦刑務で 長く暮らすことになるわね
Only Indiana State Penitentiary in Michigan City can guarantee Dillinger will not escape.
インディアナ州 ミシガンの刑務だけが デリンジャーの 逃亡を防げます
You do what she says. Larry, her way means spending years in a penitentiary.
ラリー 刑務で何年も 過ごすことになるんだぞ
He'd spent 37 years in a Louisiana State Penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit.
And they sentenced me to 10 years in the state penitentiary for a 50 theft.
50ドルの 盗みに対して 10年の刑を 言い渡された
Did you smuggle the guns into Indiana State Penitentiary for the big break of September 26th?
9月26日の脱獄の時 インディアナ州の 刑務に 銃を 持ち込んだんですね
Brandon takes the deal. Brandon goes up to the penitentiary and gets his rectum resized about yay big.
I escaped from Fox River Penitentiary because I was sentenced to death for a crime I did not commit.
やってもいない犯罪のせいで死刑が下され フォックスリバーから逃げてきた
I escaped from Fox River Penitentiary because I was sentenced to death for a crime I did not commit.
フォックスリバー刑務からにげた 無実なのに 死刑囚だった
Well, let's be clear, you are a convicted felon who broke out of a state penitentiary, there's only so much I can do.
じゃ はっきりしておきたい 君は 既決重罪犯だ 刑務から逃亡し
Is it not true you were convicted in June of 1935 of conspiring to embezzle funds, and you served three years in a federal penitentiary?
キャラッツさん 1935年あなたは有罪になった 使い込みの共犯でね そして 連邦刑務に 3年間服役しましたね
Three days ago, there were a 105 inmates in the Supermax wing of the U.S. penitentiary in Livingston, Texas, where the brothers were allegedly sent.
三日前 テキサス州のリビングストン刑務に マイケル達が送られた そのスーパーマクスの刑務には 105人いた
And this is a photograph of Dr. Southam in 1957 injecting cancer into a volunteer, who in this case was an inmate in Ohio State Penitentiary.
囚人であった志願者に サウザン医師が ガンを注射している写真です
Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield two of the prisoners who broke out of Fox River State Penitentiary in Illinois have continued to allude the authorities, leaving a trail of crime in their wake.
イリノイ州のフォックスリバー刑務から 逃亡し 依然捕まっていませんが 犯罪の形跡を残していきました
Richard David Kimble, it is the verdict of this court you shall be removed to the state penitentiary and there held until a date to be determined, and on that date, according to the laws of this sovereign state, execution shall be done unto you.
君は州刑務に移され 決定の日までそこに拘留される そしてその日に


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