"極地"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

極地 - 翻訳 :
キーワード : Mountaineering Lore Extreme Climate

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

The Far East.
And so that's what we've done with this ship.
ボストーク基地, 南磁極
Vostok Station, S Magnetic Pole
WOMAN ( on PA ) International Airlines System
地球の歴史上何度も起きています 北極が南極に 南極が北極に 地磁気が逆転します
Believe it or not, this happens every few hundred thousand years, and has happened many times in our history.
Heaven and hell exist in the hearts of man.
For Extreme Mountaineering Lore.
The Arctic is the area round the North Pole.
国際航空システム 極地横断線
( electric shaver buzzing ) International Airlines System Trans Polar Service flight number 102 for the Scandinavian cities in Europe now departing from Gate 88.
Polar bears live in the Arctic.
The aurora is a phenomenon characteristic of the polar regions.
俺は 南極の基地送りに 三千
I'll bet 1,000 that she'll send JoonPyo to Alaska tomorrow morning.
北極熊は極地の氷原に住んでいるのだが 生息地を失い 絶滅するであろう
The polar bear, which lives on the polar ice cap, will lose its home and die out.
南極は 地球の最南端の大陸で
Okay, what about Antarctica?
地表は極寒ですが 地表での生存は可能です
Cold as hell down there, but she'd survive on the surface.
北極と南極があるおかげで わたしたちの地球があるのです 両方の極域は
But despite being inhospitable, the North and South Pole are a big reason why our planet is the way it is.
しかし 極地域に湖を発見することができました タイタンの南極地域にある湖です
So again, it got puzzling that there were no bodies of fluid, until finally, we saw lakes in the polar regions.
カナダ北極圏やアメリカ そして欧州北極圏 それら地域の食生活と
It isn't just there that this happens, but in a natural diet of some communities in the Canadian arctic and in the United States and in the European arctic, a natural diet of seals and whales
極地の水は凍りつき 地球の果てができました
Heat from within made geysers erupt that is how the oceans were born.
南極海沿岸の 米国最大の補給基地 マクマード基地から
Their entire camp, every item of gear, was ferried 885 miles from McMurdo Station, the main U.S. supply base on the coast of Antarctica.
He explored the region around the South Pole.
A meteorologist
From the Institute of Polar Research Sent over as the ice scientist
They fly south from the arctic region.
極低温保存ポッドは 地球に戻る3日間
The cryogenic protection pod is designed to put you into a deep sleep for...
それで 北極海の北極点で より早い熱の蓄積がなされます 北極は通常 地球上の他の地域 よりこの影響を多く受けます
So there is a faster buildup of heat here, at the North pole, in the Arctic Ocean, and the Arctic generally than anywhere else on the planet.
地球のイオン圏と相互作用していたのです 彼が聞いていたのは 私たちが地球の南極 北極で
It was a solar wind interacting with our ionosphere that he was listening to a phenomena which we can see at the extreme northern and southern latitudes of our planet as the aurora.
南極は地球上で最も寒く 標高が高く
Geographic Pole
I think it's atrocious.
縮尺した地図です 赤線が 南極点への往路
It will take us about four months to make this return journey.
地球の南極が熱帯地方より暑いくらいに 不思議なことです
It's the hottest place on the planet, on the body.
It's a bit like this imagine that we'd only ever encountered Euclidean space.
極地にも棲みました 穴に暮らす鳥もいます
We now know them today from the ice caps.
南極の陸地表面のように 極端な低温にまでは 下がらないのです 第三に 季節も南極に影響を及ぼします
This prevents temperatures in the Arctic regions from reaching the extremes typical of the land surface of Antarctica.
You two really underdo it.
北極と南極の極冠です 最近の画像です
We believe there's some water in the polar caps, there are polar caps of North Pole and South Pole.
メキシコ湾に集まり やがて北極各地に飛び立ちます
They breed in the High Arctic, and they winter down in southern South America.
Magnetic Pole
Polar Chart
Top Secret


関連検索 : 接地電極 - 接地電極 - 接地電極 - 極東地域 - 接地電極 - 南極地域 - 接地電極 - 極地の氷冠 - 両極端の土地 - 究極の地平線 - 極秘 - 磁極 - 極右 - 南極