"副官鳥"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

副官鳥 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Lieutenant Dill.
アナスタシア マーカム副長官
Homeland Security.
Mundt's secondincommand.
That man was a deputy.
さすがだ 副官
Very good, lieutenant!
よし 副保安官だ
Yeah, I second it. Good.
カーク 副官に昇進だ
Kirk, I'm promoting you to first officer. What?
ようこそ 副司令官
Welcome home, SubCommander.
シムズ お前は副保安官だ
Simms, you wanna second it?
警察官は入ってくるわ 副検察官や
I had written these crazy things.
General Kutuzov has been kind enough to take me as aidedecamp.
副官 兵を適当に散 ら せ
M. I'aidedecamp, tell the men not to crowd together.
I believe it was your 10 minutes.
Deputy regimental commander.
副保安官 よく来てくれた
Glad you're here, Deputy.
副官 明 日 の命令書を作れ
Kaissarov! Sit down and write tomorrow's order of the day.
パイクが彼を 副官に指名した
Pike made him first officer.
ヤーボロー シムズを 副保安官に任命する
Yarbrough, Simms. I'm deputizin' you.
これからは全員 副保安官だ
You're all deputies as of this moment foitward.
副大統領閣下 モス捜査官です
Mr. Vice President, that was Agent Moss.
連絡 司令官 副長 CAGに伝達 Commander Air Group 航空司令官
Attention. Pass the word for the Commander, the XO and the CAG.
副腎という器官が 体の後ろ側にあります 副腎はアンドロゲン
Females, like males, have in our bodies something called the adrenal glands.
Lieutenant Dill? He thinks I'm an idiot.
副保安官は 真面目ぶりやがって
Now that puppydog deputy's tryin' to take hisself serious.
副保安官 彼女は誰を撃ったんだ?
Deputy... who'd she shoot?
The aide suggested a change in tactics to him.
Your deputy took all my money out of my bag.
程普を副総督 魯粛を司令官補佐に
Cheng Pu the Lieutenant Viceroy, and Lu Su as the Consulting Commander
窓を割って 副保安官の首を絞めた
Let alone break that window or choke out a deputy.
Lieutenant Dill will assume command.
私の後の副司令官の地位を ティーアンに与える
I give Teean, the position of second in command, after me!
おめでとう ジム 副官の君が 船長に昇進だ
Now we've got no captain and no goddamn first officer to replace him.
私たちは 司令官デイビッド ボウマン博士と 彼の副官フランク プール博士と 話しました
We spoke with Mission Commander, Dr. David Bowman and his deputy, Dr. Frank Poole.
俺が副保安官だった ことは聞いてるのか
Did he mention he had an exdeputy with him?
As XO and ranking human onboard this boat,
You can't dodge calls from the Deputy Secretary
状況は把握した お休み 副長官 まあ 我々は入った
I know it's a juicy story, but there is really very little cause for alarm. lt i gt The situation well in hand, good night. lt i gt lt i gt Mr. secretary! lt i gt
何かをあたえないと 国土安全保障省の副長官ですよ
Yeah and I want a cheeseburger.
致命的な罠だ 奴の副官に捕らえさせ そして殺させる
To incriminate him so lethally, that his own secondincommand will arrest him and have him shot.
乗組員が副官を嫌うなら 俺は自分の仕事ができない
If the crew doesn't hate the XO, then he's not doing his job.
副保安官の一人に 撃たれちまった まさか お前じゃ トロ
I figured one of them new deputies might end up shooting' me, but not you, Tolo!
アルバート ハーシュ 博士が立案者で CIA副長官 ノア ボーセン が実行責任者です
Dr. Albert Hirsch, the alleged mastermind of Blackbriar program and CIA Deputy Director Noah Vosen, the program's operational chief.
Sub Key


関連検索 : 副官 - 副官 - 九官鳥鳥 - 副官コウノトリ - 副次官 - 副士官 - 副長官 - 警察官鳥 - 副保安官 - 副裁判官 - 副司令官 - 副監察官 - 副財務官 - 副次官補