Translation of "timber" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Timber - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Canada abounds in timber.
Canada abounds in timber.
It's just steel and timber.
でも 平凡な橋では終わらせずに
Maybe a timber rattlesnake lived there.
クロクマが歩き周り 先住民族も居ました
With collarbones, as if with timber work,
I use the timber that nature brings down, the timber that nature puts on the ground for me
自然がそうやって 私のために用意してくれたものです 倒れていた場所に行って拾い そこに新しい木を植えます
Mass timber panels are those 24 dot bricks.
建設可能な規模を 変えるものです
I make crafts with liana vine and timber,
私が使う木は 自然に地面に倒れたものです
Large amounts of timber are used in paper making.
We check the banks, in the timber, under rocks.
材木の中 岩の下
People were cooking on their only fuel source, green timber.
I'd sell off your timber land now while you can.
They're disappearing because some timber companies go in with clear cutting.
消えつつあります 大手多国籍企業が石油や材木目当てに
Did you make its timber to grow, or did We make it?
その 燃やす 木を あなたがたが創ったのか それともわれが創ったのか
In one of the pictures, you can see a horse carrying timber.
Blood diamonds, smuggled emeralds, timber, that is cut right from under the poorest.
木材 最も貧しい場所から切りだされたもの 次に技術支援です
They've taken over the timber industry and been shipping the lumber east, back into China.
材木を東へ 中国へと運んでいるのです ここでもモンゴルと同じように
Well, mass timber panels, these new products that we're using, are much like the log.
マス木質パネルは この薪にかなり似ています 火を付けるのは難しくて 火が付いても
If you start to say no to timber of suspicious origin, to timber with an unknown origin, the market will begin to weaken and they will no longer see the results they hoped for.
不買運動を始めれば 業界は縮小していき 伐採の目的を 達成できなくなるでしょう
It was built by the timber of Her Majesty's Ship Resolute and given by Queen Victoria.
ビクトリア女王から贈られたものです 英米間の永続的な親善のシンボルです
The smoke coming off that timber is choking, and in an enclosed house, you simply can't breathe.
屋内ではとにかく息も出来ません その後 その地方の主たる疾患と死亡原因が
And then slowly, the trees start taking over, bringing in produce from the fruits, from the timber, from the fuel wood.
フルーツ 木材 薪などの農産物が手に入るようになります 最後には 砂糖椰子が成長し
That could be, but where you all come into this is, he put this house here, and your timber acres, up for his bond.
かもな 問題なのは この家だ
So we plant it later, along the waterways to filter the water, provide the raw products just in time for when the timber becomes available.
水をろ過し 木材が手に入る頃に 資材を提供してくれます 一定の空間で 限られた手段を用いて
And after eight years they might actually yield some timber that is, if you can preserve it in the right way, which we can do with bamboo peels.
きちんと保管してやれば 竹の皮と共に 建築資材として利用することができます 日本の古寺建設の技術に用いられていますが
The people get that acacia timber which we have preserved with the bamboo peel, and they can build a house, they have some fuel wood to cook with.
家を建てたり 火をおこす燃料にもなります この木材のおかげで たくさんの事が可能になり
And then we discovered these things gold and oil and fishing and timber and it became, you know, a trillion dollar economy, and now we take our honeymoons there.
兆ドル規模の経済になったのです 新婚旅行先にもなっています 同じことが宇宙でも起きるでしょう 我々は人類史上最大の大航海時代を
Now I am going to ask something of all of you here when you want to buy something that was made from timber, that came from the forest, check the origin.
森から来た 木を原料とするものを 買うときには 原産地を確認してみてください そうすることで 初めて 森林破壊にブレーキをかけられます
Prefabricated from the most traditional of materials, but that material because of the technology, the computing ability, the ability to prefabricate, make high performance components out of timber very much at the cutting edge.
伝統的とはいっても 技術や計算手法の発展 プレハブ工法や 丸太から製造される高機能な部材などの理由によって まさに最先端の建材です
So in fact, the price of timber in the Beijing marketplace ought to have been three times what it was had it reflected the true pain and the costs to the society within China.
こうした社会へ与えた 被害総額も全て加えると その3倍であるべきでした
We've been engineering them with an engineer named Eric Karsh who works with me on it, and we've been doing this new work because there are new wood products out there for us to use, and we call them mass timber panels.
設計を進めています この新しい構想に 取り組んでいるのは 新しく使える木質構造物が 登場したからです
They're disappearing in the heart of their range in Africa because the big multinational logging companies have come in and made roads as they want to do in Ecuador and other parts where the forests remain untouched to take out oil or timber.
道路を開発したのが原因でチンパンジーがアフリカの 生息地域中心部から消えており エクアドルや その他の原生林でも
However, as long as people keep purchasing illegal timber, people who purchase illegal products from the forest, this will continue. and those who lose are those who live in the forest and you, who won't have the forest later, because it will be gone one day.
人々が買い続ける限り 現状は変わりません 森がなくなってまず困るのは 我々 森林地域の住人ですが あなた方も そのうち困ることでしょう
So I decided that I had to come up with a solution for her but also a solution that will benefit the people that are trying to exploit those forests, to get their hands on the last timber and that are causing, in that way, the loss of habitat and all those victims.
解決策は 森林を伐採してきた人々にも有益なものでなければなりません 木を切り倒すことが
A retrospective on 40 years shows that if we had accounted for these costs the cost of loss of topsoil, the cost of loss of waterways, the lost productivity, the loss to local communities as a result of all these factors, desertification and so on those costs are almost twice as much as the market price of timber.
森林破壊によるコスト 表土の流出 水路の消滅
If you would use a little bit of your technology to put tracking devices in trucks, and use Google Earth in combination with that, you could directly tell what palm oil has been sustainably produced, which company is stealing the timber, and you could save so much more carbon than with any measure of saving energy here.
Google Earthを駆使すれば どのパームオイルが環境にやさしく生産されたか どの企業が 木を切り倒しているのかもわかります


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