"シンプルな乳房切除術"の翻訳 英語に:

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シンプルな乳房切除術 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

My breasts are tender.
特集は 乳房組織工学
Wired magazine, November 2010.
盲腸切除は 一番簡単な手術さ
An appendectomy is just about the most common kind of surgery there is.
But then we actually don't know that it's all out.
I have a lump in my breast.
女性の場合 乳房が心臓の前にあるので 乳房が心臓の前にあるので
So unlike the CAT scans, X rays, thalliums, for women whose breast is in the way of looking at the heart, every time we order something that has even a small amount of radiation, we say, Do we really need that test?
癌になりそうな事が はっきりと分かった事と 姉を癌で失った事から 彼女は予防的乳房切除という
After undergoing biopsies that further increased her risk for cancer and losing her sister to cancer, she made the difficult decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy.
Well you can see this on an MRl.
I work on breast cancer.
Then, we add our film. You can use it to grow lettuce, or tomatoes ... You sow your seeds, and you get this result.
例えば 健康診断や 乳がん予防の 乳房X線写真などの
They are required to provide free preventive care
女房 子供は大切にな
Most important, love your wife and child.
I was at a conference of 60,000 people in breast imaging
But there are other barriers.
現段階では肺葉切除術が 実行可能に
We think now that a lobectomy may be a viable option.
乳房を失った乳がん経験者である アイスランドでは初となる 女性大統領ヴィグディス
Iceland elected Vigdis Finnbogadottir as their president first female to become head of state, single mom, a breast cancer survivor who had had one of her breasts removed.
If you don't, you're not alone.
全て切除するという 患者を弱らせてしまう手術が必要でした センチネルリンパ節切除が標準的な
Women used to get really debilitating surgeries to excise all of the axillary lymph nodes.
Or I'll cut her tits off! Huh?
So what did they do?
見てみることにしました これは腺房です 乳房の中にはこの様に腺房が沢山あって
So, we decided that what we like to do is take just a bit of that mammary gland, which is called an acinus, where there are all these little things inside the breast where the milk goes, and the end of the nipple comes through that little tube when the baby sucks.
Please go cut that piece out.
あの子の扁桃腺切除術以来よ 私達 大興奮よ
...since his tonsillectomy, and we are thrilled!
腫瘍は 肝臓 乳房 そして 前立腺にあります
You then have some body part descriptions
ここでは結石切除術 つまり膀胱結石を除去しているところですが 当時の最も侵襲的な手術で
One of the most famous of these guys, Frere Jacques, shown here doing a lithotomy which is the removal of the bladder stone, one of the most invasive surgeries they did at the time had to take less than two minutes.
He said, You are beautiful. You have grown into a gorgeous woman.
The brain surgeon.
今のところ虫垂切除と アキレス腱の手術跡くらいだ
So far just one removed appendix here, one Achilles surgery there.
高濃度とみなされます 乳房濃度が問題であるのは
And breasts that fall into these two categories are considered dense.
カルテの情報を見て 乳癌が悪性か良性かの予測を試みたいとします もし 誰かが乳房に腫瘍を 乳房にしこりを見つけたら 悪性の腫瘍は
Let's see you want to look at medical records and try to predict of a breast cancer as malignant or benign.
牛乳 牛乳 牛乳 牛乳 牛乳 牛乳じゃない
Sales tripled.
I met Agnes three years ago in the Rift Valley.
And this works for metastatic lymph nodes also.
右半球切除術を行うこともできます しかし 私とし
We could perform a right hemispherectomy but I'd...
冷房を切って ファンにしましょう
Please join them.
冬の暖房 夏の冷房も 技術者のおかげ 問題を解決するのは 政治じゃない
It's the technicians that give you electricity, that give you motor vehicles, that heat your house and cool it in the summer time.
その女性は腋下リンパ節の 切除手術を受けるのです つまり
And then if that node has cancer, the woman would go on to get the axillary lymph node dissection.
And this is on the Fourth of July.
ママをからかわないで 手術したのよ 乳ガンで
Don't make fun of that. She only has one br east. She had br east cancer.
前歴は 脂肪吸引と 乳房再建で 血清腫と瘢痕の合併症.
Previous lipo and breast augmentation with complications of seroma and scarring.
性器切除され 未来はなく
And she knew that meant she would be cut.
乳首を切り落としたら 労災は出るかな
If I accidently shaved off a nipple, would it be covered by workman's comp?
知り合いの独房を掃除して シャツをもらった
I cleaned a guy's cell for this shirt.
アトラジンに晒される事で 乳房の発達障害が 引き起こされます
Of those that don't abort, atrazine causes impaired mammary, or breast, development in the exposed daughters in utero, so that their breast don't develop properly.


関連検索 : 乳房切除術 - ラジカル乳房切除術 - 乳房切除 - 修正ラジカル乳房切除術 - 二国間の乳房切除術 - 乳房手術 - 乳房手術 - 乳房 - 乳房 - 乳房温存手術 - 乳房イメージング - 乳房ケア - 乳房インプラント - 乳房センター