"功績賞"の翻訳 英語に:

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功績賞 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

彼らはこの功績でノーベル賞を受賞した 宇宙のマイクロ背景輻射は
Kelvin or so. Well, this was actually measured in 1965 by Penzias and Wilson, who deservedly got the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
確立した功績でノーベル平和賞を受賞しました 私が彼の話を聞いたのは受賞の3年前でした
Dr. Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize a few years ago for his work pioneering modern microfinance.
There were some dark days, and you guys have really done an amazing job growing that site.
Our society rewards merit.
The manager complimented him on his achievement.
It is quite an achievement!
His services were appreciated.
It's weird, you may want to ask
マハトマ ガンジー並みの功績でした
Mr. Teszler had integrated the textile industry in that part of the South.
君の功績は まやかしだ
I think you're a front.
His work merits the highest praise.
グドナエフ大尉からの 功労賞だ
As a consolation prize Captain Gudnayev sent me.
南アフリカの真実和解委員会です この功績で デズモンド ツツ氏はノーベル賞を受賞しました 考えてみてください 南アフリカといえば
This is a scene or snippet from the Truth and Reconciliation process in South Africa for which Desmond Tutu won the Nobel Prize.
スペースシャトル チャレンジャー号の 悲劇の謎を解き明かし 素粒子の動きを説明する ファインマン ダイアグラムの功績により ノーベル物理学賞を受賞しました
Feynman went on to earn degrees at MlT, Princeton, he solved the Challenger disaster, he ended up winning the Nobel Prize in Physics for his Feynman diagrams, describing the movement of subatomic particles.
To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin?
功績を称え 勲章を授与する
It is my honor to award you with this commendation.
今までの功績を すべて消して
I want history to erase your every achievement.
戦争功労賞 マラバー戦線にて戦死
War hero, recently killed Malabar front.
ー 守りたいのは仕事の功績だろ
Killing changes you.
ただ 1 人の功績によるものです
The credit goes solely to
Yet this information is largely a secret.
過去数年間のストッダードの 功績は偉大ですが
Considering what the Stoddards have been to the sport in the past few years.
この勝利はわしの... セオデンの功績ではない
It was not Thà oden of Rohan who led our people to victory.
本日 2級特別功労賞を 遺贈される
Today awarded posthumous Order of Conspicuous Merit 2nd class.
私は コスティガン刑事を 功労賞に推薦します
I'm recommending William Costigan for the Medal of Merit.
His accomplishments should be written in large letters.
トムは 社内で一番の売り上げ成績で賞をもらった
Tom got an award for the highest sales at his company.
The government's economic policy is credited for Japan's postwar economic success.
それは バイエルンのルードウィグ王の功績です 彼は19世紀に
Greek and Roman antiquities, and that's all thanks to Prince Ludwig of Bavaria, who in the early 19th century said he wanted to found a collection of antique works of sculpture, because, as he said, we must also have in Munich what in Rome is known as a museum.
圧する事は出来ません ヒアリング ヴォイシズ運動 の功績は
You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore.
君が我が国にもたらした 功績に感謝する
I want to thank you for what you have done for our country.
They claimed credit for tax reduction.
We form people into groups and make them go into challenges.
Conflict is the genesis of creation.
その功績によって 法学部の最終学年のときに
But so many over the years were helped.
不和を修復しました 喜んで功績を分かち合い
He repaired injured feelings that might have escalated into permanent hostility.
すばらしい文章には 功績はすべて マルドゥクではなく
And so in Isaiah, we have the wonderful texts giving all the credit of this, not to Marduk but to the Lord God of Israel the Lord God of Israel who also called Cyrus by name, also takes Cyrus by the hand and talks of him shepherding his people.
モーガン刑事の功績です 事件を 署に認めさせました
it was detective morgan who brought these killings to the department's attention.
君を 功労賞に推薦しようと 考えているんだ
I just want you to know I'll be recommending you for the Medal of Merit.
理論的功績でもあります 生物学者たちの理論で
It's also the great theoretical triumph of biology.
自転車を速く走るようには出来る カナカダスの功績です
I can't change the condition of the road, but I can make the cycle run faster.
こいつは30年間の保護 勤務 涙 血 恐怖 功績を示す
It, and the 30odd years of protecting and serving and tears and the blood and terror and triumph it represents.
貴方はきっと... 多くの功績を彼に与えるだろうな!
You sure do give him a lot of credit!
Giotto is credited with sowing the seeds of the Italian Renaissance.
残した功績は数知れません 当時も今も彼の音楽は
Michael pioneered short films, music videos, broke down the color barrier at MTV.


関連検索 : 著名な功績賞 - 功績 - 功績 - 功労賞 - 功労賞 - 年功賞 - 受賞実績 - 賞と実績 - 成功実績 - 功績のある - 彼らの功績 - 特別功労賞 - 特別功労賞 - 成功した実績