"歯科解剖学"の翻訳 英語に:

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歯科解剖学 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

大学で言えば アドバイザーに 解剖学は 終わった科学だよ と
I had a college adviser tell me, when I went to the college and said,
I don't want to say a five year old should be allowed to consent to sex or consent to marry.
And I memorized everything.
Since you seem to know so much about anatomy, Ms...
リスター結節 解剖学的嗅ぎタバコ窩
Palpate the radial styloid Lister's tubercle the anatomic snuff box the scapholunate junction,
You're going to do that autopsy?
Now, this was made from a life cast of Brad.
解剖学的な 違いはないんだ
Between, say, a Cromagnon and us.
外科医を目指していました 解剖学に興味があって 動物の 解剖には好奇心を駆り立てられました
I was pre med at the time, and I thought I would become a surgeon because I was interested in anatomy and dissecting animals really piqued my curiosity.
解剖学を研究する 比較生物学者です
That is, I'm not a clinician,
歯科解剖学上 骨から生肉を削ぐためでも 繊維質な葉を何時間も噛むためのものではないからです
Because our dental anatomy is actually made, not for tearing down raw meat from bones or chewing fibrous leaves for hours.
解剖学に少し 興味があるの と
Twenty years ago,
次に解剖学的ランドマーク 目印 である 肘頭
Next palpate anatomic landmarks.
ペンシルバニア大学の歯科学の マルグリット マッジオ博士と 手がけたものです 彼女の仕事のひとつは 歯科学の学生に
The second example I want to tell you about comes from a collaboration I have with Dr. Margrit Maggio at the Penn Dental School.
I dissected a frog once.
解剖学の歴史です 専門は歴史なので
As the one hat, I do history of anatomy.
疑似科学だの ミステリーサークルだの エイリアンの解剖だの 幽霊屋敷だの 惨事が扱われますが
There's pseudo science, crop circles, alien autopsy, haunted houses, or disasters.
歯科医 キム ビョンス 歯科医としての成功はー
Yes, demand is growing. I headed to Gangnam to meet a man who has experienced these fake funerals before. He's a dentist, well known in his field.
My parents are dentists
It's a woman. You can see the hair.
I can't do this autopsy.
逆行解析は 法律や科学 医学
Well, it means don't drink and drive.
And the goal of the program is to
There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does.
I'm just a dentist.
And he's a dentist!
You need to do the autopsy.
発症率を上げている 男女間の解剖学的違いはあるのでしょうか 解剖学の説明では 一筋縄にいきません
Is there any obvious anatomic difference between men and women to account for this dramatic difference in the incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis, its higher incidence in women?
医学生は検体なしで 解剖を経験することができます そして この解剖台の形が重要です
So with this Anatomage Table, students can experience the dissection without a human cadaver.
Bernard's a dentist...
And this is a person who is alive.
OK これが解剖台です
Here's a little video that should be going.
解剖はまだだが ヤケドの... .
We haven't opened him up yet, but burn marks...
The autopsy will tell us. Excuse me.
フィンランドは よく 数学 科学 読解力のランクで
Now, it doesn't have to be that way. It really doesn't.
With the patient prone complete testing of active range of motion with leg extension.
ここでは 歯科医や
And so, as a result, some crazy things have happened.
解剖学的特定を行います このきれいな縁取りを
So this is where experts come in and they make basic anatomic assignments.
次に解剖学的ランドマークを触診します 母指球 舟状骨結節
Next palpate landmarks the thenar eminence, the scaphoid tubercle, the hypothenar eminence,
まあ ある意味 解剖とも
No. Well, yes. Well, in, in a manner of speaking.
The dentist pulled out her bad tooth.
科学に基づいた プレゼンをし 歯磨きとフロスをしないと
They had a low fear population, where they basically gave them a 13 minute presentation, all based in science, but told them that, if you didn't brush and floss your teeth, you could get gum disease.


関連検索 : 外科解剖学 - 解剖学的解剖 - 解剖学 - 外科解剖 - 解剖学的 - 解剖学者 - 解剖 - 解剖 - 歯科医学 - 歯科美学 - 歯科学生 - 歯科大学 - 歯科学校 - 歯科大学