Translation of "posture" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Posture - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Basic posture | そのままでいろ |
Blogging affects your posture. We start with the posture. | これはブログをしていない女性の座り方です |
Boniface, your posture. | ボニファス 姿勢を正せ |
Look at her posture it's remarkable. | ダンサーだからです |
He likes to posture as an intellectual. | 彼は知識人ぶるのが好きだ |
This is the posture of ladies who are not blogging this is the posture of ladies who are blogging. | これはブログをしている女性の座り方です 笑 |
You are great. This is the correct posture. | 昨日発見した無線のもう一つの利点は |
You fell out of bed bad sleeping posture, probably. | 2022 約一気になりました |
Optimism is sometimes characterized as a belief, an intellectual posture. | マハトハ ガンジーが述べた有名な言葉に |
This is male blogging posture sitting, and the result is, | 大きな快適を得るため |
You should care about your posture this is not right. | クリスから1分半もらえるかな |
Some of these actions correspond to movement and posture change. | 例えば 走る 歩く 這う などです 実際 動作は英単語であると |
I'm not sure staying here is the most advisable posture. | ここに残るのが 一番賢明な安全策とは 思えないが |
I went from essentially this closed in posture to discovering people. | そして私は ここ と いま にいることが 出来るようになりました |
And then they always land in the sort of superman skydiving posture. | これが正しいなら物理的モデルの |
This is the natural posture of a man sitting, squatting for ventilation purposes. | 換気の為しゃがみこんでいます 笑 |
She replied, Posture. My back is always straight, and I don't make old people's noises. | 老人くさい音は出さないの と答えていました |
All it requires of you is this that you change your posture for two minutes. | 2 3分で身のこなしを変えること でも その前に |
A more erect posture caused the voice box to descend in the throat. 2 MYA | 体毛は短くなりはじめ 皮膚の汗腺が進化した |
How can something as silly as a yoga posture or sitting and watching your breath. | そんな たわいもないことが 何故こんなに様々な変化を もたらすことになるのか |
Like our father Aldo Burrows... Posture, shoulders in, for emphasis. Really wants your attention here. | この格好 肩を後ろにして 本当に聞いて欲しい |
Think about the security posture that the US would have if we didn't have this nuclear capability. | 水中滞在と極氷の下に行く キャップ 今日は地上部隊を見てみると |
The rest of the time, you're just defending, and you get into this, turtle posture, you know? | それ以後は守っているだけだ 亀のように守りの体制に入る スケートを楽しんでいなかった |
Do you know... all my life I've been told to stand up straight, turn out posture, and now... | 知ってる 人生 姿勢を正して真直ぐ 立てと言われた続けた |
So for example we can look to the cortical area that represents input that's controlling the posture of the monkey. | 皮質部位を見てみましょう 特定の動きやその行動に関わる |
And the patient puts his phantom left arm, which is clenched and in spasm, on the left side of the mirror, and the normal hand on the right side of the mirror, and makes the same posture, the clenched posture, and looks inside the mirror. | 幻の左腕を鏡の左側に入れ 正常な腕を鏡の右側に入れます そして同じ形 握り締めた形にして |
The guard's truncheon hit air. Off balance, he regained his posture to see a metal mesh rubbish bin flying towards him. | 警棒で空をなぐりつけ よろめいて体勢をたてなおしたガードマンは 自分に向かって突進してくる金網づくりのクズカゴを見た |
You lift it, You can completely adjust the dynamics of your body the posture of your body to be able to walk with it. | 身体の姿勢を調整し箱を運ぶことができます 物をどう扱うかに関して 人間は驚異的な直感を持っていて |
And the kinds of actions we want to be able to recognizing through movement and posture change, object manipulation, conversational gesture, sign language and etc. | 動きや姿勢の変化 物体の操作 会話のジェスチャ 手話 などがあります そのためには 物体を英語の名詞と考えることもできます |
At first, when his sister arrived, Gregor positioned himself in a particularly filthy corner in order with this posture to make something of a protest. | 抗議の何かを作るためにこの姿勢を持つためのコーナー しかし 彼はよく彼の妹の彼女を変えることなく 数週間のためにそこに宿泊している可能性が |
