Translation of "resemblance" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Resemblance - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The resemblance.
An unfortunate family resemblance.
不幸にも 種族が同じで似ているが
Obviously, you see the resemblance.
Not much of a resemblance.
XBox 360, PS3, all had some resemblance of this.
I took quite a ribbing because of the resemblance.
よく似てるためにとても からかわれたのよ だから 大抵の人より詳細に 裁判を追ったんだと思うの
I was surprised at his strong resemblance to his father.
私は 彼が父親に本当によく似ているのに驚いた
This is no striking resemblance of your own character, I'm sure.
Synecdoche New York bears an uncanny resemblance to Tom McCarthy's novel Remainder
トム マッカーシーの小説Remainderによく似ている どちらも突然大金持ちになった男が
I don't mean it was just a resemblance, One of those things.
似てるなんて レベルじゃない
Mars is all the more interesting for its close resemblance to our Earth.
I was surprised that he really had a strong resemblance to his father.
私は 彼が父親に本当によく似ているのに驚いた
They aren't sure, obviously, but Rodney said that the resemblance was really striking.
確かじゃないけど でも とてもソックリだったそうよ
We sent to her Our Spirit (Gabriel) in the resemblance of a perfect human.
かの女はかれらから 身をさえぎる 幕を垂れた その時われはわが聖霊 ジブリール を遣わした かれは1人の立派な人間の姿でかの女の前に現われた
Well, I say, I can't be too sure, but there might be some resemblance there.
似ているんじゃないかと思う あまり彼を注意して 見てなかったからね
It's just this new man down here at the health club bears a strong resemblance.
Compare them to the tools our ancestors used they bear a striking resemblance to Kanzi's.
カンジのものと とてもよく似ています
But stop does it not bear a faint resemblance to a gigantic fish? even the great leviathan himself?
偉大なリバイアサン自身 部分的に基づいて 私自身の最終理論 実際には アーティストのデザインはこのようだ
We line that up with data that we record from a professional driver, and the resemblance is absolutely remarkable.
このデータを プロのドライバーの 走行データと比較すると 驚くほど似ているのです もちろん わずかな違いはあります
They even arrived at answers, such as myths, that dominated their lives, yet bore almost no resemblance to the truth.
それは彼らの人生を 支配していた神話であり 真実とはほとんど何の類似点も
And yet, when you look at the phenotypes, there's a chimp, there's a man they're astoundingly different, no resemblance at all.
チンパンジーと人間は 驚くほど違うんです 全然似てやしない
I visited with him a few years ago and he showed me his early work, and his early work had a resemblance to my early work.
初期の作品を見せてくれた 彼の初期の作品は 僕の初期のと似ていたんだ 僕は 大学を出てから 南カリフォルニア風のものをやろうとし
What we see, in all these cases, bears no resemblance to the reality that we conclude is responsible only a long chain of theoretical reasoning and interpretation connects them.
目に見えるものは 私たちが証拠であると考えるものとは なんら類似点はありません ただそれらを繋ぐ理論的な推理と
If We had made him an angel, We would have given him the resemblance of a man, and would have as such confused them with that in which they are already confused.
仮令われがかれ 使徒 を天使としても 必ず人間の姿をさせ 今 かれらが惑うように きっと惑わせたであろう
Bear glad tidings to those who believe and do good works. They shall live in Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are given fruit as provision they will say 'This is what we were given before,' for they shall be given in resemblance. Therein they shall have pure spouses, and shall live there for ever.
信仰して善行に勤しむ者たちには かれらのために 川が下を流れる楽園に就いての吉報を伝えなさい かれらはそこで 糧の果実を与えられる度に これはわたしたちが以前に与えられた物だ と言う かれらには それ程似たものが授けられる また純潔な配偶者を授けられ 永遠にその中に住むのである
And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) unto those who believe and do good works that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof, they say this is what was given us aforetime and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure companions there for ever they abide.
信仰して善行に勤しむ者たちには かれらのために 川が下を流れる楽園に就いての吉報を伝えなさい かれらはそこで 糧の果実を与えられる度に これはわたしたちが以前に与えられた物だ と言う かれらには それ程似たものが授けられる また純潔な配偶者を授けられ 永遠にその中に住むのである
And give glad tidings to those who believe and do good deeds that for them are Gardens beneath which rivers flow when they are provided with a fruit of the Gardens, they will say, This is the same food as what was given to us before whereas it is in resemblance and in the Gardens are pure spouses for them and they shall abide in it forever.
信仰して善行に勤しむ者たちには かれらのために 川が下を流れる楽園に就いての吉報を伝えなさい かれらはそこで 糧の果実を与えられる度に これはわたしたちが以前に与えられた物だ と言う かれらには それ程似たものが授けられる また純潔な配偶者を授けられ 永遠にその中に住むのである
Now Tree Search represents a whole family of algorithms, and where you get the family resemblance is that they're all looking at the frontier, copying items off and and looking to see if their goal tests, but where you get the difference is right here, in the choice of how you're going to expand the next item on the frontier, which path do we look at first, and we'll go through different sets of algorithms that make different choices for which path to look at first.
どのアルゴリズムも木探索同様 フロンティアが中心です 木探索の要素をマネて


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