"新興国で"の翻訳 英語に:

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新興国で - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Look, Bangladesh catching up with India.
中所得の国々 新興経済
This means that the world is converging.
中の下の所得の国は 新興国として
And these
先進国の仲間入りを果たそうとしている 新興国である 中国やブラジル
Another encouraging sign, I think, is that it's not just in the developed world that this idea's been taken up.
What will happen is economic growth.
つまり 新興市場でのターゲットは
It turns out they've got to fish where the fish are.
多くの方が 問題は新興経済国であるとしています 新興国が二酸化炭素を大量に排出しているのだと インドの環境大臣は言いました
And in the discussion I attended with global leaders, you know, many say now the problem is that the emerging economies, they are getting out too much carbon dioxide.
A new order will rise.
インドや中国などの新興国では 堅調な進歩が見られます しかし アフリカやラテンアメリカの国など それほど発展していない国では
In other parts of emerging countries, such as India and China, the progress has been good has been solid, has been good.
興味深い事に 他の国々では
Before, they were closed off.
新興市場の中の新興市場 と呼ぶのが流行りのようです すばらしい
Recently it has become very much in fashion to call women the emerging market of the emerging market.
1949年に 近代中国が興り
中国語で 花嫁(新娘) は 新しい母 おっと
happiness in Chinese literally means fast joy. Huh!
The country is excited tonight.
He was excited by nationalistic sentiment.
第三帝国の興亡 を著した記者です
The worst interview I ever did William L. Shirer.
And if you're ever interested in a new vehicle,
Because it really matters who speaks life.
英国科学振興協会では 会員が自分の
And for the first time, they gave women a foot in the door of science.
何故なら 非常に多くの国々が 関係する問題だからです いくつかの国は新興市場であり いくつかの国は収入の低い 発展途上国だからです
We want something that's relatively cheap, or cost effective, because there's an awful lot of countries involved, and some of them are emerging markets, some of them emerging countries, low income.
私たちの1人は不在で そこで夕食時の会話で 気づいたのは 先進国や新興都市であれば
At least once a week, one of us would be gone, and we noticed in our converstaions over dinner, that we realized that we could travel anywhere in the developed world, and in aspirational developing cities and we could walk into our home, through to the kitchen and know exactly where the knifes and forks were.
英国科学振興協会を含む 新たな多くの団体の 結成を支援しました 新しい団体では 会員は現役の研究者で
The members of the philosophical breakfast club helped form a number of new scientific societies, including the British Association.
経済成長の大部分は 発展途上の 新興国によるものなので この経済圏は容易に
And given that projections are that the bulk of economic growth over the next 15 years will come from emerging economies in the developing world, it could easily overtake the United States and become the largest economy in the world.
I was so thrilled to find an interview with the great Russian writer,
新たな力が 興ろうとしておる
A new power is rising.
新社会主義の国ベトナムでは 笑い
And they were not used to that in communist 2.0 Vietnam.
You are interested in a career in foreign relations.
You're interested in a career in foreign relations, aren't you?
それでだけでなく国際開発や国際紛争 新興技術の責任ある利用から さらに第二の超大国の台頭まで この他にも非常に沢山のテーマを
We focus primarily on the planet's environment, but we also address issues of global development, international conflict, responsible use of emerging technologies, even the rise of the so called Second Superpower and much, much more.
南アフリカ共和国です 最近行ったので この国の問題のいくつかに ちょっとは通じていますからね ここは人口4千5百万の 新興国で
What I mean by that, and let me use this example, the country of South Africa, because I was just there, therefore I'm a little bit familiar with some of the challenges they have.
We were going to make a new country.
お前の 新帝国だと
Your new empire?
And agriculture is where food comes from.
1871年の普仏戦争を経て誕生した 新生ドイツ帝国です その新生ドイツ帝国は
You have a newly born German Empire out of the Franco Prussian War in 1871.
国際的な復興基金が必要だ と いいアイデアです
What we need is an international reconstruction fund
シンガポールは中国語では 新加坡 という
Singapore is called Xīnjiāpō in Chinese.
経済力の変移からはじまります あなた方も既に 新興国が外交政策を進め
Now that begins with economic power, but that's the way it always begins.
科学者はこれにも同意しています 新興国の人々の収入が 今の5倍になり
They're all going to consume twice as much as they currently do scientists, again, agree because income is going to grow in developing countries five times what it is today on global average, about 2.9 .
I am kind of interested in foreign films.
国が分裂し 分離し 興隆し 衰退し
It turns out there's now about 192.
中国は復興し 政府は言いました
It was central planning by Mao Tse Tung.
新しい駅です 中国はすでに世界中のどの国よりも
This is the new Wuhan railway station for the high speed trains.
さらに新機軸が加わります この実に興味深い 新しいサイトは Technorati です
Now, they're more innovative well, Google's pretty innovative but there are some new twists on this.
Chapter 15 is more of a performance piece.
Are you interested in foreign languages?


関連検索 : 新興国 - 新興国 - 新興国 - 新興国 - 新興大国 - 新興工業国 - 新興国通貨 - 新興工業国 - 新興工業国 - 新興工業国 - 新興市場国 - 新興工業国 - 新興市場国 - 新興工業国