And this is the natural posture of a standing man, and I think this picture inspired Chris to insert me into the lateral thinking session. | 水平思考がテーマのセッションにクリスガ私を 参加させたのもこの写真がきっかけだと思います これはブログをしている男性の座位です |
If you talk with a sad person, you're going to adopt a sad expression and a sad posture, and before you know it, you feel sad. | 自分自身も 自然に 悲しい表情や態度になるでしょう そして いつの間にか悲しみを感じるでしょう これが 感情的な共感の身体的チャンネルです |
So I want to start by offering you a free no tech life hack, and all it requires of you is this that you change your posture for two minutes. | 技術不要の人生術を お教えしましょう 姿勢を2分間 変えるだけでいいんです |
What we have is exactly the same thing, the same activity, but one of them makes you feel great and the other one, with just a small change of posture, makes you feel terrible. | とても優れた気分になる人もいれば ほんの僅かな気の持ち方の違いだけで 惨めな気分になる人もいるのです |
However, they will adopt a less natural posture in order to balance it on their laps, which resulted in a significant rise of body heat between their thighs. This is the issue of local warming. | 少し不自然な姿勢になってしまいます これで男性のももの間の温度が極端に 上昇します これが小さな温暖化の問題です |
We find in their non verbal communication this is very rich they have a lot of sounds, which they use in different circumstances, but they also use touch, posture, gesture, and what do they do? | 多岐に渡って音を使い分けます 触ったり身構えたり ジェスチャーも使います |
Whenever a mouse is in fear, it will show this very typical behavior by staying at one corner of the box, trying to not move any part of its body, and this posture is called freezing. | 典型的な行動がこれです 箱の片隅で 身動き1つしなくなります |
It would be easier to understand the Obama administration's posture of supposedly being for deterrence if this was an administration that, for instance, prosecuted arguably the biggest economic crime that this country has seen in the last hundred years. | 過去100年間に垣間見てきた ウォール街の金融危機につながるような 最大級の経済犯罪を起訴してきた政権だというのであれば |
And remember We said Enter this town, and eat of the plenty therein as ye wish but enter the gate with humility, in posture and in words, and We shall forgive you your faults and increase (the portion of) those who do good. | またこう言った時を思い起せ あなたがたは この町に入り 意のままにそこで存分に食べなさい 頭を低くして門を入り 御許し下さい と言え われはあなたがたの過ちを赦し また善行をする者には 報奨を 増すであろう |
The rice that you ate in the lunch, and you will eat today, is transplanted by women bending in a very awkward posture, millions of them, every season, in the paddy season, when they transplant paddy with their feet in the water. | 女性達によって植えられました とても不自然な姿勢に腰を曲げて 何百万もの苗を |
And remember it was said to them Dwell in this town and eat therein as ye wish, but say the word of humility and enter the gate in a posture of humility We shall forgive you your faults We shall increase (the portion of) those who do good. | かれらに向ってこう仰せられた時を思え あなたがたはこの町に住み 勝手に自分の好むものを食べなさい だが 御許し下さい と言い 頭を低くして門を入れ われはあなたがたの罪過を赦す 善いことをする者には 報奨を 加えるであろう |
Nor will any posture succeed that seeks to put Russia forward as a geopolitical counterweight to the United States. Such a strategy might be politically satisfying to some, but Russia lacks the resources to compete with the US and needs good bilateral relations in order to proceed with its own internal transformation. | あるいはロシアを米国に対する地政学的な対抗勢力に押し上げようとする姿勢は 継承されていくのであろうか そういった戦略は政治的にある程度満足が得られるものかもしれないが ロシアは米国と対抗する資源にかけており 国内の改編を継続するには 良好な両国関係が必要である |
So the first two reactions of the body, the first is basically the body's ability to understand fear, and that is from top to bottom, not just a cognitive notion, it actually is shifts in the landscape of the body, shifts in the breath, shifts in what muscles are contracted, shifts in the posture, that basically tell our somatic system, the system of our body to be alarmed. | トップダウンで 認知だけではなく 体の状態を変化させます 呼吸を変化させ 筋肉の状態を変化させ |
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