"独裁政権"の翻訳 英語に:

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  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Well, we survived, but democracy did not.
しかし同時に ベラルーシでは独裁政権
That did end up with vulnerable people in Afghanistan being exposed.
Myanmar is ruled by a military dictatorship.
政府の本質は 独裁的で 権威主義的で
And that regime that we got rid of was actually a dictatorship, an authoritarian regime, that for decades created a great sense of paralysis within the nation, within the people themselves.
彼が政権について以来 野蛮な独裁政権が 続いているのです
His brutal dictatorship has been perpetrating since he took power.
多分 問題はこの土地の独裁政権なんだ
But when I saw that, I said,
There was also Latin America.
Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.
The dictatorship came under fire for its human rights record.
ポルトガルのサラザール政権 ギリシャの独裁政権の 反対派の活動家のために 偽造文書を作成しました
My father made false papers for the dissidents against Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, against the colonels' dictatorship in Greece, and even in France.
Human rights groups are putting pressure on authoritarian governments.
独裁政権に傾倒するのでしょうか 東アジアモデルが理由の一つです
So why do economists fall in love with authoritarian governments?
独裁政権からの 検閲要求に応じています あるいは 企業は
Or they're responding to censorship requests by authoritarian regimes that do not reflect consent of the governed.
They were asking for democracy they were asking for freedom.
ほとんどの独裁政権は 情報の真空の中で運営されています
And first it's quite simple.
政治的な選択がその仕組みの中にあり 神権政治でも軍事独裁政権でもなく 民主主義は投票する際の
But to get to that stage, where democracy builds the fabric of society and the political choices within that fabric, but are certainly not theocratic and military dictatorship i.e. you're voting in a democracy, in an existing democracy, and that democracy is not merely one of the choices at the ballot box.
圧政 汚職 横領などの根源は今だ残ったままです 40年にわたるカダフィの独裁政権
However, Gaddafi left behind a heavy burden, a legacy of tyranny, corruption and seeds of diversions.
1980年代に 独裁政権によって経済が 支配されていた国もあります
Some of these economies were ruled by authoritarian governments in the 60s and 70s and 1980s.
The dictator arrogated judicial powers to himself.
Brazil radicalized very strongly.
What are qualities of a Bulgarian work?
The dictator abused his privileges to his heart's content.
独裁権力も羨むような 力を感じながら
And there on the table we took her, in turns.
独裁政権から民主主義へと社会が移行した67の事例のうち 独裁政権から民主主義へと社会が移行した67の事例のうち 50件は非暴力戦略が鍵となりました
If you look at the last 35 years and different social transitions, from dictatorship to democracy, you will see that, out of 67 different cases, in 50 of these cases it was nonviolent struggle which was the key power.
経済成長の面で 独裁政権が民主主義より機能したという 主張の根拠は
If you look at the statistical evidence worldwide, there's really no support for the idea that authoritarian governments hold a systematic edge over democracies in terms of economic growth.
独裁政治であるというのは言うまでもありません 動的には独裁政治からより民主主義の方向へ
Statically, China is a one party system, authoritarian there's no question about it.
この国や近隣地域の人々が 独裁主義政権を打倒し 自由で豊かな社会を築く
It's incredible to be here in Libia and so inspiring to see the people of this country and those in the regions around to be able to overcome authoritarian regimes and to now have an opportunity to create free and prosperous societies.
これほど多くの独裁政権が崩壊した理由を 考えたことがありますか チェコスロバキア 東ドイツ
Have you asked yourselves why and how so many dictatorships have collapsed over the last 30 years?
悪名高い独裁者は 思う存分特権を乱用した
The notorious dictator abused his privileges to his heart's content.
選挙は貴族政治なので 小数独裁政治だと分かっていました
I'll show you.
内戦 人種間の紛争 独裁政治 疫病等々で 内戦 人種間の紛争 独裁政治 疫病等々で 脆弱な立場に置かれています
Add in the increased vulnerability of very large numbers of people in the developing world, caused by civil wars, ethnic conflicts, kleptocratic governments, disease ... you name it, you know it.
そして ほとんどのアフリカの政府は独裁的ですから
You have to pay the army and the police to show law and order.
独裁政権と同じくらい 失敗例もあります 韓国に対して北朝鮮は成功していません
For each of these successful authoritarian governments in East Asia, there's a matched failure.
そして他人の権利を犯す人々 独裁者のいない世界
Imagine for a moment
カダフィの残忍な独裁政権を糾弾することによって 彼らは結束の強さを教えてくれました
They have shown an exemplary bravery in confronting the brutal dictatorship of Gaddafi.
沢山あるイスラムの運動は どれも独裁主義になりがちで いくつかの 俗にいうところの イスラム政権
And it is no secret that many Islamic movements in the Middle East tend to be authoritarian, and some of the so called Islamic regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and the worst case was the Taliban in Afghanistan they are pretty authoritarian.
教授 ゴア政権であれ ブッシュ政権であれ
Al Gore or George Bush,
I will not trade one dictatorship for another!
所詮は シスの独裁だ
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Then I guess that makes it a dictatorship.
1997年に突然軍部が政権を握り アバチャ将軍の独裁が始まりました 植民地時代以降で最悪の時代です
And so it's really it's really how suddenly, you know, this was made in 1997, which is the time of Abacha the military dictatorship, the worst part of Nigerian history, this post colonial history.
The world is fucked up.
Cossacks, what are you doing? Where are you going, brothers?
その個人はシーザーだけど 強権を持って 独裁したでしょ そうだが
Harvey, the last man that they appointed to protect the republic was named caesar and he never gave up his power. okay, fine.
そして革命を経て移行期間にあるアラブ諸国の人々は みんな政府に過剰な期待をしている 長い間 独裁政権下にあったので
The Egyptian people, and many other Arabs who've revolted and are in transition, have very high expectations of the government.


関連検索 : 独裁的権力 - 独裁 - 独裁 - 独裁 - 独裁ルール - 独裁者 - 独裁者 - 独裁者 - 独裁者 - ナチ独裁