"なぜなら 死の"の翻訳 英語に:
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
彼女らはなぜ死んだの | How did they die? |
なぜならディスクの持主が死ぬ時 | We believe that the information stored in the disks |
なぜ死んだの | Can I ask you how they died? |
なぜ死んだ | And how did she die? |
なぜなら... 一酸化炭素中毒での死亡なら | No, this is not an illuminating gas death because.... |
墓に死体はない なぜ? | We held services over an empty coffin. There s no body in the grave. |
父さんはなぜ死んだの | How did my father die? |
なぜなら ドライバーは 勝つために必死になる | Because that driver will try all the harder to win. |
死にそうなんだぜ | So, you don't care? |
なぜ死を偽装した | Why would you fake your own death? |
なぜ死体をまだ動かせないの | Why isn't the body on the move yet? |
なぜ私の生死を気にする | Why should you care whether I live or die? |
なぜなら シカゴで300万人死んだところで | I want the rules to be as loose as possible. |
何が なぜ死んだんだ | What do you mean? |
母さんはなぜ死んだ | Why'd she have to die? |
死刑は見逃せないぜ | I'd pay good money to watch that boy fry. |
もし神様がいるなら なぜ罪のない人たちを 死なせたのか | I mean, if there's a God and all why does he allow all those innocent people to die for no reason? |
彼らの死に原因があるとして なぜ殺されなくてはならないのか | If a person is responsible for those deaths, why are they killing? |
いいぜ そうしな 死ぬ覚悟でな | Okay, go ahead, hang yourself. |
なぜ兄上は死んだと思う | You want to know why your brother died? |
4人も死んだのに なぜ報告書がないの | At least four people were killed. To avoid a scandal. |
膨大なモジュールがありますから 種が違うと なぜ寿命が違うのか なぜ不死の種がいないのか | living a long time or by procreation, there's a certain amount of modulation of that, which is why different species have different lifespans, but that's why there are no immortal species. |
なぜかと言えば その死亡の大半が | And I think that's doable in well under 20 years. |
あいつ死ぬかもしれないぜ | He could be dead. |
なぜうちのソファに パキスタン人の死体があるの | Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch? ! |
少なくとも無駄死にじゃない なぜだ | Well at least he didn't die in vain. |
なぜなら なぜなら金利だけのローンであり | And this is how a I don't want to say a traditional |
女性の死が疑わしいと なぜ教える | If this woman's death was suspicious, why point it out? |
この子が死ぬぞ なぜ偽物か教えろ | Eight... This kid will die. Tell me why the painting is a fake. |
神は なぜ死人も黒人も みんな同じ姿に作らなかった | Dead fucks, n ggers and regu ar fo k a v ng together. f God wanted t ke th s, he'd have made us ook the same. |
我々がなぜ死んだか思い出せ | Remember why we died. |
なぜなら | I was devastated. |
なぜなら | He's just an awesome stock figure, he can beat the market, |
なぜなら | You go again and again and again. |
なぜなら | That's why I live at gunpoint all the time. |
なぜなら | I think he wants this. |
なぜなら | We are in trouble. |
なぜなら | I want to encourage you to do that. |
なぜなら | Now why, Steve, why do we need a revolution? |
なぜなら | I love to think what they thought, what it was like. |
なぜなら | And think about what they might be telling you. |
なぜなら... ? | Because..? |
なぜなら | I'm I did it because, um... |
なぜなら | Because i know... |
なぜ戻らないの | Why didn't he come back? |
関連検索 : なぜなら、死の - なぜならストレスの - なぜならたの - なぜなら、デフォルトの - なぜならクリスマスの - なぜなら1 - なぜなら、これらの - なぜ - なぜ - なぜ - なぜ - なぜ、 - なぜなら制限の - なぜなら、作業の